King's second element

Wang's second chapter 125

Going back to the farmhouse, Gilgamesh has different past, and he can't use the flesh and blood. It can only enter the farmhouse as the ordinary people.

The living room of the Yuanka House, due to Gilgamesh, has been deflated as a stronghold in the remote house, when Gilgamesh enters into the living room.

Everyone in the living room has long been voted at the door.

"This king is coming back."

The general greessing, the next moment ushered a little Loli's flying.

In the embrace Tong Sakin, Gilgamesh sat on the leather sofa.

"If you want to ask, ask, in a few days, this king will leave."

Gilgamesh broke the silence first.

"Gill, the Holy Grail War is over? Where are you going?"

This is the problem of Soravi. In fact, people will ask questions, only Solavi and Far Sakai, the small Loli Tong Saki is basically not open after being brought back by Gilgamesh, there is no opening. It's just very sticky Gillamesh, when I heard Gilgamesh, I had to leave, and the small hands of Tongyang cherry did not help but grab the Gilgamesh's clothes.

"End, or have not ended, it will come back."

Gilgamesh knew that the evil of this world is just because the container is destroyed, this has to retreat, wait until the new container, the 'small Holy Cup' in Iliya, the new holy cup war Will start.

The shortest time has to exceed ten years, and Gilgamesh can be very determined.

"As for where the king is going, the king is actually unclear, but Soravi, you should be clear, the" Spirit Temple "exists. "

"Eli Temple"? Is there a "Sword Temple" to have a mission to Gill you do? "

Yes, as the Magic family, Soravi, although the magic level is just better than Weber, but what is better than Weberdo, she knows, the legendary, legend, The "Eli Temple" will appoint powerful universities to perform some tasks, and those tasks are all combat missions, and their purpose is to maintain the smoothness of the world.

In simple, the "Eli Temple" is like a peasant. The major parallel worlds seem to be farmland. The development of the world is like the growth of crops in farmland. When crops are infringed, as farmers The "Eli Temple" will send the British spirit specializing in the insects, kill those pests, and then let the crops return to normal growth and neighborhood ...

Gilgamesh is nodd from the problem of Solavi, everything is like Solawei.

"Gill ..."

The problem of Soravi has ended, and the farmuni can't help but because of the idea of ​​the consultation of Guilgamesh.

"Time Chen's words, he has successfully embarked on the avenue of" root ", leading to" root ", it is necessary to pay the price, just like this king, the king has been summoned to this world. "The Eli Temple", when the minister is now in this situation, he has reached the "root" world, this life, or forever, will no longer appear in this world. "

Gilgamesh did not directly say that the distant minister was dead, but the farmon came to a deception. Of course, it is from the far side, naturally, it is responsible for being responsible for the demon. If the farmlower, the little girl will ignite a father and also pursue the idea of ​​"root".

Chapter 146 Sleepy Night

After continuing to communicate with the Yuan Sucai and Soraway.

Gilgamesh took out that I have been placed for a few days of long.

For the long-term dance, Gilgamesh did not have too much ideas, maybe his thoughts are when they are assassinated, and they will take a long-awaited dance to make a dog, and then enrich his Crystal Palace?

The end of the Holy Grail War is also a moment of long-awaited dance, everything is in the control of Gilgamesh.

Of course, before the ambiguous dance is awkward, Gilgamesh has paid a "Feng Shen Bang", so the second place, the second "Feng Shen Bang" appeared.

After released the long-awaited Dance, the assassination was taken by Gilgamesh, and I didn't know that some things didn't know some things. I was awkward.

After a long time, I was a long time, and I was very fast into the role setting of Gilgamesh owners.

As soed, the reason is actually very simple. Because of the born in the year of Jiuyu Dance, the long-term dance is a normal people's growth process. Her growth is like a person, and it should be said to be like a one. Utensils.

Now that the 583 of this instrument has the right to change from the satellite to Gilgamesh, saying that it is only a master.

Of course, for a long time, the emotions of the sashimi ... after she knows the situation of the satellite from Gilgamesh, it will also know that Alice Phil is the case. Its seal is deep in the heart, perhaps when the long-awaited dance, will reveal some wonderful expressions.

But at least now she has no chance.

Now she can only try to play the use of a piece of utensils, and do their best to serve Gilgamesh, maybe this is the meaning of Dance Dance ...

As a sorrowful person, living meaning ...

"Sunflower, Soravi also has a murder, you mount yourself on this" Feng Shen Bi ". "

After Kilgamesh solved the things of Long Yu Dance, Gilgamesh took out the same Tao "Feng Shen Bang" as the name of the ancient Chinese mythology, of course, this magical treasure is naturally impossible and Huaxia myths. The powerful, but its role can also be small.

"Feng Shen Bang" as the name suggests, seal soul God's list, people without resistance can be enforced by Gilgamesh, such as Dance.

Of course, you can also pass Gilgamesh's consent, voluntarily mount the list, such as Alice Phil, Alice Phil is voluntarily mount this "Feng Shen Bi".

"" Feng Shen Bang "? "

Solavi missed the name of Gilgamesh, and she didn't understand the role of Treasure.

"This treasure can log in to your soul, even if you die, the king can also pass it, then pay some cost, resurrect, of course, there is another feature that you are very loved, that is Eternal youth."

Gilgamesh laughed, a little introduced this level of imparable Treas, which is a powerful Treasure of the A ++ level.

Of course, as for the "Feng Shen Bi", the sorrow is full in the hand of Gilgame, these words do not need to be said, anyway, there is only the list of Gilgamesh to choose the Women who want to choose a member of the Crystal Palace. It is Gilgamesh, what is born, and Gilgamesh will not kill themselves.

This Treasure, more is an insurance that prevents Gilgamesh from preventing Gilgamesh.

When it comes to say this, this Treach is Gilgamesh to become an unope.

There is no objection, in addition to the three ladies outside Tong Sakura landed on "Feng Shen Bi".

In the nearly 30 of the past 30, the farmuni will appear after the "Feng Shen Bang", the wonderful change appears, her skin has become more smooth and tender, and the appearance has become more young, it seems to return to the most beautiful The change of Solavi is not very big, because her age is not big, but only 20 years old, for women, the age of 20 years old is the most beautiful figure annual.

As for the assassination, this and Gilgamesh are women's women, that is, there is no change.

Tong Caoshui does not go to the "Feng Shen Bang", on the one hand, her age is still small, Gilgamesh for children ... how can I go to my hand, Loli control is a crime! It is good to be harmonious by the big people!

"Kwai, you will start a new life since now."

After all do things, Gilgamesh said to the Yuan Sucai, the farmon did not say anything, just nodded against Gilgamens.

"Also, I will pick it back tomorrow, you should let her know when I know, there is still, Xiaozhao and Sakura have not met so long, I must miss Sakura."

Gilgamesh shot and contacted Xiao Loli in his arms, smiled slightly, this smile, it seems to be only Gilgamesh when it is facing his own Crystal Palace.

After everything is over, the time has already belongs to three o'clock in the next day. This time can be used as a fatigue time. Gilgamesh, which is shaped, the flesh and blood, is also finally the same as a normal human beings. Sleep rest.

It's like the bed of Gilgamesh room is so big. Now there is a Tong Sakura, I have been sticking to Gilgamesh, but I just only farmlower and Gilgamesh add a little Loli, with the bed Sleep peace of mind.

The murderous child and the long-awaited a room, Solawei alone, everyone went to rest.

The far away is also completely quiet. Of course, the new capital in winter is now quiet.

On the area of ​​the Duomachachi, there is also a news staff who have not been disasters in the edge of the new capital, and the rescue team started to report a report on the new exclusive area. For them, it is destined to be a sleepless night tonight. .

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