King of the Last Drama

200 Hard doors smash with bugs (3)

The transfer of Ga-young station and the greatest of Western stations.

In fact, the two musicians who starred in the drama "Three Times" began to have a proper conversation because they handed over five paintings.

Until then, of course, they had seen each other's faces or given short words.

Even so, it was quite late when compared to the normal drama of getting to know one, two, and three faces.

I'll get my order.

· · · · · ·.

"Oh, I'm sorry. It was an order, wasn't it? Americano, please.

A staggering heroine.

The café owner and male protagonist who saw it, takes a glass of Americano and checks the receipt with a generous expression. And he adds with passing words.

You don't look very well these days.

Sorry, I'm a little tired.

Take good care of it. If you're a regular, you'll have to come a lot to eat. Haha.

Even so, the southern protagonist looks clean.

In fact, he retired early as a result of his work as a police officer and set up a café. In his experience, there was usually an event behind that expression.

He is no longer a cop, but he is curious to approach the case carefully.

[· · · It looks like it was painted.]

Kim Chul Sunbae sighed.

[By the way, does that lead to a sudden death in the English language?]

"That's it, Senior."

I smiled widely.

The southern protagonist thinks there is a conspiracy of seedlings, undertakes an investigation and pursues the truth of the case. In the meantime, I become increasingly intimate with the heroine.

In the middle of the day, a reversal appears that might have come before your nose.

"There was no such thing as the truth of the case."

Everybody just died, right?]


[It's not an inversion, it's a level playing field in the story.]

Of course, no sound reasoning is possible for this outrageous situation. The male protagonist straddles the wooden bridge, and the sudden death continues endlessly as if he were mocking him.

In this ridiculous scene, it is no wonder that the barracks will soar into the realm of heaven.

But my quest for sympathy doesn't end there. And there arose another side, and in the meantime, even if the bars were lowered, there was a follow-up.

"That's not the end of it. By the time most of them are dead, the survivors are trying to conquer their legacy."


"Framed and flagged. The police arrest the two protagonists as suspects and start interrogating them."

I held my fist on fire.

"And interrogating a male protagonist is a person who's been sneaking back and eating garbage, and even holding a fever for a male protagonist."

You can see the developments since you were four.

The pole transforms developments into so-called carcinogens. After a while, the development is repeated.

There's not much room for me to interfere here. It's the organ of writer Kim Kyung-suk.

Of course, the role will be played by the Gagman recruited this time, and the Shai should be inserted as a friend. It prevents viewers from even being infiltrated by the atmosphere.

That is why all conditions are being fully utilized.

"What do you think? Isn't that the perfect way to do it?"

[· · · It always seems good to hear.]

"It's different this time, Senior."

I laughed arrogantly.

"So far, we've been focused on raising the bar chart to one or two scenes. That's why I had to swing at him like this."

It's just a coin tosser that I can only see in front of my nose.

So this time I decided to rethink that failure thoroughly.

"The key to this plan is to put all the poles to the end of the day underwater and control the entire flow. And we have the right measures when we don't."

[Hit one room with a ridiculous development, two rooms with a subsequent carcinogenic development, and three rooms with the last end.]

"What do you think?"

Kim Chul Sunbae was briefly troubled.

He used to be skeptical about my bar style in recent years. However, the outlook materialized by the synopsis sent by writer Kim Kyung-suk in my perfect plan seemed to move the senior's mind a little.

The voice that followed was quite bright.

[I'm not sure yet, but maybe this will work.]

"I trusted you to know."

I smiled.

It would be a great strategy to completely fill that failure.

"Three years since I've only been looking for a curtain. The time has come to bear fruit."


Me and the crooked senior conspired to go to the shooting range.

[Even so, he's a scary opponent. You saw what you did a long time ago.]

"I did."

[You're not even a big shot. No one knows what festival they're going to have once they lock them up in an important scene.]

It was more like talking about a horrible carnivore than an actor.

But even if the expression was second, I was also in agreement with directionality.

"It's old-fashioned, but I think we should separate the incident from the two by reducing their share."

[I hope so, but will it be possible?]

I shrugged.

"I don't know what you're talking about, but in the end, Fiddy and the writer are the bread."

[He's a villain.]

"Haha, will you do it?"

I felt a little uneasy as I always said that nonsense.

Even if the second chant was made, Mae Woong was famous for giving the director a shriek if he was not convinced.

As much as the realm, I've handed it over without a problem. However, he was likely to complain about the coordination of roles that were directly related to him.

But I couldn't back off.

I decided to prepare my answer thoroughly for the big puddle.


"Oh, good. That's what you do."


"· · · · · ·?"

In response to the unexpected answer, Mao and I faced each other with indignation.

I didn't understand the gentle attitude of Mao Woong, and Mao Woong didn't seem to understand what he was talking about and being ridiculous.

I quickly recovered my mind and asked.

"Well, I'm going to give you a lot of money. Are you all right?"

Amman, would you be okay with this story? I couldn't ask.

"Cancer. Not only me, but the heroine over there, right?"

I laughed as if I had read the words I swallowed.

"What would some actors say, haha, is that they are empowered to improve quality."

"· · · · · ·."


Those traitors die laughing at the gag, watching the drama, bursting into costumes.

I glanced at Maxwoong's sarcasm. But he didn't look like that.

"Well, I exchanged opinions a little bit with Snow the other day and convinced him."


It was good for others, but I cared about that delicate attitude.

And what is Snow? Since when did you call her that comfortably?

I felt a little uncomfortable with the shape I suddenly became close to the enemy.

Kim Chul sunbae opened her eyes.

[Do you care?]


I blew my nose.

'Gia and Seol's husband should not be more than I can persuade. What are you talking about?'

[· · · so.]

Kim Chul Sunbae had a relieved face and, on the contrary, a strange expression that seemed to burst into clothes.

Even so, you have no choice but to think about what the big whoosh is. I felt the same way.

But I couldn't reveal it. I smoothed my face.

"Uh, well, good. So let's start with the death scene of our younger brother."

"Very well."

He smiled.

"I really look forward to it."

"· · · · · ·."

What the hell is going on?

As I frowned, the shooting began.


Meanwhile, after hearing the Koran from Wongwanghyun, the exiled neighbor's secretary immediately contacted Director Kwon Tae-young. Kwok Taeyoung has told me that in about three days, I will be able to freeze.

After meeting him a few days later, Tae Young looked very tired.

"So, what are you doing?"

"That's it · · · · ·."

The secretary, who was about to speak, did not speak shy to the dark circles that sat down in the snow.

After a short pause, he coughed and asked.

"Oh, you must be busy with that?"

"Work is also a business, but not a person."


"No, it's not."

Kwok Taeyoung quickly shook his head and corrected his complexion.

The secretary noticed and explained that Lee Hyun-seok secretly commissioned a criticism article on Celebrity Today.

At the end of the story, there was a bitter smile on Taeyoung Kwon's face.

"Well, if you're the director, you're the director."

"You're wondering if you have any other intentions."

"Well, what do you intend to do about insulting your drama? Just because of Lee Lee Lee's popularity these days, the drama itself would like to set the flag together."

Among PDs, it is often said that rank one determines the rise of drama, rank two is small and rank three is learning. In other words, if they are the right thing to do, it is the same masturbation that anyone can make.

However, Lee Hyun-Seok has been excited about the story.

"Two works in the Vulcan series would never have come out without Lee Hyun-seok. Maybe you don't like the bubble that you're wearing right now with a similar look?"

"· · · Yes."

It was also a convincing opinion as a secretary. However, when I brought this opinion to Wongwon Hun, I was also convinced that I would lose my disapproval.

After a while he couldn't leave, he pulled a manuscript out of his arms.

"Well, if you don't mind, I want you to take a look at this."

"What is this?"

It's called the script after "Three Times." "

Kwok Taeyoung frowned as he reflectively read.

"Now tell me to use that shallow number."

"No, that's not it. I brought it because it's so ridiculous. I need you to take a look at it for a minute."

"· · · · · ·."

"Maybe something is wrong, it seems to have been discarded before."

After being surrounded by his secretary's words, Kwon Taeyoung reluctantly handed over the manuscript again.

But what followed, he also had a formidable aura. Taeyoung Kwok, who stopped at the first scene of death, rubbed his eyes a few times in the subsequent death.

And then I couldn't keep my mouth shut about the developments.

"This is · · · · ·."

"Yes, you were surprised, too."

"Of course, if you're sure about this."

The secretary also reacted similarly to Kwon Gwanghyung from Taeyoung, Gyeonggi-do. Mac wants to be released. The moment he sighs and opens his mouth, Kwok Taeyoung's words overlap.

"I really don't know if Lee Hyun-seok Fiddy is sane."

"I can't be sure, but there might be another amazing item."



After that, two men also looked at each other with suspicious faces.

200 Hard door breaks with a crane (3) End

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