King of World Football

Chapter 359: : before the new season

【King of World Football】【】

According to the contract signed between Real Madrid and Wang Feng, since the Galacticos won the league and the Champions League double last year, his basic annual salary this season will increase by 10%, from 12 million euros after tax to 13.2 million euros.

This annual salary is still the best in the world. In addition, Galaxy Battleship also needs to pay various bonuses, as well as the club's dividends from Wang Feng's portrait rights.

Coupled with its own endorsement products and international brand sponsors, the overall annual income exceeds 60 million euros, and the Chinese superstar surpassed Beckham to become the highest-paid player in football.

You must know that Beckham's annual income is only about 35 million euros, which shows how terrifying Wang Feng's influence and ability to attract money are.

Of course, these incomes refer to the benefits he obtained as a football player, without taking into account the profits of the Fengyao Group, otherwise it would be a very astonishing figure.

Although Real Madrid paid Wang Feng far more than other players, it did not bring any obvious adverse effects. There are two reasons, the first is that he brings huge profits to the club.

According to the ranking of the world's most valuable football clubs released by Forbes, Real Madrid's annual income and total market value both rank first, far surpassing Manchester United and Arsenal, which are ranked second and third.

At present, the world economy continues to decline. Most clubs can barely maintain a balance of payments. Serie A clubs frequently go bankrupt. The arrival of the wind.

The second is that the performance of the Chinese superstar is too good. In the first season of La Liga, 50 goals are enough to convince all teammates. Most of them think that Wang Feng deserves such a salary, so he stands above everyone and does not obviously damage the team. salary structure.

Of course, there will be a small number of players who have objections and want to propose a substantial salary increase, but Florentino's principle is to make reasonable arrangements. Except for Wang Feng, no player is not for sale. If there is a trouble, he will be sent away decisively. Galacticos can be supplemented completely from the transfer market.


Real Madrid was one of the first few clubs to operate transfers. When the summer window opened, they immediately finalized the deal between Robben and Sneijder. Robben joined the Galacticos for 36 million euros, and Sneijder cost 27 million euros.

As for Terry, he came from the Blue Army youth training camp, so he is not very willing to leave Chelsea. Real Madrid has discussed with him and his agent many times in good faith, but it still has no success.

On the contrary, another left-back Ashley Cole, who has joined the Blues for less than a year, intends to move and sent an agent to contact the Galaxy Battleship.

He has seen the conflict between the club chairman and the head coach intensify, and the team suffered consecutive losses last season, so he predicts that the situation will be very turbulent, which is not conducive to his own development.

After the internal evaluation of the Galaxy Battleship, it is also a good choice to sign him when the pursuit of Terry is fruitless, so he decisively brought back the England defender for 15 million euros.

In addition, Real Madrid also signed the German defender Metzelder whose contract has expired, which can be said to have fully armed the defense.

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【King of World Football】【】

The player who chose to leave the Galacticos this summer is Carlos first. The 34-year-old is very pleased to be able to win La Liga and the Champions League again at the last moment. He will join Fenerbahce in Turkey in the form of a free transfer.

In 2007, Cicinho gradually lost the trust of the coach and the main position, so he chose to leave and switch to Serie A Roma, and Emerson, who performed poorly, was sold to AC Milan by the team, and his value shrank from 11.5 million euros to 5 million euros .

Reyes, who performed fairly well last season, was officially bought out by Galacticos for a transfer fee of 12 million euros.


In addition to Real Madrid, other clubs have also joined the wave of summer transfers. Barcelona has released two explosive news that shocked the entire football world.

First of all, Ronaldinho left the team. The Brazilian went to AC Milan at a price of 25 million euros. He had been abandoned as early as the second half of last season, so this transfer was not too unexpected .

Another transfer is the real surprise, "Gunner" soul Henry joined Barcelona at a price of 24 million euros!

Countless Arsenal fans felt unbelievable, intertwined with pain, reluctance, and anger. Many of them began to abuse Henry and the club, and some extreme fans even set his No. 14 jersey on fire.

The French also expressed his reluctance in an interview, "I like Arsenal very much, this is like my home."

He left only to pursue the honors that some professional players desire, such as the Champions League, which may be difficult to achieve in the "Gunners".

However, the British "Times" believes that what Henry wants may not be able to be obtained in Barcelona. "Everyone can see that this era belongs to Wang Feng and Real Madrid."

Henry himself has carefully considered the possibility of joining the Galacticos and joining forces with Wang Feng, but Schuster and Florentino are not interested in him, and there is no place for the Frenchman in the tactical system.

On the other hand, Barcelona Ronaldinho has just left the team and needs to replenish his strength, and the teenager Messi looks very talented. The French think that waiting for him to grow up may not be able to shake Wang Feng's rule, so he decided to go to Barcelona.


Bayern Munich, which has always been stingy, only ranked fourth in the Bundesliga last season and missed the Champions League this season. This is a very rare thing in team history.

The management of the club decided to put a lot of money into the transfer The first target was Inter Milan's Ribery, but the Frenchman is now the core of the Nerazzurri, even if Bayern raises the offer to 40 million euros, Moratti remains unmoved.

So they could only settle for the next best thing, introducing Luca Toni from Fiorentina, who had competed with Wang Feng for the Serie A Golden Boot, and brought back German striker Miloslav Klose from Werder Bremen.

They also have a transfer news that has attracted the attention of all the Chinese around the world, that is, the offer of 20 million euros, and they want to bring back the 22-year-old Chinese striker Dongfang Zhuo who plays for Alkmaar!

Dongfang Zhuo, who originally planned to stay in the Eredivisie to practice, had no choice but to call Wang Feng and said: "This offer has moved Alkmaar. You know, they are just a small club, and some senior management of the club seem to think that my performance is not worth it. Stable, the difference between the first half and the second half is too big, they are worried that it is just a flash in the pan.”

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【King of World Football】【】

Wang Feng didn't expect such a thing to happen, he paused and said: "The transfer is something that both clubs and players need to agree to. If you insist on staying, it is impossible to transfer."

"Forget it, I feel very aggrieved. Even though I scored so many goals for the team, I still become the target of selling, so I want to prove myself by landing in the five major leagues. Selling Alkmaar for 20 million is definitely the most stupid in the history of the club. Decide!"

Seeing Dongfang Zhuo's resolute and **** attitude, Wang Feng was also very relieved, "Then go to Bayern, they are also an old giant, and now they have nothing to do. If you can help them get out of the trough, they will definitely become a world-class player. "

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