King's second element

Wang's second chapter 271

So Serra's name was suppressed, so this ... this should have a harsh sound, it seems that some are not very taste.

Take a shot.

The bright red five fingers are now on the white meat of Sara, and the tears of the sedra hurts.

However, the tears are coming soon, and another mouth seems to have already come out to 'tears'.

"It's really a woman who is shameful."

Gilgamesh double-pointed, ticking the 'tears', double finger and put it in front of Serra.

Saira suffered a double strike of Gilgamesh body and soul, and Cera was in a state.

At this time, Li Jieli has appeared in black tea.

"Saira ... live."

Li Jieli did not leave the tricks, Sarah was hit.

At noon, Gilgamesh has a lunch with Eliz Belen Castle and Eliya.

"This king wants to go shopping in the school, and you will stay in the school. Allow you stay here and Alice."

Gilgamesh's words Alice Phil is unconditionally, and Eliya after I saw Alice Phil, that is, completely dispelled that I have to find the farmland and the width of the Guyong Shi Lang together to deal with Gilgamesh. Thinking.

"The Holy Grail War, will you kill the Berserker?"

Before Gilgamesh left, Eliya asked Gilgamesh.

"Your pet? The Holy Grail war, if the king wants, you can summon the Great Saint Cup now."

Gilgamesh is so anshed, let Eliya nodded.

After I see Alice Phil, Iims Beellen castle gave Iliya mission?

Oh, that is what is the stuff, Iliya is ready to invest in Gilgamesh, and then stayed with Alice Phil.

Blood is much more powerful than the power of hate.

Chapter 310 Three people

Punquulture Park.

After a little visited the teaching building, the time quickly arrived at noon.

People can't eat, the empty stomach is the enemy!

Fortunately, even if the rest day, the Small Save of Yunqun's original school is still open.

After bought some food with a lot of money, it was casually copened that the trip to the campus of Saber was again launched.

The end time of the bow is 5 o'clock in the afternoon.

Fujicun Da River has clearly told Wei Shi Lang through the preliminary hamper, and today I don't go home with her, and the consequences know themselves.

Shuishi Lang naturally dares not.

"Here is a large-scale wood forest behind the school building. The outer tab is approximately three hundred to six hundred square meters. In fact, there is a possibility that the enemy's frontal playground is, because the inside is the relationship of the mountain is idle."

The satellite came to the school hill with Saber.


Saber also assumed some magical traces from the middaw woods in this hill, but it seems that intentional erase, can't detect why people stayed.

It should be far away, the Saber is secretly guess.

"247 So Master, there is nothing to visit here, what do you take here?"

No one, orphanless, Saber is not a cold for this academic garden, and it is also a bit that it is a bit when the teaching building is, and this hill can be ignored.

"Hey ... I don't know why I will take you here ..."

The satellite's consciousness will come out.


Saber's line of sight is quite glare.

"Oh, oh, this is not Saber, I meet again."


"To be honest, I don't want to see you guys."

"It's a loveless woman, yesterday we also ..."

"Shut up, hero king, now it is daytime, if you want to fight, wait until the night!"

The comer is naturally Gilgamesh, leaving the love of Zbelen castle, Gilgamesh came to the Punx Group's original school. As for why it is from the back of the school, it is pure.

"I will not come here because I have a sense of my heart, will I meet this guy?"

The satellite is whispering, some sweat.

"Hey, the sashimi, what are you doing here?"

Gilgamesh hands inserted in pants pockets, and his ignorant of ignorant, an anger value is being rising.

"Hey? I am visiting the school with Saber."

The Shundi Lang replied again.

This is said that it is a strong enemy in the heart of the Palace. This blonde man is a strong enemy. How do you not do this?

"Visit the school, just, the waters, the team of the school, add this king?"


"Shiro !?"

Can this refuse? Even if Gilgamesh is an enemy, but last night ... well is the early morning, when in the face of Berserker, who gave the widow of the satellite courage?

It is Gilgamesh, the sake of the satellite of the satellite, is unbreakable.

"Well, Saber, let's visit the next place, the hero king?"

"Well, you will take a way, you will take the way, this king."

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