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Originally, the adventurers were already exhausted, but the undead did not feel any negative state at all, and now they have been strengthened, so that several adventurers who have become slow to move are instantly bitten by the beast zombie.

After seeing the companion beside him fall, even those who were ready to die in battle could not hide the look of panic on their faces.

The high-level adventurers in front fought bloodily ahead, but were gradually forced to retreat. There is no doubt that it is only a matter of time before the adventurers’ fronts collapse.

A fierce battle began at the scene~!

This battle is different from the previous skeleton battle, there are basically no casualties on the side of the undead legion, while the adventurers suffer heavy casualties!

With the blessing of the ability of the Hundred Ghosts Night Horn, even with the addition of White Frost and Nabellal, the balance of victory is gradually tilted towards the side of the undead who are more dominant in numbers and average strength!

If no one can save the situation, then everything is over!

“Mr. Shiraha!”

Lei Tianmaiya, who understood this situation, anxiously looked at Bai Yu who was holding his chest with his hands on the side.

“Ding! Trigger the mission – save the world! ”

Mission Name: Save the World!

Mission Introduction: At this critical moment of urban survival, everyone is waiting for the arrival of the savior! And this person, that’s you!

Mission conditions: Completion conditions – completely destroy the undead legion, kill the masterminds behind the scenes, Kargit and Clementine. Failure condition – let either Kagit or Clementine escape.

Mission reward: 300 points

Failure penalty: 300 points

After waiting for so long, the system finally released the task again, and as long as the task was completed, Bai Yu’s points would be gathered to a thousand points, and the power of the king’s treasure could be initially unlocked.

This time Bai Yu did not push again, such a situation was originally what he wanted, and only when everyone was full of despair could he get the greatest awe.

“Don’t worry, Mr. Shi, no matter how I say that I am familiar with this city, I will be very troubled if I don’t have it.”

Waving his hand to signal Lei Tianmaiya not to worry, Bai Yu turned his gaze back to the battlefield in front of him.

Then, Bai Yu flew upwards in the void.

“Brave adventurers, you have done a good job, all under the city walls, let me solve the next thing!”

The voice of the white feather suspended in the air resounded throughout the audience, and everyone who heard these words couldn’t help but raise their heads to look at the sky.

“That person is… Lord Shirahae? ”

“What does Mr. Hakuha mean by this? Did he want to deal with so many undead alone? ”

“Yes, even if he is a powerful adventurer of the Mountain Bronze level, he can’t deal with this Death Legion alone!”

“We’re not afraid of death! Why should we retreat under the walls! ”

The chatter of the adventurers sounded, they did not understand why Bai Yu would say such a thing at this time.

In their opinion, the reason why Bai Yu only made a move until now should be to prepare some powerful magic, so he did not show up before, but let Nabellar and White Frost play.

But even if that is, it won’t make all of them retreat, right?

However, for such doubts, they only received a retreat order personally issued by Shi Chief Lei Tianmaiya, and the reason was only one sentence – do not hinder Mr. Shiraha.

The chief of the shi spoke, and the adventurers could only do so even if they were puzzled, but fortunately there was Nabellar and White Frost covering, so no one was injured during the retreat.

··· 0 Ask for flowers…

After everyone retreated under the city wall, Bai Yu’s majestic voice slowly sounded——

“I don’t care what your purpose is, but if you dare to try to interfere with what I want to protect, then no matter who you are, don’t want to see the sun tomorrow again!”

“Reduced to ashes by absolute power! ———— King’s Treasure!! ”

Just when everyone was puzzled by Bai Yu’s words, they suddenly saw that the originally dim sky instantly became bright!


To be precise, the golden yellow apertures that suddenly appeared spread all over the night sky, and under the golden light, the night became like day!

“What kind of magic is this…?!”

“Could it be that Mr. Bai Yu intends to wipe out all the undead in one go?”

“Don’t, don’t be silly! There are thousands of undead over there! ”

What did Bai Yu plan to do? This is probably a question that all adventurers want to know, right?

However, this question immediately disappeared in the next instant –

Various swords slowly emerged from those apertures in the air, and then these swords were thrown at incredible speed!

The adventurers hurriedly looked at the place where the sword flew over, only to see an even more startling scene.

Countless undead monsters, seemingly almost impossible to defeat the undead race, like ants crushed by wheels, were hit in the head, and then due to inertia, the body could not help but retreat, and then fell down.

“Boom!! Rumble!! Rumble!! Rumble!! ”

A loud bang proved how powerful the power of these swords that were shot was! _

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