King's second element

Wang's second chapter 253

As for the grievance of Eli, it is not that the past is not?

"He said, then, let's start playing ~"

The crisp sound of Ilian is very pleasing, but this is the beginning of the battle represents the beginning of the battle.

"Kill, beerker."

Ilia's voice fell, and her horror shaped body, the body is changing with color, originally dark muscle blocks, and suddenly a magma is generally red.

The air pressure of Berserker is crushed in the ground.

Sample of the horrible zigzag large knife is tightly held in the hand.

After the accumulation of the paragraph, the Berserker's eyes changed to the bright red.

Flying up, the giant body flew! !

The monster called Berserker, jumping from above the high slope towards the direction of more than 20 meters away.

"Shiro, step!!!"

Saber will be exchanged in the wear of the body in the moment of Berserker.

The invisible sword was gripped by Saber, and the Saber was touched for Berserker, Saber.

But at this time, Berserker is still in half empty, dozens of red rays shot to Berserker.

It's not Gilgamesh, but is a red A of the bow.

Chapter 293, this pot, you come back

Red A was finally on the line when she appeared in Berserker. He found the position suitable for shooting and started a sniper against Berserker.

As for why it doesn't attack Eliya, it is because Red A is still going to follow Master's will, far from the satellite, and the sately man is actually a type of person. When I face servant, I will not think about solve MASTER.

Flower arrows go toward the huge body of Berserker.

Silver light to shoot with a high-speed giant body, there is no doubt that attacks by 'arrow'.

It is like the fire of the machine gun, and the powerful rock plate that has been sent is likely to wear.

Red A continuously conducted eight levels of attacks, and if the positive confrontation, even the armored tanks should be broken down.

"How could ... there is no effect !?"

The wind smoke is dissipated, and the Berserker is still non-destructive. The degree of attack of Red A is completely injured in Berserker.

"Hey !!!!"

Berserker screamed, slamming his feet, killing it again to Gui ~ Palace.

It can be seen, the satellite ... back - the sauce of the satellite.

In this decade, Eliya was exhausted, magic transformation, the kind of opening and suturing the body ... not given a anesthetic, not coma ... From the initial expectation of his father, gradually derived It turned into a hate for your father.

Why, why do you still have to save me like this, why! ?

This is the initial hatred of Iliya's heart in the young age.

After that, with the gradual completion of physical transformation, the consciousness of the Holy Cup invaded Eliya's consciousness.

Black Eli-Phil, put the satellite refused the picture of the Holy Cup.

Looking at your father, I looked at my own head, and I looked at my father to kill my mother.

Iliya can persist from magic transformation to the end, that is because of hatred of the satellite.

She wants to go to the satellite to find a saying.

Just, when she participated in the war of the Holy Grail, she learned a news, the satellite was dead.

At first, Yili was still very lost, but she was soon learned that the Wei Shrine took a nursed child, named the satellite.

Wei Shi Lang, I can't find the satellite to ask, then I will go to the satellite, and the satellite should be used as a son, sharing the palace that should only belong to the father of Iliya. Shiro kills it! ! !

So, the present scene is that Saber starts a positive confrontation in order to protect the satellite and berserker.

That is the crazy collision of the sword to the sawtooth.

However, even if it is pressed by the Berserker's sword, Saber still does not make her swords slow.

Saber quickly rushed in this black night, light blue rays cooked to the road shadow.

Saber is obviously in a disadvantage in the near-game battle with Berserker, but she has not retired half.

The whirlwind sawtooth broke with a knock, and Saber took it under, bounced back, went down from the front.

Strong guardians, take the sword blade in her hands to guard the safety of the satellite.

Gilgamesh took a relatively safe watchpark when the battle broke out.

As far as I think, Gilgamesh did not do without a fight, even if Eliya is planning to do six.

I'm afraid to look at Gilgamesh, which is known. She is known, Gilgamesh is not worth it, I can only rely on my red A and Saber.

"Heroes king, don't you last?"

Standing on all the way lights, saila sauce was ignored by Gilgamesh.

"If the king will shoot, then they have no chance."

Gilgamesh wind is light and smile, he looked at the Saber in the battle with the Berserker.

Ah, the beautiful gesture, then the delicate is small, but it will not shrink when it is facing the strong enemy.

I really want to have always put this kind of Alto Alto.

"Archer, aid!"

In the case of Saber's swordshot, in a smart attack, the moment of the Berserker is pressed against the moment.

Respond to this, and then release the silver light from somewhere.

Silver is not in the middle of the temple of Berserker.

Cross the red A of the atmosphere, enough to match the chariot of the enemy.


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