"Did you hear that the end of the Vulcan series was practically stranded in the hands of the god director?"

"Of course I heard."

"And you're looking for advice from all over the world, including that Japanese writer friend?"

"That's it."

"Oh, then there's something new. My house cuckoo is crying that Lloyd Gonzales is playing at home these days!"

"· · · · · ·."

Diego, Lloyd and the two directors have been arguing for some time. However, Lloyd's recent retreat was also true, and what he needed was also true.

After a long struggle, Lloyd agreed to contact him with an unreasonable attitude. Diego followed Hee-hee's fall there.

However, the answer returned was a surprisingly modest rejection.

Director Lloyd will, of course, be a tremendous force. But I trust my junior. I want to challenge you with my own power.

Hmm, is that so?

The two directors faced each other. If Lee Hyun-Sook said this, I didn't know that he was a better person than I thought.

Lee Hyun-seok changed his voice while the misunderstanding was growing.

Well, it's welcome to come here. My junior and I need some advice right now.

· · · Can I go?

Tell me what?

The two directors were delighted when things went so smoothly unexpectedly.

However, as soon as they got off at Incheon Airport on a plane to Korea with expectations, they encountered a surprise scene.

"Well, that picture in the paper over there, isn't that the current one?"

"If there is no one else who resembles Colossus that much. I don't know what you've been up to since we got here."

They bought a newspaper straight away.

Diego didn't speak Korean yet, so Lloyd read it instead.

"Let's see, um, 'Lee Hyun-seok Fiddy, alleged deliberate takeover and abuse of actors?'"

The two directors faced each other.

It's a job, but how can you do it?


"Damn it, where is this?"

At the same time, Idona was pouring her temper in her office.

"How did you stop that reporter? What am I supposed to do if it explodes on the other side?"

Half-paint the nail polish, but I hear a newspaper with two directors in my hand. If there is a difference, there are tons of crumples. The marks on the side of the Great River are clear.

Park Jintae coughed.

"Well, let's just calm down, Donna."

"Is this what you need to calm down?!"

Park Jintae, who should be as serious as usual, was not in a bad mood, but felt calm when pushed there.

After returning to the article, Idona - if she does not read it - can no longer beat the minute and slam down the table.

"The actor abuse sounds ridiculous!"

At that time, Park Jin-tae's expression also became more serious. It could not be a suspicion that should be extinguished as quickly as it was not.

"Even so, as bad as that story is, somehow it's fast."

"He's not bothering anyone but me!"

"· · · · · ·."


Even the dizzy Park Jin-tae had no idea what to say back. I was jealous of Hong Ji-ho, who knew the atmosphere of the sensation early on.

As Park Jintae hesitated, Idona ended up grinding it.

"I didn't do anything I couldn't do in this situation. Keep it that way. The writer thinks it's a big deal. I don't know who's in trouble right now, that human?!"

At that time, Park Jin-tae also regained a bitter smile.

"Well, Jules is a little indifferent to himself."

"If you knew that, you should have taken action! You don't have to keep anyone by your side!"

Indeed, it was the wrong fury. And this time, Park Jin-tae was also able to find a horse to return there.

"Well, if you want to, why don't you stick around from now on?"


Idona blinks at the words of the dairy cows.

A brief silence passed.

Even though it was only for a very short time and I was starting to get angry again about what I was talking about, I was in a lot of trouble.

Park Jintae sighed with relief. I think this level is enough to tell the right story.

"Anyway, I don't have any proper evidence, so I'm just going to end up at the piercing level. I'll be in the SBC. There's nothing to worry about."

"· · · Who said anything about worrying? I'm just afraid of the fire spilling all the way over here."

Idona, muttering, coughed and shed her eyes.

"Anyway, you don't keep getting rumors? I don't like that."

"Didn't you always say a little rumor is something you have to take for granted in the entertainment industry?"

"· · · It feels like that's when the law changes."

"Yeah, let's hit it."

Park Jintae shakes his head.

"But it's not even a rumor without cause."

"· · · · · ·."

"I don't know, I didn't see it, but Mr. Lee Lee Lee's acting was so great. Staff are bi-directional enough to say that. The reaction must be rather mild right now."

"· · · That."

"Of course I believe that Jules had an idea. But the timing was bad."

Park Jintae tilled.

"You were interviewed on celebrity day last time. That's an influential situation, so it's a good flow to scissors."

"Besides, you seem to be responding well. Now it's best to just ignore it until it's too late. If Lee Seol or his affiliates say it didn't happen, it will be like pouring oil on a burnt offering."

Idona kept her mouth shut. After a while, she shook her head nervously.

A stylist's arrogant hair was shattered.

"That's it. I'm not the fool I expected of you."

"You're not thinking about something else, are you?"

He stood up and looked at Idona, and Park Jintae made a stern look.

"You're in the picture right now. If something goes wrong, you will fall and you will be crushed by the delegate."

"Make it right, am I a kid?"

In a word, it seemed to be a struggle, but using an Idonar translator meant something like, "I understand, you don't need to talk anymore."

Park Jintae sighed for a long time as he watched Idona walk out on a gunshot. If you don't do it, you won't be able to stop it.

After going out in the middle of that groaning, Idona called her manager straight away.


"Huh? Where are you going?"

"Accommodation in Airless. Oh, do you have Han-yumi? Now?"

"Huh? I don't know about your schedule, but maybe by the time we get there?"

"Do you have it, do you not? Tell me for sure!"

After calling and confirming that it was no help, Idona decided to postpone the Airless as a subordinate.

"Then go to Seong-dong District."

"Seongdong-gu? Where is Seongdong-gu?"

"Where are you? Where he belongs."

"· · · · · ·."

The manager is flawed, but as Idona opens her eyes, she reluctantly starts to drive.

· · · Well, it took a long time.


"· · · · · ·."

When Kang Joo's manager opens the reception door, Idona is holding her arms in an arrogant position. Even Kang Joo-yeon didn't seem like the actor I was in charge of, so I swallowed my saliva.

Idona snorts as if she thought she would.

"I think I told him to come out."

"Seol is in bad condition now."

"Well, I'm worried. Do I have to go to the hospital?"

"Oh, no! It's okay! I just fell asleep!"

"Hmm, at this hour?"

There are no children in the new country.I couldn't accept Idona as usual.

Originally, it is something in the realm beyond disrespect that you should not come to someone else's company. It's right to throw them out on the street.

However, when I heard the news that I had been beaten just now, Kang Joo was troubled. Even if Lee Hyun-seok's mediation was there, I couldn't bury it. When you think about how thoroughly the celebrity system weighs riders, you don't usually owe them. Of course, I couldn't go out into that pose.

However, it was true that Lee Lee was not sleeping right now, nor was he in a state of sickness. Somehow I needed to send it back here.

Kang Joo-yeon noticed very little.

'If you don't, I'll kneel down and beg.'

How she read that look, Idona kicked her tongue and changed her face.

"Well, good. Then we have no choice."

It was a mild abandonment that anyone could think of as surprising. Idona jaws as Kang Joo-yeon looks suspicious.

"What are you doing? Have a seat."

"Uh, me?"

"If you can't come out, don't you have to listen to him?"

Kang Joo-yeon swallowed the saliva and sat carefully.

"Well, what do you mean?"

"Do you ask because you don't know? Of course, it's about Lee Hyun-seok and his actors."

Uh, you?

Of course, I was even more embarrassed by the performance that I thought would happen last time.

No one else, and Idona came all the way here because she had nothing to do with herself?

But Idona was genuine, no matter who she saw.

"Last time I saw that, it was weird. Right?"

"Yes? Yes."

"Then tell me what you know."

Kang Joo-yeon rolled her eyes hard, but there was only one story she could tell.

"Well, actually, I'm good about that too."

"You don't know? You want me to believe that now?"


Idona's ugly expression bores me white.

I was unfair no matter how I thought. I don't know if it's about Idona, but isn't it about Lee Hyun-seok? I couldn't understand why I was being intimidated.

But Idona still acted like a detective she'd never played.

"Tell me everything you know honestly. It's not your only option anyway."

"· · · · · ·."

"· · · Well, it wasn't bad. If you want to forget about the last time you were at the cafe."


When Idona presented the compromise, the performance turned white at the moment.

First of all, since the suture is ready, there is no way that if Idona falls down, the future of the transfer will be mild. I can't change what Idona said with pride, so this is a chance.

However, he did and the performance was locked in contemplation. That's all you can talk about now.


"Oh, no! I'll tell you! I'll tell you!"

Kang Joo-yeon opened his mouth carefully after being confirmed that he would not be a problem with the last case.

"I mean, Lee Hyun-Seok and Seol have known each other for a long time."

"· · · That's a very interesting story. Since when?"

"Fifteen years ago."

"· · · · · ·."

Idona closed her mouth. His eyes urged him to speak with something.

"Well, that's about it."

Kang Joo-yeon began to stretch out the transcendental stories he had heard from his previous transfer. The story of the first time you two met, and then the story of the reunion on the station.

Idona's expression slowly changed as she heard it. The annoyance and flattery gradually disappeared and only the expression of the unknown remained in its place.

Kang Joo-yeon was reflexed inside. Yeah, even a dizzy white shark can change his mind a little bit about such a fuzzy story. You're not even talking about yourself, are you?

She ended the story enthusiastically by gaining more power.

"That's what happened."

"· · · · · ·."

"So, we don't think Lee Hyun-Seok Fiddy did something bad on purpose. As you may know, I don't usually get along."

Though I felt a subtle nuance, Idona was still speechless.

When I noticed it, the speaker coughed.

"Well, there seems to have been a misunderstanding for a moment, so I think you should slow down."

"· · · Hey?"

"Mr. Idona?"

"I didn't hear it."

"Uh, yeah?"

"I didn't hear that."

In a calm voice, the speaker raised his face with suspicious emotion.


And I stared straight down to 90 degrees.

180 nasty (11) end

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