King's second element

Wang's second chapter 302

"... Archer, take care!"

Saber is entangled, but she looked at the satellite, protecting Master, withdraw!

So, Saber took the satenthorant, and puts the whole person in the shoulder, and the wind is the same.

"Well, now we can seriously fight."

Red A urgently returned two steps, rotated with a double-edged wrist, and the expression was serious about Sasaki Xiaolang.

"If you want to leave, then leave something something."

Sasaki Xiaolang is a big knife, and the blood on the red A is falling on the ground, and the bright red glare splatled on the ground.

"Is the mother fox told you to snipe me?"

Saber and Wei Shi Lang have left, and Red A is not anxious to fight Sasaki Xiaolang, and some slowly said to Sasaki Xiaolang.

"What is it? Isn't it?"

Sasaki Xialairo looks like red A.

"If it is the mother fox told you to snipe me, then explain what kind of person is hit, otherwise, she will definitely have to come out to kill me ~ If not, it will not have this possibility."

The red A eyes flashed with a wise light, the blue sky, the sea, the genuine blazing seven round rings!

Red A After seeing this treasure, I thoroughly determined the guess in my heart, yes, the man really talented with the caster.

"Oh, Archer, take the hit I will leave, you can leave here."

Sasaki Xialairo did not follow the red A, continued to derive the topic, but the rumor turned, put the big too much knife in his hand into the scabbard.

"Take the knife ...?"

Red A eyes are slightly smashed, and he instinctively detects a dangerous breath.

"Secret Sword · Yan!"

Sasaki Xiaolang instantly out of the knife ...


Red A shouted in the heart of Sasaki Xiaolang.

"With the name of the spell, Archer, appearing in front of me."

Far away from the far away, the expression is a right, and it does not hesitate to consume a spell on his back.

Only two bright red engraved prints on the back of the hand have been burned, and the figure of red A is faded out of the temple of Caster, and the cursing power is unable to stop even if it is Caster construction. Unless she can control her in advance. Master magician.

"... is there any?"

Sasaki Xialairo looked at the scene of the eyes, and smiled.

"Leave a spell, successfully completed the task of the mother fox ... Oh, the mother fox should be with the king, you should hear, you should not hear this rude Speech ~ "

Sasaki Xiao Lang went to the door of the temple, holding a comfortable posture to sit down.

Far in the farmhouse.

"ARHCER, what happened?"

The distant expression is serious.

"Caster guys can be determined, she and the hero king have been together. Also, Caster also summoning Assassin, 2.9 fairly tricky universities, and the ASSAssin in general, simply It seems to be Saber or a Samurai! "

Red A expression is dignified, just, he has made him call him with a spell, that is because he did not grasp the "Yan return" that he didn't grasp Sasaki Xiaolang.

"At the same time, the first knife is clearly attacked my neck. The second knife seals the retreat of my situation, the third knife seals, I will see the retreat from the side, three knives in the same Time to form an approximately three-angled knife line cage ... but if you use a bow, you should be able to kill him. "

The red A eyes flashed in dangerous light, and he is not fighting, he is not the opponent of Sasaki Xiaolang.

Chapter 342 Manufacturing Xiaosheng Cup

A stone block near the Willow Temple Mountain.

In the temple built in Caster, the successful shot of the satellite, Saber and Red A, Gilgamesh and Caster conducted a night.

In the morning, Gilgamen came out from the stone block, and the "strong wind" power was used to move to the Einsburren castle in the suburbs of winter wood.

When Gilgamesh walked into the AIDs Belen Castle, the two battle maids and Li J J J J J Jie showed in front of Gilgamesh, as for the reasons ... Of course because The castle came to invaders, and they nature as a battle maid was to appear in front of the invader.

However, after the two fighting maids have found that the invaders are Gilgamesh, Li Jielite did not say this, only silently recovered the weapon, why did you go, and Saraz is otherwise.

"I said, can you take the main entrance? You make me very troubles like this!"

The unpleasant appearance of Saira, even as a human man, but Sara's personality basically and the ordinary human, there is no difference in human beings, and the rich emotional system makes Sera to Gilgamesh initially patted her ass. Revenge.

"The maid, this king is the owner of this castle, who wants to go? Do you want you to say your hand?"

Gilgamesh came from Saira, tone with a slight satirica.

"You !! You are not the owner of this castle!"

Sai La said that this time is really short, she is not stupid, it is not difficult to see from Gilgamesh and Alice Phil, Gilgamesh has also been with Alice Phil, Then the relationship between Gilgamesh and Eliya is naturally a family. It is necessary to say that Gilgamesh is the owner of the castle without a slightest issue.

"It's a naughty maid."

Gilgamene slammed the helpless expression, shaking his head, sighed.

What should I do if my child is naughty? hit! What should I do? Reason! Of course, it is naturally not to talk about the strength gap between Gilgamesh and Serra.

Gilgamesh took a light pace to take care of the leather sofa of this, then sitting on it. After sitting, Gilgamesh hooks his finger with the Celera.


The Sarah has not yet been exported. She discovered the place where her body was uncontrolled, and her body was not allowed to walk toward Gilgamesh.

"You, what do you want?"

The look of Saira is a little panic. If Gilgamesh is the enemy, it is, Sierra is not to show such a panic, but Gilgamesh can't be an enemy, while in the eyes of Sera Gilgamesh is also a very abhorrent guy.

"Of course, you have to let the king's maid, know how to respect your owner."

The Gilgamens should say to the panic Saira.

After Serra walks to Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh controls the body of Serra, take the initiative to take the appearance of the exquisite pose to sit on the sofa. Gilgamesh's double Above the leg.

Reallorate into the maid skirt, Gilgamesh pulled a piece of cloth from the maid skirt, and then the right hand began a repetition movement of the fall, and the rumor was awkward ... The voice of the end of the palm of the meat was in this hall. thorough.

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