King's second element

Wang's second chapter 263

In addition to advancement in Berserker's mind, it is still advancing. It is really too reckless.

Chapter 302 Ilia Returned

But also, even if you avoid, you can't avoid the attack of Gilgamesh, the sky.

The Berserker can do, and only a family survive will fight, then wait until approaching, then give Gilgamesh to a knife.

Can't arrive.

Berserker's brave won't get any report, just as a target to end his life.

Gilgamesh clearly realized this, so when he ended behind Berserker, Gilgamesh's footsteps did not move.

The atmosphere of the entire scene has become strange in Gilgamesh and Berserker.

A giant who doesn't know that back and evaders, ahead of death, resurrection, advancement.

The mentality of the Wei Shi Lang and the far-fry at this time has also happened.

Originally, when they face Berserker, they also wanted to solve this terrible monster.

After watching the picture of Kilgamesh monk killing the Berserker, they thought, I want to get the victory of the Holy Grail War, I must first solve the terrible enemy of Gilgamesh, one person is absolute. It is impossible to resist the existence of Gilgamesh.


Far, I looked at the satellite next to the satellite.

Although the Personal Personal Power of the Magician is not good, there is a Saber in him.

And I am looking at my own party, there is a red A.

Unlike Eliya, set the strength of three servant, perhaps with Gilgamesh positive confrontation.

"Hey, big hero, do you only know how no brain charge? This combat is unilaterally killing, but very boring."

At this time, Gilgamesh is again terminated once again.

Berserker has two ordered.


Responding to Gilgamesh is not a speech, just like a wild beast.

"After the berserker, the brain is not good? Hey, this king also expects you this half-god, Iliya, but also let your pet and the king continue to fight? He really Will die. "

Gilgamesh is a song, and the lock of the sky appears.

The lock of the sky is in the void, the chain will be strictly strictly bound by the Berserker.

The chain is tied to the hands of the Berserker to distort the incomplete direction.

Wrapped in the lock chain of the whole body never tightened, even if the head like the rock is also like the force to be stranded.

As a son of Zeus, a half of the gods.

The lock of the sky is extremely superior to the binding ability of Berserker.

" ..."

Only two live Berserker were bound by Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh's eyes gazing Eliya, he was waiting for Eliya's answer.

There is no doubt if you continue to fight, Berserker is definitely killed by Gilgamesh, but because Alice Phil is the relationship, Gilgamesh does not want to kill Eliya pets.


Iliya's double red eyelid became more popular at this moment, and saw the various wedge Berserker, Aliya, who was smashed by Gilgamens, lifted his neck.

"Berserker, I will end this today."


It seems to respond to Eliya, which is still quietly struggled.


After a referring, Gilgamesh recovered the lock of the sky.

After Berserker was released, he did not take back to the Gilgamesh, and he waved the sawtooth big knife in Gilgamens, and it seems to be demonstrated and seem to tell Gilgamesh. He did not accept.


Gilgamesh disdainful, if it is a great god, Hercules, maybe Gilgamesh will take care of it seriously. At this time, Berserker ... wants to fight against Gilgamesh, Tianfang Night Tan.

Stepping on the rumble, beerker turned his head, walking toward Iliya.

"Big, big brother, it seems that you have won tonight, but Iliya will not be so good."

Berserker came to Iliya, and I took Eliya in his big hand, then put it on your shoulders.


What I want to say to Iliya, but Ilia is a face that shoots Berserker, and the Berserker leaving Eliya.

"Ah,,, do you still do it now to contact Iliya and a Bao Gong teenager to deal with this king?"

It seems to have seen wearing a distant mind, Gilgamesh hands in the pocket, laughing, walked to the front of it.

At this time, Red A has also returned to the far side of the world, of course, is in a spiritualized gesture.

"... If it is the hero king, even if you know that we want to join you, will you make a small means?"

Differently, there is no cover, open the door to see the mountain to Gilgamesh.

"Hey, you and time you and the minister are not like a ah. If it is the time, he will be confident to this king, actually thinking about how to deal with this king, what to say Hello. "

Gilgamesh made me very troubled, raised his hand knocked his eyebrow.

"If you have a great hero king, should you be afraid of your opponent?"

Far from Gilgamet 2.2.

"It's a beautiful lips."

Gilgamesh walked to the front of it, reached out and pinned the lower chin.

At this moment, in the eyes of the farther, it flashes a panic, but it will soon be strong.

"Hero king! Let go of the far away, if you want to fight, I will accompany you."

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