King of the Last Drama

186 barbecue with eggs (4)

"This Fiddy, it's ready."

"All right, Mr. Lee, I'll be right in when I'm ready."

I stood up with a nod.

It was always an indoor shoot. Camera placement, lighting and no special corners. However, the staff exchanged their gaze, facing each other with an uneasy expression, unlike usual.

· · · Well, that's how the shooting ended last week, so of course.

Unlike that anxious atmosphere, he smiled and lowered his head as his eyes met mine. It wasn't like I was nervous or jumpy.

Kim Chul Sunbae stroked his chin.

[The condition seems fine?]

'Apparently, but I don't know.'

He has learned to disguise himself since he was only five years old. And I also realized just last week that my eyes were not enough to dig into it.

At that time, the act of the transfer felt like the various people were just changing masks. I don't think I can figure out who it is if I hide my head and change the tone of my voice.

It won't be that difficult for him to disguise my condition.

[You blew up a scene like that.]

Kim Chul Sunbae shakes his head.

[Isn't that right? If you don't shoot today, you'll eat all the curse. Maybe until he retires.]

'Well, I'm staring. If you think about it, it's all for the staff.'

[Speak well.]

I heard sighs again.

Basically, Kim Chol, a writer and a good actor, was one of the most precious people in the scene.

[We shout out loud, but it might have been better to save it somehow. I don't even know if he's coming back to his career.]

'It's better that snow doesn't come out of life. She's not gonna be okay with that.'

[What if you come back with that again?]

I don't know.

I was briefly troubled.

'I have to take a month off. Or I could be the bad guy.'

[· · · That's it, usually.]

Kim Chul Sunbae wanted to say Moore, but he shook his head and swallowed his horse.

Then I hesitated for a moment about what I was thinking, and then I coughed up another topic.

[Well, Hyun-Seok.]

"Tell me."

[Are you on her side rather than Donna?]

'· · · · · ·.'

It was even worse until the subject just got better. I couldn't help but blunt my eyes.

If you weren't a senior, you'd have blown one. '

This is what Lee Lee told me, so I had a strong image as a child when I first met him. I feel like I can't see Gia with those eyes.

In the first place, it was before that.

But you didn't give up.

[So Seo-yerin?]

'Hey, are you going to continue this crazy conversation? You know I have a wife.'

[She's still underage.]

'Well, by the way, what do you say to a kid who's not married?'

I was in the middle of giving and receiving such nonsense.

When I was ready, Lee stood in the middle of the scene. And the biggest chunk of sandalwood came up next to me and slammed my chin.

I asked because I was so crazy about my natural attitude.

"Choi is not filming today, is he?"

"Haha, I've been bored."

"· · · Yes."

Well, that's why I almost came.

As I was focusing my sighs on the scene, I cried out in a queue.

Of course, there was no expectation.


Perhaps surprisingly, the actor's greatest hobby is reading books.

He was particularly interested in ancient history and read many of his books, including the practical purpose of finding any prototype he wanted to play as an actor.

For example, digging for the ancient Greek tragedy writer, Eyrifides, was a typical part.

Everywhere in ancient times, the boundaries of history and mythology were often broken. Many gods around the world used to take on human beings for some purpose or virtue.

Such blunt gods play around in various shapes and personalities so that there is no disguise. But the extraordinary heroes that appear in the act, and the reader outside, feel a certain distinct and distinct will in it.

No matter how perfect the smoke may be, any dark, heavy center is unchangeable.

Speaking of which, what I feel from this moment in time was like that.

"Thank you."

Over time, Lee turned his head after he had finished acting. His forehead was covered with a drop of sweat.

I lost everything I had to say and I just watched.

"· · · · · ·."

"Hey, it's over."

When the long silence returns, Lee blinks and laughs at his head. Achievement fades and looks at Lee Hyun-seok with a slightly anxious face.

This was a natural side of the transfer. But compared to the smoke just now, it felt awkward.

That's what we're doing now.

While not everyone was able to speak, the shock was particularly severe.

"Oh, my God, is this even possible? '

The way Lee Lee Lee showed up last week was amazing.

Literally, the level of impersonation that someone else seemed to be in that position was almost one-sided, and it made me reflect less on the superhero who ignored that style of acting.

But less than a week later, what I saw today was completely different.

'This is one man's act.'

What looks completely different is the same as before. But this time it was centered there.

As if one god appeared blunt in several forms, the source of the various forms of appearance was heavily weighed.

Maxwoong had a thoughtful image.

'Jell-O, Herringa?'

Gellos is a god of competition and jealousy. Zeal and Jealousy, who share the same vowel, were originally one body, and his sister, Niche, who is famous for her goddess of victory.

But what is revealed in that dark emotion is rather a dark emotion that is close to a monogamous desire. This is Hera's talent.

'No wonder that's not the nature of a 20-year-old kid, but he drew it with smoke.'

That was even more self-esteem as a big brother. In a sense, it's not the same kind of smoke he was drawing over.

Did Lee Hyun-seok think this would be possible? '

Max turned his head and couldn't be more surprised.


While everyone could not resist the admiration and awe, Lee Hyun-Sook nodded with a bold expression like an iron mask.

It was a very natural expression that seemed to come out of it.

Prefect gave his compliments boldly.

"Well done."

"· · · Yes!"

A simple word.

At the end of the day, a bright smile appeared to blossom on Lee's face.

At the same time, the atmosphere of the shooting room increased.

"Can you keep going?"



The scene continued without staff breathing.

And the more the smoke rises, the more creepy the puddle grows.

Lee Seong-seok's appearance was even more frightening, but as a big fan, Lee Hyun-seok seemed to have everything going as planned.

'After all, today's shoot wasn't a coincidence. Lee Hyun-suk got rid of the scene last time because he knew it wasn't enough. Of course I can make it better.'

My body trembled.

I didn't ask Mao Woong. On the other hand, Lee demanded it.

There was only one answer.

'I've been reading it from the beginning. Look at the possibilities of the actor, thoroughly.'

Maxwoong turned arrogantly. I was arrogant because I thought this smoke would be enough. Therefore, I did not say any more, leaving aside my role.

But the transfer was about to go up. So I took the appropriate action, and didn't even tint there.

'I was expecting a natural outcome, and I had no reason to be pleased with the natural outcome. It's abusive work around here, so there's no reason to worry about it.'

I felt like I understood Lee Hyun-suk a little bit.

It's only year three. The bowl was incomparably different from the culprit's qualities as a director.

"If you grow up, you'll be comparable to Kim Chul? This is ridiculous. Lee Hyun-suk may still be a superior director to him. '

Kim Chul is the conductor of the orchestra, to say the least. Ensure all instruments are thoroughly positioned and do not tolerate arbitrary finesse. If that is necessary, it must be done thoroughly from his own hands.

But Lee Hyun-seok is the opposite. It excites Cadenza, demands absurd finesse of difficulty, and pushes the player to maximize the possibility.

In retrospect, the past two works have also been so successful.

That's the pole.

'Maybe this director will reach Kim Chul before Taeyoung goes back on the same route.'

I spit.

And at the same time, the greatest desire that was already burning went up through the ceiling.

In his opinion, Lee Hyun-seok is a much more attractive producer than Kim Chul.

'Damn, no matter how old you are, you can't lose to a 20-year-old boy! If I don't change the look on the director's face too!'

The only thing that could not hide such awe and admiration was the silk. Staff members who had been stretching back narratives since the last shot were also resilient with similar faces.

Some were nodding, others rebuked and reflected on their own beliefs, doubting Lee Hyun-seok.

"· · · We were stupid. I can't believe that kind of thing just popped out."

"So I said. This Fiddy said there must be something separate."

"I can't wait to hear what those idiots are saying these days."

In the meantime, Lee Hyun-suk was still nodding silently with an expressionless face.

'What the hell are you thinking?'

The big chunk swallowed his saliva.

I don't know, but he understood that his own sympathy was going on in there.


[Hey, you bastard! He's scared! What the fuck is going on?]

'Aah, aah, aah.'

[What are you going to do? What are you gonna do? Are you gonna bury that scene too? Or are you gonna make a curtain with that?]


Don't just shake your head and say something! I don't want to die!]

186 Barbecue with eggs (4) End

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