King's second element

Wang's second chapter 285

Red A For the far-sighted answer, it can only shrug your shoulders. After all, he is not the will of the master of MASTER.

"hero King……"

The distant sickness of the eyes ... Her hands can't help but slow grip.


After night.

After dinner, the Fujiun Da River will go home after the meal.

At the rattle of Fujicun, Saber just looked at the Palace and didn't say much, but she is known.

If she is a knight, she can't hear the obsceneous bloody flavor of the Basher's body. Then Saber Knight is white.

However, after the vines and rivers left, Saber still didn't wait until the satellite himself, said that the Saber was very unpleasant. Today, the joy of eating in the daytime and Gilgamesh, was gone by the satellite.

What should I do if I am not happy? Very simple, by training the name of the satellite, Saber pulls the satellite who has just recovered.

Then, the satellite-free swordsmanly could have been punished. This is a unilaterally hit.

Until the time reached 10 o'clock, Saber was put through the boutique scales.

"So Morng, you still don't plan to tell me what happened to you today?"

Dear look at the satellite, Saber is finally broken directly.

"What happened? Nothing happened ~ Oh, right, Saber us for future approach ..."

The expression of Saber suddenly changed, and the eyes of the eyes let the satellite who want to transfer the topic.

Chapter 323 Oscarbelt (First, Subscription)

"Well, ok, it is not right, I will be my wrong, so please don't look at me with such a strict expression ..."

The satellite is yet.

"So, please say it."

Saber's expression is slightly slow ~

The watersho will also say all the things encountered after 151.

"That is to say, you want to call me with a spell, but the other's attack makes you unable to summon me, is it?"

"Well, no mistake is right, just like this."

The satellite is like a chicken, jean.

"Shiro, when you want to summon me, please don't be a distraction, I can definitely, you will definitely don't really want to summon me, you want to solve the dilemma alone."

"Hey? But I am really ..."

"Those who have passed, I no longer argue with you, Shi Mang asked you to assure me, the next one is dangerous, please summon me immediately."

Saber carefully looked at the satellite.

"... well, saber."

The satellite did not argue, and the old man affailed the words of Saber.

It is still very satisfied with Saber, so that the clothes on her head are swinging in a pleasant.

"That ... Shiro, before you go to rest ... Today, I have dinner with the hero Wang, and those foods are ..."

"Hey !!! It turned out to be the hero king, the guy is really money, I said that so delicious cuisine will come from, it turns out that the hero king bought you,, that The guy is too humble. "

"No, you listen to me ..."

"It is clear that it is necessary to use violent means to force uniform, now actually play the feelings, ah !! This hero king is really inspirable, it is evil!"


"Saber! If the hero king is coming to ask you to eat, please don't save him, those are super-luxury food, um, remember to bring me a little more ..."

"Shi Mang! It's enough !!"


The next day, morning.

"So I am gone, trouble, you hopes Saber ... Oh, if the hero king, please ask you, don't hesitate to slaughter him!"

The satellite who just came out of the gate didn't seem to have thought of it, and immediately stretched back, and added it to Saber.

"... I know, then Mi Mng please be careful in the school, I want to attack your Master, I will not give up, there is danger, please summon me!"

"Well, just like this, goodbye, Saber."

The satellite leaves.

It took a few minutes before the front of the satellite.

"Hey ~ Miss Alto Lili, I don't know if the king is able to share with the beautiful Altolia Miss."

"What are you waiting for, hero king, take the way!"

Saber got the Shuishi Maslan's head of Master, there would be a psychological pressure, and immediately agreed to Gilgamesh.

This makes Gilgamesh, it is stunned, almost did not react, but then Gilgamesh did not understand, and didn't think about it. The woman's heart is difficult.

Gilgamesh and Saber's day cuisine are re-expanded.

In the Punx Group Original Park.

After the waters, the satellite went into his classroom ...

Just saw the Tong Shen 2 that is talking with the students, then there is a fire in the brain.

"Cautious !!! Your guy !!!"

"Hey, isn't this a good guy? What is the morning? So strong?"

Duan Tong Shen two seems to have nothing happened, but also ridiculous to the satellite.

Even if the satellite is how old is the old good person, Yesterday, his life can be done in the end of Tong Shen two. It's not a small life. Yesterday's left eye is really stabbed! If it is not a car lotus sauce, it is now an eye-catching man now.

"You ... Your guy dares to say !?"

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