King of the Last Drama

189 barbecue with eggs (7)

"Now I'm a little breathless."

With the sudden rise of Three Times , the ultimate president of SBC was sighing with relief.

Especially in the recent slump, the drought was not the only drought.

"Really, thanks to this Fiddy."

Ozzie Ho CP was sweeping his chest as well. It was self-evident that even if the knife fell, it would fall to the Drama Bureau first, so it was not someone else's business.

Well, that didn't mean the situation in front of me was solved neatly.

"I wish I could."

"What if you told me to give it to you, haha."

That said, Botan Ozzi also knew what the ultimate president was thinking.

Current SBC performance was poor. This was precisely close to the slump of the airwaves as a whole.

Signs of change have already been visible since last year, but the pace of change has become more visible this year.

The bells were stepping up to take their share without covering up drama, talent or documentaries, and the viewing environment was diversifying and even the overall pie was decreasing.

Last week, SBC's "Three Times" and MBS's "The Age of Eternity" reached 12 percent, and several words came out. In fact, when you look at other Golden Ages, the total viewership of all three broadcasting companies is less than 25 percent.

It was an emergency that did not exist earlier.

"I think it's a natural change, not one person's responsibility."

"Anyway, you're not old enough to be here."

"· · · Yes."

Of course, the board did not miss the excuse to take a snow thorn. On the other hand, there was a god and he was rolling a snowball called ultimate accountability.

It was almost impossible to see this little snowflake grow so fast. But it was true that there was no way to stop it.

Choi Hyuk leaned on his backrest.

"I want you to sprinkle some fire on the talent side because you are in good shape."

"You mean transfer."


Obviously, "Live like a theater" was more than a boom at the time of the show, but Lee's affiliate was quiet again this time. It seemed like I didn't intend to appear in a program other than drama this time.

It couldn't have been weird.

"I looked it up, and I haven't seen anyone else since KBC's talk band."

Ozzie CP scratches her head.

"At least, Lee Hyun-seok Fiddy was in a state of public opinion at the time."

"I don't know if I'm really going to do anything but smoke."

Choi Hyuk laughed in vain.

"I've seen a lot of actors who want to do that, but I've never actually learned to do that before. The money will float in front of you."

"Even so."

If the president of the airwaves, Choi Jung-jung, eats his heart, there will be a way to force him somehow. But he gave up again after pondering.

"Well, let's not get rid of a friend like that."

Ozzie laughs bitterly, as if CP thought so. It was in the middle of such a rough atmosphere.

The phone rang. Choi Hyuk lifted the handshake.

"Director Kim? What's going on? How long have you seen him?"


"So what do we do?"

Currently, there is only a competent director with Mr. Kim's surname at SBC.

Ozzie looked at him quietly. It didn't seem like such a bad story when he saw Choi Hyeong's face getting brighter.

In the meantime, Choi Hyuk said:

"Tell me something, do it!"

It was a very blurry voice.


FMC Entertainment, a subsidiary of Lee Chang, is still popular.

As always in talent appearances, I responded with polite rejection according to the actor's intentions. Even though I usually saw it sooner, I also felt uncomfortable when I saw it roasting.

"The proposal came from" Life Camp "or" Let's hear the story "? Then it's better to say no."


"In the first place, the Tonight Show line is not a good fit for Snow. I'm going to ruin the image, and I'm going to hear the noise of Nojam."

"So is that."

The theory is silent in its original good words and dark in its bad words.

Even the head of the company and the manager, who should only look at the good side of the actor, couldn't imagine the vibe.

However, this story rarely explicitly kills lips.

"I can make it into a yes-jam if I want to."

"· · · Don't you know that from now on, it's not ridiculously fun?"

"Yes jam, yes jam, there is jam · · · · ·?"

"I'm sorry, but don't let that dog out there."

Knowing that the actor was not only silent, but also humorous at the level of the deputy head, the company consistently rejected all the other offers that had flown since.

However, an actor who had been involved in a bad relationship a while back ruined his work again.

The call was pretty straightforward.

It seems like people are making fun of me and your kid these days.Wouldn 't it be fun if we went to "Life Camp" together?

"Well, that's..."

I'm sorry, but I'd rather hear the answer than you.

"· · · · · ·."

Kang Joo-yeon reluctantly turned over the phone.

And the long conversations with Idona turned out to be a firm expression of what the wind was blowing.

"I'm going out there."

"· · · Really?"

"For real."

It was the face of a man who had seen it about a few times and would never break his stubbornness. Once that happened, no matter how much I begged and hung, it would be useless.

That's it, pumpkin.

Kang Joo-yeon lowered his head. All the talents that have been designed perfectly have been kicked.

As usual, I would still hang on to it, but the performance was in the process of losing a little confidence after seeing the previous act. The attitude naturally became passive.

"· · · If you must, bury it with moderation from Idona. You're a senior anyway, so everyone will understand."

The manager tried to minimize the damage, but the transfer was worthless.

"Share, we'll take it as much as we can."


Dorir sighs with an emphasis on the burning shape.

That's how Idona and Lee have decided to go on a talk show with two hot actors these days.


Meanwhile, the MCs' reaction to this news was quite intense.

"Oh, you've got a lot of guests this time?"

"Let's see what we can do."

The PD, which was expecting a surprise response, immediately became a cheerful expression.

"No, they're all too simple, aren't they? The other actors are bad actors because they can't attract other programs."

"The viewers are fun, but we're obviously not fun."

One MC shrugs.

"A talented novice to beautiful actors, my God. You don't want to write down a script, ask a bunch of nasty questions, and even if you show up in the scene, you don't want to edit it?"

"Idona will explain the rumors that have spread this time. Lee Seong-soo will sit down and laugh."

"Reaction is a problem, and pulling out is a problem."

It was a series of complaints. I've been beaten to death by people who have been together for years.

Then someone brought the story out.

"I'd rather have Lee Hyun-Seok fed."

Immediately a fervent consensus followed.

"Yes, no one has that much image!"

"It would be really funny if you could take him."

"I wonder how you've lived with that face. We're not the only ones."

In a wacky atmosphere, the PD laughs and lays a tune.

"Hey, now is not the time for us to cover our cold, hot meals, folks. It's a longevity program. You know I'm doing my best, right?"

"I know that."

The MCs who were making a prank complain shut their mouths.

The "Life Camp" was a long time ago, but the viewing rate was falling. I tried to change the format a few times with my head against my head, and I saw some benefits, but it was only then.

Most agreed it was time to prepare for the end.

"Even if you're still young, it's cool to leave when you clap around your waist, not on the floor. It's all for the Martial Arts, so please cooperate."

"· · · Well, we all know. I was joking."

The MCs nod with a cough.

They were once again pledged by the PD in charge.

"Especially the rumors about Idona and Lee Hyun-seok Fiddy have been ordered to be handed over spontaneously, so pay attention. Furthermore, we also have a guest seat for the general public."

"Do we do this once or twice? Don't worry."

One of the MCs shouted loudly.

"I'm not even alive with two talented novices, but maybe I can't control that one? Just ask the right questions and we'll do Tikitaka."

"I'm confident we can cover for Ido or whatever he makes a mistake."

MCs nod so confidently. But the PD was pledged twice and three times to make sure it was old fashioned.

"You have to pay attention."

"Oh, you know."

By then, the MCs had also revealed a slightly annoying color.

"Deliver it to Idona. After this broadcast, if you come out again, I will knock Lee Hyun-suk down on his knees."

"I'll do it with you."

"Oh, I'll do that, too."

When the MCs said that, the PD also looked a little reassuring.

"Very well. May I speak to the Wiston side of the story?"

"Do whatever you want."

The MCs touched with a glaring expression.

Subsequently, the day of the main house was bright.

And you are.


"Oh, that rumor? It's true."

Idona nods. As usual, the tone seemed to be fine.

But what my tongue was throwing was a bomb.

One of the MCs was dumb and asked. It wasn't a thought, it was a kind of reflex.

"So, yeah?"

"It's true."

"· · · · · ·."

"Oh, the facts are a little wrong. I confessed first, and I haven't heard back yet. I would like to make that right for this opportunity."

A very long silence passed.

The MCs open their mouths with nothing to do. The guest was puffy, and the PD was rubbing his eyes several times, doubting whether it was a dream or a birth.

In this situation, the MCs were forced to face each other.

Everyone was looking the same.

'· · · · · What if I'm a caballer?'

If the purpose was to make them stick their noses in, it was the perfect trap.

189 End of barbecue with eggs (7)

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