King of Eschatology

Chapter 827: Mighty Overbearing Town Sky Banner

() Xu Fu's three avatars are called the eldest, the second and the third according to the sequence of differentiation.

The one Lu Fan had beheaded on Penglai Xiandao was the third of the three.

The three avatars respectively sit in Penglai Xiandao, Abbot Xiandao and Weizhou Xiandao. The three Xianshan mountains are connected with the same air, and they are traction by air, which can communicate with each other.

Xu Fu is good at various mysteries. He refines himself into three avatars, each of which is nurtured in a fairy mountain. After the three avatars are combined in the future, he can evolve into superior life.

However, wishes are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

After the three avatars appeared, each had their own consciousness. As time passed, their mutual cognitions changed, and they all turned towards complete individuals.

In the end, the three avatars were all independent and never wanted to fit again.

Therefore, when the boss and the second child learned that the third child was killed by Lu Fan, they did not show much sentimentality, and more of them were angry, and they wanted to kill Lu Fan to vent their anger.

In particular, the two were jealous when they learned that Lu Fan's body had blackish air.

"How's it? It's been burning for almost half an hour. It should have been smelted, right?"

The second child spoke, looking out of the mist and looking at the island, he couldn't wait.

The boss snorted, and said, "He has the protective body of Xuanhuang Qi. I'm afraid he won't die at one and a half. We'll practice him for a while, and we must get his Xuanhuang Qi."

The second child nodded silently when he heard the word. Although the three avatars are independent individuals, it is clear that they are headed by the boss.

Xu Fu's three avatars each gave birth to a fairy light, namely Taiqing Xianguang, Shangqing Xianguang, and Yuqing Xianguang. These three fairy lights are the products of three fairy mountains and were forcibly integrated into Xu Fu's body.

Xu Fu has mastered many mysteries. He is looking forward to the day when the three avatars can be merged into one. At that time, the three immortals will also condense together and become the legendary Xuanhuangqi.

In this matter, as the third child was killed and Taiqing Xianguang was taken away, it became impossible to condense Xuanhuang Qi.

However, Xu Fu's other two avatars have learned a more important secret, that is, Lu Fan's body contains Xuanhuang Qi.

Originally, they still had to work hard, but in the end they might not be successful. Now they have ready-made Xuanhuangqi in front of them, and they will definitely do it.

As long as Lu Fan is killed, they can take the Xuanhuang Qi.

"What's going on? It's been fired for more than half an hour. Why didn't he react at all?"

The second child saw the old **** Lu Fan standing there, without any pain, and felt something weird.

In particular, just now Lu Fan yawned there, it seemed like he was sleepy, and there was no awareness of the imminent disaster.

The boss stared at Luanfan carefully and responded after a while: "This guy is a human emperor. He has a lot of babies. If not, my Wansha sword array would not have any effect."

At the beginning, Xu Fu's first avatar directly used the strongest sword array. I thought that Lu Fan could be easily stabbed to death. I did not expect that there were many babies on the other side, all of which were Yang-level weapons, which could block his sword array.

That's why he let the second child start the fire-fighting refining battle and tried to burn Lu Fan with flames.

From their point of view, the flame is basically pervasive, and even if there are many babies on the other side, it is impossible to block the flame's attack.

But what surprised them was that Lu Fan was most afraid of flames. Since he had the star map, he had obtained the fire control technique, and the world's fires could not threaten him.

"Well, in this case, I'll order him some more and see if he will behave so well!"

Boss Lengheng, once again opened the Wansha sword array, countless sword lights condensed in the dense fog, is gaining momentum, and then will start Thunder Crit.

On the desert island, there are purple flames everywhere. Lu Fan stands in the blazing fire, and is surrounded by boiling magma, and bubbles are constantly emerging.

The temperature here is extremely horrible. Weapons brought in below the sun level will be melted into a pool of molten iron in an instant, terrifying and terrifying.

However, this temperature is really no threat to Lu Fan who has the art of controlling fire. He has been standing here for more than half an hour, and it really feels boring.

Lu Fan waited silently, his zombie points were almost, until a certain moment, Lu Fan opened his eyes in vain.

"Wahaha, 10 billion zombie points, finally enough!"

Lu Jiajun's fighters really did their best. Just half an hour after the war, they killed enough zombies, making the zombie points in the Super God Link system directly exceed 10 billion.

What's more, the zombie points are constantly rising without any intention of stopping.

"God chain, zombie points are enough. Hurry up and exchange what you said."

Lu Fan was so excited that he was trapped in this formation for almost two hours, and was almost furious.

It can be imagined that once Lu Fan rushes out, with his violent temper, I am afraid that blood will flow into the river again, and the dead body will be thousands of miles away.

Divine Chain heard Lu Fan's angry voice, and immediately responded displeasedly: "What is that thing? What is the sky banner? I can tell you clearly that this weapon has only one universe. Yes. "

"Okay, don't make nonsense to Lao Tzu, I want to exchange for Zhentian Banner!"

Lu Fan roared in his heart, and didn't want to wait for a second.

Shenlian was speechless, but she also knew the seriousness of the matter, leaving a second more dangerous. At this time, she did not dare to delay, and immediately redeemed Zhentian Banner.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully redeeming Zhentian Banner and consuming zombie points: 10 billion."

God Chain reminded Lu Fan's mind kindly, and suddenly Lu Fan's complexion turned black.

Ten billion zombie points, the brothers earned their lives and were deducted by the system.

Lu Fan's anger is more prosperous ~ ~ If it wasn't for Xu Fu's two **** avatars, how could he have landed in such a daunting situation, and his brothers were not far off in the stars, fighting in the stars.

Lu Fan had a anger in his heart, anxious to tear the heavens and the earth and cut everything down.

"Zhentian Banner, come out!"

Lu Fan shouted, the mid-level tenth peak combat power soared, the whole misty area rolled clouds, a gigantic banner suddenly appeared, and the breath of terror suddenly burst into the air.

The flag pole of Zhentian is an unknown jade bone, while the flagpole is an unknown animal skin. The front side is painted with the sun and the moon, the reverse is carved with black and white.

As soon as this flag came out, the sky and the earth changed, and the cricket flag was hunting and sounding in the void, and the abrupt flash of the original blazing flame suddenly extinguished.


Today my friend got married and has been busy following up.

(End of this chapter)

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