King of the Last Drama

King of Makjandrama 282 KRW

Chapter 33 bears fruit (8)

At the same time, Seo-yerin, the head of the planning team for "West Wind", was reviewing the data that had come up frowning.

There was a pile of paperwork on the desk.

“I've picked up what you said, Team Leader! ”

“Put it over there. ”

“Boxer sector report is up! ”

“Well done, put it next to it. ”

However, the amount of paperwork that was enormous only increased over time. At the end of the day, a small pile of sandwiches is made, and Seo-yerin wets his neck with a exhausted sigh.

There have always been too many authors of "West Wind". Taken together with the Planning 1 team, Seo-yerin's Planning 2 team, and the higher-ranking laborers, they were close to 30 people.

Those who did not like Lee Hyun-seok also laughed openly.

“If you have a lot of masons, just go to the mountains. You don't need a staff like me. ”

“Where are you going to take it all as much as me? I love budget cuts. ”

In the end, the number of people who use the ’main’ was set, which meant what was needed.

It wasn't a very wrong thing to say. In the end, however, the number of people was sufficient to use it all as it could.

“What's next in the Ural Mountains? No matter how much I can go and do it myself.... ”

“I have to take care of the headaches. Nicolai, from the Volga, has been up there a few times. ”

“Why don't you leave the details to Jae-seok? I am from the Department of Forest Resources and I have a connection to computer graphics! ”

Although it's a new story, the people brought in by John Taylor and picked up by Lee Hyun-seok were all fascinated by Vulcan Series and "Three Times" or at least had a favourable impression.

Among them were, among others, the setting and the nerds who were obsessed with hypertension.

So, "The Fall of Vulcan" was more like a publicized speech than it was at the time.

Such people could not bear to do anything 'moderately'.

“Shit, this is 800 meters above sea level! If you had a head, you would know that these parabolas don't make any sense even if you didn't learn ballistics! ”

“Oh, you stupid Yankee. This season, the southeast wind blows! This position is wrong from the beginning! ”

“This is the size of the Kuznetsk Basin? What kind of stupid painting is this?! ”

Weather, topography, firearms, suits. They thoroughly examined the high tide in every way and organized the details of the story.

Even if the world line is different and they decide to do something else, they start discussing where it's different. Then I went back thoroughly from the yearbook unit to organize and annotate the settings.

Of course, this obsession increased Seo-yerin's workload enormously.

But anyway, with such thorough details, there was a great deal of admiration around the world.

Oh, my God, how can Korean drama be more perfect than our Russians?: O

This is insane. Look at the bullets being pulled back when the wind changes!

Three physics settings have also gone wrong, but this is a different dimension....

At first, the public, who had only been blinded by spectacular looks and thrilling developments, slowly began to turn their eyes to this obsession.

Originally, these details were taken by the other two teams after the 'hips’ had fallen into the maintenance team.

Despite this, the name of Seo Ye-rin, which has been obscured by the shadows, has been rising above the surface ever since the "Journal of Research".

When you think about it, didn't you say, "Like a play," you're a writer?

That's amazing;

Seo Soo-hyun Post, who was this nonsense?

However, Seo-yerin's mood was not very comfortable despite the acclaim he had drawn in his dream.

Of course, one of the biggest causes was the lack of engagement between Lee Hyun-seok and Idona. But this was a matter of no more dowry and no choice but to clear your mind.

However, keeping the confrontational angle was not immediately quiet.

I didn't know what I was up to.

“Isn't grass as dead as you? She liked this Fiddy a lot. ”

Seo Soo-hyun said that, and it made sense enough. Jeong also pretended to be like that.

However, Seo-yerin, who peeked inside a few times, couldn't help but believe the answer.

“... Obviously, I haven't given up yet. ”

Seo-yerin murmured.

“I hope you're not up to something ridiculous. ”

“Team Leader! Nicolai is bragging that the topography is wrong! ”

“... Bring him here. ”

Seo-yerin again sighed and turned his gaze.

* * *

Idona, who was tired of crying, opened her eyes again two hours later.

I was handing over a book that was not read next to me and said it in a natural tone.

“Did you wake up? ”

“ ……. ”

Idona did not speak in a superficial way. About two or three countries seemed to have lost their faces.

Unfortunately, the film does not break or make it look good.

I coughed as much.

“Why do you come in here with a drink you can't even drink? ”

“ ……. ”

“… well, that's fine. It's a real drink. It's something anyone can do. You can't do that in the future. ”

“ ……. ”

The sequestration system was useless, and so was the consolation by gently changing the tone.

Idona bows her head as I find out more.

“... kill me. ”

“That again. ”

I sighed.

In a moment,

“So, what the hell did you want to do? ”

I searched for what I received as a gift and found a cabbage juice.

It wasn't two days a day that I couldn't read Idona's insides. However, this work was still so unknown to Amman.

“That's..... ”

I didn't expect the answer to come back, but Idona was somewhat prospective about the rest of her hangover.

I hesitated for a moment, but soon I opened my mouth honestly, not as usual.

“I've been having trouble lately. ”

“Is this Mr. Idona? ”


“ ……. ”

I suddenly swallowed an invasion in a stabbed mood. I tried to manage the look on my face.

“Well, why do you think that? ”

“Why freeze to death, all the look on your face, even now. ”

“Well……. ”

“How many weeks has it been? Even if I can't.”

It wasn't accurate, so it was a bit embarrassing. I was blocked from speaking.

.. Of course, Director Kwon Tae Young and Minjae didn't even notice my mother.

Unlike me, Idona wiggles her fingers with a dead attitude.

“I don't want to tell you why, but I don't know what to look for... I don't think so, but it's because of me... ”

“Oh, my God, that's not at all. ”

I could only smile bitterly. Is that why you just slapped your skin?

It was cute for a reason, but I couldn't smile. Maybe there's a simpler way.

“You just have to ask me honestly. ”

But the answer that came back was sharp.

“What do you think? ”

“What do you say, just plain speaking……. ”

“You didn't even think about telling me in the first place. To someone like that? ”

A chilly look has flown. I was blocked from speaking.

After a moment of static flow, Idona breaks her lips and looks back.

“Don't you have to tell me before you ask me in the first place? Didn't we have that kind of relationship? ”

“That's..... ”

“Of course I can't help it. I know that much. ”

Idona closes her eyes.

“But... I don't know. I had no friends, I was a poisonous general, and I learned it in front of the camera... But I think we should talk about our relationship. ”

I closed my mouth.

It was pointed out that it was even more intense. Most of all, I was forced to agree.

I closed my eyes and bowed my head.

“... I'm sorry. ”

“Okay, it's the last thing. ”

“No, not like that. ”

“ ……? ”

I swallowed my horse to Idona, who was raising her head.

Idona was right about everything. No matter how short a relationship ends, it shouldn't be without integrity in the relationship. There had to be emotional connection to avoid tough exchanges until later.

However, the biggest problem was that even if I knew it, I couldn't change my attitude right away.

“… I have something to think about separately. ”

“As expected.”

“But I can't tell you what it is. ”

Idona raises her eyebrows. But this was no way for me to do it.

Regression, let's hit the second thing that sounds like a messaging box. The problem was that no matter how convincing, there was no background.

At this rate, I almost had a better chance of dying in a year or more. And it would have been much more comfortable to take it as a coincidence than to know it was necessary.

.. Maybe it would be better if you let me take this opportunity.

‘Most importantly, you shouldn't do anything that would leave a fool to die in a year's time. ’

If I knew this was going to happen, I would not have even begun my engagement with Idona, but once this happened, I had to avoid further progress in my relationship. It's not funny because it's sudden in a steady state.

In that sense, it was crazy.



“That look again. ”

When I open my face quickly, Idona twists her eyebrows. She gazes at me for a while, but sighs as if she has given up burying within.

His voice was also empowered.

“You're not even talking to me? ”



“… yes. ”

“Can I start crying here? ”

“That's because I saw it before. ”

“Shut up."

Idona closes her eyes for a moment as if she were angry. And for a while, it was the mood to think of something.

After a few minutes, Idona opened her eyes and asked.

“... let me ask you one thing. It's not really me, is it? ”

I still nod at questions with some anxiety.

“It's purely my door. ”

“That's it… one more thing. ”

I encountered a stare.

“Can I wait for the problem to be solved? ”

I was a little embarrassed by questions of direction that I didn't even think of at all.

I didn't anticipate it in the first place, so the answer naturally came out.

“... it will take a long time. ”

“How much?”

“It's been about a year. ”

“So when that's over, you're not going to keep your distance from me like you do now? ”

“That's..... ”

Damn, I just kept getting stabbed in the throat. I hesitated for a moment and vaguely embraced it.

Idona didn't ask anymore. I just laughed like that.

“Okay, I'll wait. ”

“... Are you all right? ”

I couldn't help but be surprised. Even the country I was talking to knew how messed up this was and what it sounded like.

Idona shrugs as if it were good.

“It's going to take that much time to drill through a rock head like you with a fountain. Well, all you have to do is do what's left. ”

I don't know what it is, but the one with the prize will be energized and Idona laughs like that. It was a white smile similar to the one I saw the other day.

“ ……. ”

And, like last time, I couldn't take my eyes off it.

“Then I'll go. ”

Idona stands up.

“Don't forget today… put it in a corner. ”

“... Take a look. ”

“Oh, and. ”

After I turned my head, Idona moved her face. I couldn't help but be halfway through this.

Idona wipes her mouth as the cheek flickers.

“Don't give me that frosty look in the future. I'm in a bad mood.”

“ ……. ”

“It's good to be in front of me, so keep pretending you're the best jerk in the world, as usual. ”

While I was blindfolded, Idona left the front door intact. At the very least, I heard the sound of the steps being taken to defend the bombardment.

“Huh.... ”

I stood still for a moment without even thinking about closing the front door. The head seemed empty.

How much time has passed since then.

Kim Chul came back with a glimpse of him as the day went by.

[Wh-how was it?]

“ ……. ”

[... Hyun-Seok? Are you okay?]

I lowered my head while Kim Chul Sunbae was making a restless look.

Oh, my God, who the hell pretended to be so good? I wanted to know if there was any such nonsense in the world.

I started laughing.


[... Huh?]

“Why wouldn't it be okay? ”

I looked up at Senior Kim Chul, who had a terrible eye.

“Aren't you and I at the top of the drama! Everywhere we go, it's our path of glory! ”


“I don't know where you came from, but let's get this meeting started, Senior! We have a pile of things to discuss! ”

[... Damn, I thought this was getting better and it's starting again.]

Kim Chul Sunbae grumbled like that, but somehow he was heartbroken.

But I looked around the house and I was a little disappointed.

* * *

Moret, I went to the shoot with a new heart. In the meantime, endless ideas swam through my head.

How dare you dismiss me and call yourself the king of the barracks? I had to show it to him right away.

I entered the scene in such a crisp mood.

“Good morning! ”

“… are you here, General PD. ”

“Hey, that... yeah, good morning. ”


Contrary to usual, this time the staff was morally detached.

While I was doubting it, the fool came running heavy. It wasn't an extraordinary situation to pretend.

“I'm sorry, brother! I didn't hear from you...! ”

“What's going on? ”

“That is……. ”

“Now that you're done, speak comfortably. ”

I hardened my face and listened. I was confident that I could cope without being embarrassed.

But I couldn't help but be flattered by what followed.

“That... Mr. Lee just got transferred to the hospital. ”

“What? Why?! ”

“I don't know the details. I guess it got a little violent during the fight.. ”

“God damn it, talk to me! Where the hell is he? ”

“That is……. ”

When I shouted, Minjae became even more stubborn. But soon he opened his mouth as if he had given up.

“I think I was with Mr. Idona. ”

“…… what? ”

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