King of the Last Drama

126 Study a day to become an academic (8)

A few days after Lee Hyun-seok's broadcast.

"Anyway, I don't think I can tell the difference between a man and a madman."

SBC President Choi Jong-joong was emptying his soju cup in a small wave house.

"Why are you splashing water in a well-drained pan?"


The boss across the street laughs bitterly.

The firepower of Lee Hyun-seok's "regional" remarks just two days ago was enormous. Less than a few hours after the broadcast, articles poured into the air.

Research Journal Lee Hyun-Seok PD, "Emi Sang doesn't care about the local area."

Choreography, etc., must return to Seo-yerin, an overestimated writer.

The end is already scheduled, but I think the next one will be a better person than himself.

The fire swallowed up the country in an instant and spread to the United States on SNS and so on.

At that time, Ozzie Ho CP's face was so white that I didn't even think of calling him to reproach him.

"Well, it's not as bad as you think, is it?"

The American netizens' response was not hostile, as President Ahn said.

Oh, I think you're right.

Oscar and Emina are big, but that's it.

It's just the size of this situation, and I don't think it's of sufficient quality.

Choi Hyuk sighed.

"What do you do if you don't react badly? This is the right water for the American broadcaster!"

If his reaction was close to ignorance, it would almost be close to a hundred years from now. It is a stack of unnecessary hurdles.

"If you're a film director, you might be curious, but this is insane with a drama PD."

"Isn't he going to go out to the movies?"

"Damn it, I'll give up!"

Choi Hyuk nervously emptied the glass.

"He said he didn't even think about it!"

Lee Hyun-seok declared at the last meeting, which began with an unpretentious backword about director Kim Chul. At least the next five years will be in the drama.

Furthermore, it could not be reversed. What kind of walk would this be?

"I don't want to make the like a play series that I would sell if I just made it. I don't know what the hell I'm thinking!"

"You're struggling."

He fills an empty glass of friendship that bursts into tears.

"Well, isn't this the guy? Do you have any idea what Shin-jae Kim Kyung-suk wrote?"

"Yes, it's Kim Kyung-suk. He's an old man who writes something that doesn't look like a post. Damn it, what are you expecting?"

The president frowns slightly.

"That's a bit harsh. Aren't you still an elder writer?"

"What a terrible thing, she's the King of the Wasp! Am I wrong?"

It raised its voice again, which was slightly slower.

"In the meantime, let's mix all the characters in the woman's drama by position and make them randomly selected. I put up a" new "sign. I assure you, the viewers won't feel any disguise."

In a slightly intoxicated attitude, he couldn't resist.

Self-replication and stereotyping are a common phenomenon for writers who like or dislike it, but writer Kim Kyung-suk was a very exaggerated type.

After seeing a good, frustrating heroine, a man who loves her like that, and a villain who is aiming for such a man, the shape and end of a drama is expected to roll.

In the same way, Bangauriaman stiffens his face and raises objections.

"The viewing rate tells me, Choi. If you don't like it, it's not the attitude of the public to deny the choice."


This time, it was Choi Hyuk's turn to shut up.

"And I believe he will do whatever it takes. I don't recall the image of him being drawn to me."

"Ha, I think he was wrong this time."

Choi Hyeong's nose farted.

"I was a writer who wanted to be a maintainer or a calligrapher. But isn't Kim Kyung-suk a great person who knows I'm Seo Soo-hyun? I'm not an old man who's gonna die for a kid in a tenth of my career."


"This time, you think he's in trouble? You can bet."

This time, I thought it would be good to experience a failure. The best part was a snoring.


"I'd like to hear from you. If there's anything I want to do, I'll fix it."

"· · · · · ·."

I was researching the look on my face.

The writer and PD meet to trim and fix the screenplay. It was nothing unusual.

Unless the writer came to Kim Gyeongsak's office in person.

I looked at her quietly. What the hell are you thinking?

In the meantime, Kim Kyung-suk was not a great person to ask for opinions about his realm when he crushed me. If you ignore me, such as building a transfer or interviewing, there is no end to it.

"I see."

I handed over the manuscript. Kim Kyung-suk was deliberately spaced and mopped, but the writer was not very impressed.

I just decided to go straight out.

"First of all, it seems that the circumstances in which the father of the protagonist is losing his memory are too unlikely."

I said.

"I don't think it's a very healthy situation to forget with simple forgetfulness without any medical findings."

"I see. What's next?"

I was stabbed in the heart. I didn't expect the bold positives to come back.

Naturally the words were twisted.

"Uh, mother-in-law seems to have a problem, too."

"Can you be specific?"

"Well, I mean."

No matter how respectful I looked, it was a wonder. I could not conceal my doubts while continuing to speak.

Kim Kyung-suk, who nodded for a while and teased the pen, snapped out.

"I was pretty cool about what I said on the air the other day."

"Yes? If it's broadcast, · · · ·."

"That two days ago."

I had a terrible eye. Well, I never thought there would be anyone praising the irrational numbers I threw out.

In that attitude, Kim Kyung-suk frowned a little. Slowly choose whether you felt the need to explain.

"I · · · no, my generation is a big old man."


That's what anyone sees.

"It doesn't look so bad to go see popular movies these days. The story seems too simple, and it's flashing all over the place, and it's over."

Writer Kim Kyung-suk sighed.

"And people say it's superior to ours, and it's great."

"· · · · · ·."

I didn't mean to interrupt.

"It's better to get one of those snobbery prizes across the water than to ride a prize ten times in our land. It's going to be a flow of years."

Writer Kim Kyung-suk bites his lips small.

"I was a little cool with this fiddy horse that just cut those snotties into fat. That's it."

· · · Indeed.

It wasn't meant to be, but it was a pleasant misfortune. I nodded with a light heart, knowing that I had no other intention.

Discussion resumed. I was a little proactive because I thought this missus might change her attitude soon.

"That's what this is about, and next thing you know, why don't you make it a little bit stereotypical? There would seem to be many ways."


In my opinion, writer Kim Kyung-suk thought for a moment and opened his mouth.

"I know this Fiddy, but I'll tell you one thing about old-fashioned. People are trying to insult my drama."


I opened my eyes wide at the sound of blatantly shaving myself. However, Kim Kyung-suk was a calm expression.

"A lot of people are complaining. Whether it's social life or anything else, I'm angry, but there's nowhere else to go."


"Those people need to have a foundation on which to be justifiably angry and insulted. At least I've been trying to write that story ever since."

It is good to make a planar evil into a stereoscopic evil. But if you change that from the beginning, it will be something other than Kim Kyung Sook's writing, and she said in a quiet voice.

"That's not a bad word. But if you're going to make something like that, I think it's important that this Fiddy doesn't have to work with me."


I once again laughed bitterly with a stabbed heart.

Kim Kyung-suk was not a good relationship, but he was a person who deserved to be called the godmother of Mak Jang Drama. The faintly revealed gazebo was not extraordinary.

I felt confident.

'I think it would be possible with this man, Senior.'


The meeting went on and I mean a little shorter.


At the same time as Lee Hyun-seok, Idona was continuing her simulation with Seo-yerin.

The office or regular cafe that we used to talk about was not a good time, so the place was her home.

"He's a small man who doesn't even know where to go."

Idona sighs. She was just complaining.

However, if you change your mind, Lee Hyun-seok seemed to have always done so. As always, Idona decided to endure her good self.

By the way.

It's your first time, isn't it? '

Yeah, and Idona nods. It was the first time a person other than Manager and Chief Park Jin-tae came home.

By the time it was a woman of similar age, Idonado could not feel a bit excited. Naturally, I felt the same way in my voice.

"Anyway, thank goodness. I've heard dramatic insults lately, and you can be a bit of a writer."

"· · · You can't be lucky."


After returning to a cool answer, Idona rolled her eyes. Hands on your thighs are squeezed tight.

"It's a good thing this Fiddy turned his back on his responsibilities, and then the situation changed, so why don't you drive the ball?"

"That's · · · ·"

"I was thinking of being Fiddy's partner. But he seems to think of me as a child to take care of, like Gia."

I saw my fingernails faint. Idona opened her mouth for a moment. But I didn't say Moore.

Certainly there was such a miracle in the meantime. Lee Hyun-seok, who was always a sluggish attitude, tended to be extremely mature for some of them.

For example, a retainer or a calligrapher.

· · · Or, I'm not trying to be introverted, but it's hereditary.

Idona said brightly.

"Well, being considerate is a good thing. You don't know the writer, but there are a lot of directors on this floor."

I mean, he was a scumbag father, but that's as much as he really was.

Idona kicks out her childish fantasies. Seo-yerin's troubles were quite extravagant to her, but not everyone had to have the same experience.

"I do what I have to. So, how far did you go? Obviously, the writer maintains a simple synopsis."

"· · · would be nice. Idona, you're trustworthy."

"Uh, yeah?"

Idona blinks at a sudden stab.

"Haven't you been very close lately since you asked Fiddy to show you his example? You're going to America together."

"· · · · · ·."

After speaking, Seo-yerin turned into a frowning face. Keep your head down.

"I'm sorry, it was a simple fury."

"No · · · · · ·."

An awkward silence passed.

126 Study a day and become an academic (8) End

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