King of the Last Drama

249 toward 0 o'clock

It was easier than I thought to trick the kids. Gia's two younger siblings have recently been busy seeing my sister's eyes.

I had never been particularly angry, and I tried to manage my expression as much as I could, but I instinctively noticed that I was in a bad mood.

Gia thought it was his heart.

'But today is fine.'

I bought a chicken stew on my way home. After pondering for a while, I called and ordered an extra pizza. I heard a nosebleed from Gia walking down the street.

How do I write it? What would be good about it? '

I didn't feel the burden to be amazed. No, I thought the idea would blow my head off. It's like going back to the old days.

I laughed.

'It's like three years ago.'

I could still think of it vividly now.

Around the time Lee Hyun-seok and Lee met without even a calligrapher. A few weeks from when I told you to trust me, with a serious look on your face, that there was a possibility.

It was the happiest time for Gia.

Why was it then?

At first, I thought it was simply because it was right after getting out of a desperate situation. I used to hide and suppress dissatisfied emotions that had begun to arise since the prophecy.

But now I can see why.

It wasn't that different. It was the only time Gia was able to poison him.

It's not Seo-yerin, it's you.

- I could get it back.


Somehow, the nostrils continued to flow. Gia smiles and enters the house.

"I'm here, girls!"

"... you've been there."

Two younger sisters put out their sluggish faces. 'I'll eat well.' I was honored to know just two words with you. 'You've eaten well.' was almost omitted.

Gia flickers her cock to listen to the electron beam.

"What did you buy?"


My brother, who was looking at the atmosphere, came running because he was a god. I opened the box with a grin. Soon, the bell rings and the pizza arrives, and the eyes become more puffy.

"Wow, really? Can I eat it all?"

"I want you to finish your homework."

"…… I did my best."

Gia grabs her nose as she sneezes.

"I'm trying to lie to you. I'm eating it all. Do you understand?"

My brother, whose grass had died, nodded again and again and picked up a piece of nesting chicken. Gia, who was staring at him bluntly, realized that her sister was still staring at him.

I tried to soften my voice and asked.

"You don't eat milk?"

"... Sister, are you not feeling well?"

I was laughing at my head. I wanted to raise my mouth even more because my expression was a little strange.

"What do you mean, you're in such a good mood?"

"But... he's got a very scary face."

I didn't know English any more.

Anyway, my sister stared at me quietly and hung into my room without eating a few pieces.

Gia got a little depressed.

I picked up my pen after I cleaned up the kids. I called for a moment to think about it.

You want to hear my opinion?

"Yes, what end do you want?"

I don't know... According to Writer Kim, anything you wrote is fine.

Lee Hyun-suk said beyond the phone.

It's the hardest thing to say, he adds.

You're not writing, you're writing drama scenarios. No matter how you give it out, I can cover it all, so don't look at the trees, look at the forest.

"... Yes."

I had no choice but to believe it. Lee Hyun-Sook was a wizard.

Certainly, Gia will be able to make it into an absurd work, even if she makes up some unprofitable stories.

However, there is no place for a common man next to such a wizard. Gia knew that better than anyone.

It's just that if you're satisfied now, you end up losing everything.

Then there was only one way you could do it.

"Highly developed technology is indistinguishable from magic."

Gia, who hung up, muttered.

SF maestro, Arthur Clark's pronouncement. The magic of Three Times , which she was going to finish, was not far from it.

And technology is made under endless effort and trial and error.

Gia counts the remaining manuscripts. One hundred manuscripts of 200 characters. The bundles were stacked close to eighty.

Eight thousand in total. It was a hundred and sixty thousand characters.

And the rest of the script should be three or four.

"... you'll be fine, won't you?"

After finishing the calculation, Gia nods.

His face remained smiling.



While Gia was spreading the manuscript, Seo-yerin was sipping beer without a word.

The empty bottle in front of me was handed over four fish, and now it was mixed with the horse bee beer that came in as a gift from somewhere.

I barely opened my mouth when I was so young.

"Auntie, do you think I'm wrong? I told you to compromise with those bastards."

Seo Soo-hyun, who was watching Norsim Novice, turned off the TV. Take a deep sigh and look at your nephew.

"Do you think you're wrong?"

"... I don't think so."

"That's it."


Is that so? Seo-yerin quietly handed over another glass. It was unpleasant to feel my head running hot.

But now I feel more comfortable covering it up with that unpleasantness.

I felt a sense of humor.

"Maybe what Gia said wasn't wrong."

"What are you saying?"

"I only need Lee Hyun-suk as a Fiddy."

Seo Soo-hyun frowned.

"You're a writer. What's wrong with the writer greeting Fiddy?"

"Gia, you said you weren't."

Spread the bowl into the beeswax in barrels.

"For him, being a writer is just a means. Means for this Fiddy to reflect and get his attention. If you can get what you want, you can throw it away. '’


"I may be angry with my aunt."

It was true that Seo-yerin, as a writer, knew many aspiring students as well.

But somehow, I was uncomfortable.

Even if you're right.

"I feel like I'm losing. Somewhere."

No matter how well you go and become famous, Lee Hyun-seok is the third year of PD. There is no real power, no string that leads to it.

You don't have to fight. Of course, what you were trying to do was the worst, but it was only an attempt, and there was no real damage.

Once compromised, it is much more sensible to cultivate power and return it later. Seo-yerin thought so.

"Gia... asked me if my greed as a writer didn't go into that rationality."

And she couldn't deny it.

Is it true that you thought of Lee Hyun-seok purely? Was not his selfishness as a greedy writer to have a PD that was right for him?

He's too snobbish for any Lee Hyun-seok.

He even said it was ridiculous, and when the new initiative started on the subject, he quickly got involved. As always, buried in my aunt.

That's why Gia was so sarcastic....

Seo Soo-hyun looked at her nephew who was still chewing regrets. He shook his head and opened his mouth.

"The wrong thing is his side, Yerin."

It was an assertive tone. Seo-yerin blinked.

"... what?"

"Don't tell me the truth. Only this time I saw his face, I couldn't understand what you guys were saying about him being nice."

"What do you mean, what is that?"


Seo Soo-hyun said no more. I thought I'd find out soon enough.

When Seo-yerin frowns and tries to ask you something more, the phone rings. I wondered if I saw the annoying caller.

... Idona?

Looks like you're having a drink. I'm glad you look more relaxed than I thought.

When I received the call, as always, the freckled voice filled my tongue with a small voice. However, there are only drunkards around me, and they grumble.

Please contact me if you break it. I don't think this is a good time to talk right now.

"W-what do you have for me?"


A long sigh returned.

Wouldn't you have to do anything for the people behind the race?



It's been about a week since I finished talking to Gia.


Kim Chol, who received the results, was unable to speak to Chama Moore.

I looked so stupid, but I couldn't point that out either. Maybe if I added it here, I wouldn't be able to look at it.

I turned my gaze to ignorance. Gia was an outrageous expression.

"How's it going?"

"No, what do you think...?"

I'm stuck. I alternated scripts and people a few times and stupidly.

Really, you wrote this script with Gia in front of you?

I thought I learned it from Director Kwon Tae Young, but... was that enough?

"If you don't have enough, I'll trim it."

"... no, that's enough. Not enough. Passed."


Jia, who was anxious, laughed as if the flowers were blooming within. But seeing the manuscript laid before me, I couldn't blur purely into it.

I sat down with trembling eyebrows.

In fact, the deployment itself was not very surprising. No, it was striking, but there was a corner that seemed a little bored with the writer's position of being accustomed to maintaining it.

The alarming thing was the timing of the ambassador and the placement of the scene.

Most might say it wasn't much, but it was actually less important. But at this point, the story was different.

'This is a cut back. This is Dizolb. This is Montage... No, it's better to overlap.'

It was naturally drawn how to get into the shoot simply by reading the script and how to connect the whole. It was as if the whole story was moving to the point where I was reporting.

I even got a little creepy.

[... I think I'm completely penetrating your taste.]

Kim Chul said in a tone that was still frozen.

[I sometimes heard that the sum is correct without talking to the floor manager who worked with me for decades... but the scenario is moving so quickly.]


PD also has a scene to empower a human being and a scene to just move on. It was inevitable, as if the frost were breaking out of the fog.

However, the sketches in front of my eyes were something I didn't want to give up.

It will be fine with emulsions, watercolours and acrylics. If you decide to use the emulsion, it's not bad to use Spoumato to take a sponge and go to scombling.

That's what I saw. Painted underneath to be perfectly painted as you wish.

.. Is this possible? That's how talented Gia was?

"I worked hard."

Gia laughed.

"I was a little lazy. I tried not to sleep, but I fell asleep for about four hours."

"... it's not even time to see talent and why do it."

I frowned.

Four hours of sleep a day means your head can't roll. There's some foolishness.

"No, not today... I'm sorry."

Gia scratches her cheeks and bows her head as she tries to make excuses.

That way, I couldn't speak any more. Well, I came up with these results in the first place, and what can I say?

I sighed and asked.

"Something you want to eat."

"Are you buying it?"

"You should rest because you've worked so hard."


I had no choice but to smile in my eyes like a puppy. By the way, Gia was always Gia.

Shrugging his shoulders, he added.

"Tell me if you need anything to write. I'll buy it with you."

"Well... it's a manuscript."

Gia scratches her cheeks with her gloved hands.

"I didn't have enough."

"Buy enough."

"... from next time."

Towards 2490 hours

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