King of the Last Drama

112 Elephant Knowledgeable Blind (6)

"· · · · · ·?"

I don't know about the situation, but anyway, I decided to take this as a good thing.

I honestly thought it would be over after the ghost in front of my eyes completely wiped out the image of poor Yoomi.

· · · Well, maybe it's too late for Idona.

"Anyway, if you're coming in, come in."

Lee said loudly.

"I didn't usually feel civil when I saw that I was in a bad mood. I'm the same person."

[· · · Why?]

The ghost was muttering, ignorant.

[I thought it was okay until now · · · why now come · · · · ·.]

I frowned a little.

Approximately half the chances were that the words would not work. Today, however, the situation seemed a little more unusual.

Something's not going well.

"Excuse me? If you keep talking in the air, it's stupid, so you should come in moderately."

The moment he saw his face, Lee stopped speaking. I blinked for a while and asked.

"Are you unable to do it?"

When I looked at him, I couldn't even hear the answer. I woke up. My eyes turned to the calendar.

How much time do we have left?

"What are you doing? I need to see my brother right now!"

[· · · Why you call the director that.]

"Even in this situation, is that a good monopoly? You're always broken by a puppy!"

In the absence of substance, the transfer between the mouth and the door begins to hang a nesting mantle.


Writer Kim Kyung-suk sent the manuscript a few days later. I read it with the utmost reverence.

· · · Indeed.

Unlike me, who was admired and delighted, Kim Cheol-sung was a subtle expression.

[It's very traditional.]

Specifically, it seemed as if I wanted to put up with the humiliation.

I smiled.

"The drama was originally like this, Senior. It's like a fantasy-free novel."

[Jeong Phara?]

"Isn't it similar? It looks obvious, and it's hard to grow, but when you reach the peak, the mature scent is visible."

Thinking about Kim Kyung-suk's career, it would be more appropriate to say that it is authentic than tradition. Kim Chul had a lot to say, but he just shook his head with excitement.

[So, Kee, is he a saffron or a hematologist?]

"· · · Why do you suddenly skip two steps? At least let me do it by horse."

It's a martial arts school, so it's a good station.

At the beginning of the reading, Kim Chul also seemed somewhat relaxed. However, his face became more and more rotten, but he could not pass over half and began to hit Gingerly.

[No, Hyun-Seok. Are you sure this is working? Really?]

"Uh-huh, what do you say to the writer who has been out of the way for more than 20 years?"

I tightly tongued.

"Isn't it a career similar to yours? You have to respect each other in a similar way."

[I'm trying, damn it! But when you look at it, it turns you upside down!]

Kim Chul Sunbae was tempered.

[What kind of asshole is this? The start line is early, but you can't even do it!]


It's a backdrop that reminds me of the finest. You're getting divorced after you flip a death sentence, but it's a common cliché.

The senior handed over the manuscript and said,

[Look here. No, if you catch the number of bad bitches you can reckon with, you're gonna have to use it! How many times do you get hit in the back with a whiff?]


[And what else is there to be beaten and not developed? If you're unfairly mocked, you're gonna be a bruiser! I left my clothes on. Do you want to boil the soup?]

Kim Chul Sunbae fried the saliva. And she said, "Listen to me." I want to explain. "Shut up!" It's a scene that hears the sound and shatters.

It's quite a savvy cliche, and the heroine was freezing this pattern four times a week.

[Holy shit!]

And on that fourth day, Kim Chol couldn't stand it and started banging his chest.

And I nodded bluntly at that look.


[Where are you going, you bastard!]

"That's how you reacted to this script."

[· · · What?]

Kim Chul Sunbae opened his mouth.

Reducing sweet potatoes between repetitive patterns means that they are multiplying, which means that the mold input is great.

Skilled at addressing the essentials of 'cursing and watching drama' more than anyone.

Indeed, Kim Kyung-suk said it was a dubious war.

[My husband is garbage, my mother-in-law is more garbage, my brothers and sisters are upside down! Damn it!]

Kim Chul Sunbae finally broke the manuscript and began to irritate.

[I'd rather have your daughter a hundred times better! If he does, I'm gonna round up all this shit and shoot him into space in 10 seconds!]


I don't want to admit it, but once Gia is there. No matter how badly he looked, Kim Chul was already seriously addicted to Gia's bloody nematodes.

[What the hell kind of scenario is this?]

I shrug as I groan, covering my face with my hands.

"I'll tell you what, but I remember you doing it first."

[Who would have thought this was enough! I've been staring at Ed Wood, and I feel like "Kazam" came out!]

Kim Chul Sunbaek has left the castle. It's a film director analogy, but it feels a little bad.

Most importantly, I see "Kazam" as better. However, Glaser later turned to drama and didn't choose "Criminal Mind".

I hardened my bearded face, not the atmosphere in which the story would proceed.



"I think you should face reality, too."

Kim Chul opened his eyes with a look that he didn't know what he was talking about. I declared.

"You've never experienced a proper curtain before."

[· · · What, man?]

The senior opens his mouth. The look on his face is disappointing.

[No, you bastard. How crazy have I been with you so far?]

I shook my head decisively.

"I know you've endured a lot. But as you said, Gia is a safa. It's as obvious as fun to see, even if it's ridiculous and frustrating."

I feel frustrated when laughter comes out and my insides don't burst. At least the calligrapher has tried it in the "Research Journal" painting 1, but it has to be that simple.

In other words, Kim Chul Sunbae has never had an orthodox drama represented by upside down sweet potatoes.

"In addition to that, recent misunderstandings have ironically protected your mind and body."

[· · · · · ·.]

"But we must no longer approach it that way, Senior."

I continued calmly.

At first, Kim Chol, who tried to say Moore with a cheerful expression, became reluctant to accept it, and the ending became a little depressing.

[· · · Yes, I think you're right.]

Kim Chul Sunbae quietly turned over the script again. I coughed a little in the shape of a blatantly dead grass.

"Anyway, I know the script is great, so I'm not going to do anything this time. I touched it clumsily and experienced what it looked like."

[That would be the correct answer.]

Kim Chul Sunbae was also heavily appreciated.

[Let's just leave it to the experts this time.]

That was the lesson that Kim Chul and I learned from their work.

If you try to do something, it's dirty. If you put more irrational numbers to fill it, you get more results than that. That was the Spiral that has continued so far.

Therefore, the best idea was not to create variables at all.

A remarkable workmanship, an auxiliary writer, an actor who turns the scene upside down on his own, and an extraordinary design that never goes down for nothing abroad.

As much as this plan, I decided to make such a serene end.

"On this side, most of the players seem to have been drawn to third place."

Writer Kim Kyung-suk's requirements were quite detailed.

Of course, he is ranked 1st in his division and 2nd and 3rd in his age, but he is not a very broad or well-performing actor.

I don't know if you're going to test me, but thank you.

"Hmmm, I want you to take care of this."

[What are you going to do?]

"Don't worry. There are people in this role who have already thought about it."

When I smiled, Kim Chul opened his eyes.

[Please don't do anything, Hyun-seok. Who else are you picking to ruin it?]

"What are you saying that is so sad to ruin?"

I smiled and put that name in my mouth.

"I intend to recommend Shay from Rocket Man." "

The best line of sight for an optimum who has nothing to say. The perfect Flower Dragon Peak of this unforgettable scheme.


The power was so great that even Kim Chul, who had a nail-looking face, made him zinc.

It was only a short time later that the senior who barely changed his face was locked in contemplation.

[· · · You made an arrangement, you.]

"What do you think?"

[Perfect! That's the perfect line! But · · · · · ·.]

Is it possible? I smiled with such a sceptical expression.

"Of course I have an idea."


Park Jintae was moving and continuing the call beyond his phone.

"Yes, I understand, Jules. So, first of all, is our company the principal?"

"Yes, yes. I'll do that."

"I'll contact KDS. It's not going to be that hard."

Park Jin-tae stopped the moment she walked into the office and picked up the paperwork. Look around and lower your voice.

"· · · Yes, I'll hide it for a while."

"Writer Seo-yerin wouldn't like it if there were other arrangements during his drama."

After finishing the call, Park Jintae sighs and puts the phone down. It's a complicated look.

I honestly didn't get it.

The franchise is in perfect orbit. In that situation, even the "Journal of Research" is a new design in an unfinished situation.

Even the writer is the elder writer Kim Kyung-suk, who hears that he is already old.

"· · · You must have some idea."

However, Park Jintae's trust was much deeper than that suspicion. Lee Hyun-seok would have thought of something, he believed.

Park Jintae once again looked around the office where no one was, and then stepped out.

After he left, there was static in the office. But a little later, it became less popular.

The inside door opened and the face revealed was Seo-yerin.

She was a brutish expression.


112 Elephant Knowledgeable Blind (6) End

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