King of the Last Drama

122 Study a day to become an academic (4)

"It's not good to get old, kid."

Seo Soo-hyun said.

"Whatever you hear, it all sounds like crap."

"I will."

Despite open and sarcastic talk, Seo-yerin's face was not shaken. His nephew, who had not come to the house much lately, inhaled the green tea with a delicate face.

Seo Soo-hyun sighed and took his horse out again.

"So, Yerin. What happens to your drama character?"

"I dragged all the connections I had met and left the blacksmith beyond the Milky Way."

"· · · To find your father?"

"To find my father."

Seo Soo-hyun couldn't answer her nephew's question.

She was ready to move on, so I couldn't seriously think about whether it was the right choice at this point.

"It's not that weird."

Seo-yerin explained slowly.

"Most of the world where Yoon Ga-yeon has moved has been left with debris. There were many people who were destined to die soon."

Neither Earth, nor the alien planets. Even in it – a setting that was later overridden - there was even a Vulcan after its destruction.

"If you don't know if you can come back, you can gather comrades, right? They're gonna die anyway."

For that reason, Yoon Ga-yeon began to move straight away.

I saved the peasants who died in the Joseon period when I first visited them. Rescued a survivor in Vulcan who was about to perish. In the numerous worlds she visited, she gathered her forces.

There were twelve such groups.

Seo Soo-hyun sighed.

"Yeah, I get it. They got on that spaceship."


"Don't talk to him. Anyway, aren't you going far enough to set up a country?"


Seo-yerin nods.

"Twelve bows, because they are a total of twelve. Since we've seen each other for the first time, there have been a lot of problems, but they're all weak and abandoned, so the direction is moving in the good direction."

As a result, Yun Ga-yeon will build a new country beyond the stars. It can't be a genre transition with a giga and a stuffy nose.

But things go well as protagonists. There is somewhat of a handicap, but the more the story goes on, the more idealistic, the better, the more paradise we consider helping each other.

And when it reaches the end, it gradually changes even Yoon Ga-yeon himself, who was burned by revenge at the end. The theme of "Journal of Research", which is to achieve growth through stacked relationships, is retained.

"That's all I could think about."

"· · · Yes. That's all I understood."

"But this Fiddy was different."

Seo-yerin smiled faintly.

"I never imagined it. Drawing the words of that world."

"· · · · · ·."

"Maybe that was the problem."

Seo Soo-hyun swallowed a sigh and looked at him quietly.

It was only recently that the vibrant nephew's mood changed in recent weeks.

He didn't seem as lost as he was before. Rather, the power seemed clearer than ever. But there was less laughter, and in my eyes I often glimpsed even a certain kind of resolute tint.

"You'll have to prove it hard. How far I can go."

Seo-yerin murmurs, not Seo Soo-hyun.

"But if you say you can't."


I didn't think I'd tell Diego anything else.

I've painted enough Vulcan annihilation scenes, so let's draw the opponent's side and hit a few minutes, just like this.

"· · · Could you give us some time?"

However, the opinions that were so thoughtless seemed to inspire some kind of calligrapher.

I couldn't hide my expectations as a fan of the writer, Seo-yerin.

"I'm looking forward to seeing what comes out."

[Well · · · · ·.]

But unlike me, Kim Chol was a little vague.

[I think Seo-yerin is in a strange mood these days.]

"Storytelling Climax is approaching. It'll be a burden."

When I said it out of hand, the senior shook his head.

[Isn't that right after you announced that Kim Kyung-suk is new?]


[You know, I don't like being with other writers other than myself.]

"Oh, my God, you can't do that!"

I laughed.

"Even Aunt Seo Soo-hyun won't do that."

It is virtuous for Fiddy to work with as many writers as possible. Similarly, it is virtuous for the writer to encounter as many fiddies as possible.

Either way, there is no better way to look at and develop your skills from a different perspective. We need to leave it and have a lot of relationships in reality.

[So, Kee, are you trying to push her on the other side somehow?]

"Fiddy in the dining room was not an ordinary person, but Jia was not a good meeting for herself."

I sighed.

It would be good for a calligrapher to gain experience with other Fiddies as long as she is recognized for her abilities. I think Kim Jeon Gam from KBC will be fine.

That's how the seal passed. It took Writer Seo-yerin about three days to get his ideas out of Cyan.

"Oh, my God."

And I had no choice but to open my mouth. It was synopsis that forced me to hold my head.

[· · · It's interesting to see.]

Kim Chul said with a distressing look.

[It's funny, but I don't think he's crazy.]

"Yes · · · ·."

Of course, I didn't think differently. This started with a very fundamental problem before the scenario.

I couldn't help but pick up the phone after reading a few more times.

"I, Writer Stan. This is the scenario you sent me."

[· · · Is there a problem?]

"No, there's not really a problem."

[Please tell me if you have any questions.]

It was a quiet voice.

[I'll fix it. A few times.]

But Sussex said, Beyond the phone, I could feel that I wasn't obsessed. It was a tone that I thought of persuading myself to disappear.

After a few days of rethinking, I finally set my mind.

[· · · Are you really gonna do it?]

"What do you want to do?"

I sighed.

"As I said, I intend to listen to you as much as I can this time."

[But this way · · · · · ·.]

"Yes, it's not enough."

I took it.

"I intend to do it right, because I am a king of Giwang-dong."

[Right, what?]

Kim Chol Sunbae became a very ridiculous face. What else are you going to do with this scenario?

Either that or I called Diego straight away.

Having heard the story has also become a very difficult tone.

This way. It's not hard. No, it's good to see you. But are you serious?

"I mean it."

· · · Got it.

Diego confirms it over and over again, giving it a difficult hue.

First of all, we need to get in touch with each other quite often.

I really am.


Choi Mina was sitting in front of the computer and handling today's quota. Even so, the title Examiner was not awkwardly studying.

In the meantime, her outstanding title was "Rocket Man", along with a few other stage 1 fan clubs.

For example, the title of Official Pan Café Vice President and Manager of Maintenance was one of them.

You still haven't written a new one, have you?

You don't have to use the work, so I want you to shine your face for a while.

He's an examiner. Let's wait a bit!

Even so, he was diving, so the proper bread did not go back. In fact, the current Pan Café was centered around works derived from the world view made by Yu Yu.

Naturally, the next name that comes out a lot has to be Lee Hyun-seok.

And the last words about Lee Hyun-seok were like nothing else.

Is Lee Hyun-seok PD crazy?

Is this what you're doing in your right mind?

Choi Mina took a sigh and deleted the posts that were mixed with swearing. The number was increasing exponentially every day.

Of course, it wasn't like this from the beginning.

Some time ago, around the middle of the 30th century, the "Jewelry Box in the Research Journal" began to develop rapidly.

I intend to go beyond the stars that no one will ever find.

"I swear, I might die. No, it's less likely to survive.

But no one will get there after you. I'll leave the choice to you.

Yun Ga-yeon left the blacksmith beyond the universe with only a single word.

Gambling succeeded. These groups were able to reach alien planets in a fully blessed environment. Later, as we pioneered the alien planet of the Husband Plateau, it began to move around little by little.

It was a genre transition to military theatre that had been featured in the previous "Live Like a Theatre".

Even though the heroine was suddenly carrying a flag and pioneering an alien planet, Lee Hyun-seok's drama was not a bad response.

No, it was rather fine.

Well, the Earth never flew again.

The atmosphere is the opposite of "theatre."

I love that human hymn!

This tended to unravel the episode itself. Viewers comfortably watched the story as if they were playing a simulated game.

Progress was soft enough to be criticized for being operational.

Let's solve it with a conversation.

Under Yoon Ga-yeon's care, we are all equal.

We don't want any kind of conflict.

While there were conflicts between each other, the twelve forces gathered by Yun Ga-yeon discussed, harmonized, and built an ideal system.

The boring part of the jaw-dropping was unravelled by the sophisticated completion of the choreography, often behind the emerging Eugang Jin - the bread of any transcendent existence multiplied the tension.

People watched as if they were watching early human drama as a small group that began to develop with understanding and cooperation.

At a similar time, the story of the fall of Vulcan in the United States illuminated exactly the same place.

In fact, some viewers had already assumed that the Twelve Palaces were the same force since the appearance of the Twelve.

Therefore, when the first trailer, Vulcan Fall, came out, the viewers were full of expectations.

Yoon Ga-yeon was the culprit!

Now we know what happened.

Amman is still a different work, so I don't think it will be explicitly expressed, but · · · ·.

But the real thing left the viewers frozen.

What is it, this hell?

122 Study a day and become an academic (4) End

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