King of Eschatology

Chapter 823: Assault on Mars

() God Chain was screaming and scaring again and again, and Lu Fan was trembling in his heart. He did not need the reminder of God Chain. He was already fleeing outside.

However, the entire island has been surrounded by fog, and even at high altitudes, it has been completely blocked by Xu Fu.


Lu Fan smashed a fist of energy with one punch, tearing a gap around the fog, and he rushed out of the short passage.

At this moment, Lu Fan returned to the hotel again, his face was extremely grim, and his eyes were horrifiedly looking at the dense fog.

"what happened?"

Du Lingyun knew that something bad had happened. At this time, she held the Yang-level sword tightly in her hand, and with a sharp sword coming out, she was about to shoot.

"Don't be impulsive, we are now in a fantasies. We can't find the enemy for the time being."

Lu Fan blocked Du Lingyun's actions. He looked around the fog and looked for ways to get out of trouble.

Du Lingyun is also extremely anxious. She is now a medium seventh-tier powerhouse and has a strong sense. In these mists, she has felt a fatal crisis.


Suddenly, a high-pitched sword groaned, a sword light flew from a distance, and smashed down into Fanfan's heart, and the sharp edge cut the void directly, unstoppable.

Lu Fan flicked his finger, a purple beam of light rushed out, and collided with the opponent's sword light instantly. With the sound of a blast, a horrible energy wave broke out in the void.

Lu Fan's momentum shook, and a huge energy mask appeared, covering the entire hotel directly, blocking all energy fluctuations.

Immediately after, sword lights appeared one after another in the sky. It seemed extremely imaginative to Lu Fan's Tiandi Beidou Sword Formation, and there seemed to be endless sword lights hidden in the fog.

Although Lu Fan can easily block Jian Guang's attack, if left to end with the endless Jian Guang split, Lu Fan will be exhausted sooner or later.

As a result, Lu Fan found a shield from many sun-level weapons and ran across the hotel directly.

This is the weapon and equipment of the giants. It is very huge and has amazing defense power. Like a bronze gate, it keeps the infinite sword light out.

At the same time, countless sword lights cut continuously to this giant shield, and the sword marks appeared on the surface of the shield, and became instantaneous.

It is conceivable that this shield will not last for long, at most it will be completely destroyed in one minute.

This is also the case where Lu Fan is constantly injecting the power of evolution. Without the support of evolution, I am afraid that this shield will fall apart instantly.

I have to say that Xu Fu's Jianguang attack is very sharp, no less than Lu Fan's Tiandi Beidou Sword Formation.

The evolutionary inheritance of Xu Fu has not been cut off. Many powerful evolutionary methods and evolutionary martial arts will be used. Although his fighting power is not as good as Lu Fan, he has a variety of mysterious skills, but his power is amazing.

"Chain of God, is there any way to break this fantasy array?"

A giant's shield was blocking him. Lu Fan had no problem in a short time, but he knew in his heart that if he wanted to break out, he must first break through the magic array.

Divine Chain has been researching and heard Lu Fan's question, and immediately responded: "In fact, there is an item in the Super God Link System that can easily break the opponent's formation."

There is a large flag in the Yang-level weapon column of the Super God Link System, which is called Zhentian Banner. It specifically suppresses the cracking matrix and has natural restraint against it.

When he heard this, Lu Fan's eyes lighted up suddenly, and his heart growled, "Special, what are you waiting for, get it out quickly!"

Shenlian responded awkwardly: "Sorry, that item is a Yang-level weapon with a value of 10 billion zombie points. Your current zombie points are too small to be exchanged."


When Lu Fan directly swears, what time is it, still care about these?

"Grass, is it okay for me to credit?"

Lu Fan was furious, because now more and more Jianguang is slicing towards the shield, many places have been penetrated, and he is very tired to resist.

As for Du Lingyun, Lu Fan had let her go aside long ago. These sword lights are all medium tenth-order peak combat power attacks. She is only a medium-level seven new human, and she cannot stop any one of them.

GodChain reluctantly responded: "This is really no way. In the final analysis, I am just the spokesperson for the SuperGod Link System. Regarding regularity issues, I cannot solve it."


The chain of God seemed to think of something, and it seemed to stop talking.

"Unless what?"

Lu Fan is in a hurry. He is almost burning his eyebrows with this daddy product of God Chain. The other party is still supporting him here. If there is something, let him fart!

Divine Chain responded: "Unless you go to kill the zombies now, earn 10 billion zombies points, and then redeem that sun weapon."

"Your uncle!"

Shenlian is talking nonsense. He is trapped here and cannot get away. Where can I kill the zombies?

Besides, the zombies on the earth are almost eliminated. Even if they are cleaned again, it is impossible to make up 10 billion zombies points.

Suddenly, Lu Fan seemed to think of something, and suddenly hesitated in his heart.

Before leaving, Xu Xiaopeng once reported that the Tiantong organization was severely damaged on Mars, and the endless medium zombies were all over Mars, engulfing a small unit of Tiantong organization.

If you send someone to attack Mars at this time, as long as you destroy a certain number of zombies, your zombie points will definitely skyrocket.

You know, the lowest-strength zombies on Mars are all of medium-level life and worth a lot. Each one has more than one million zombies points. With a large number, there is hope to make up 10 billion in a short period of time.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan immediately took the light brain device out of the storage space and threw it at Du Lingyun not far away.

"Connected to the Tianyue Empire headquarters and informed Lin Xiaoxiao that all monthly soldiers would immediately start a war on Mars and clear all the zombies there."

Having said that, Lu Fan added, "When they pay attention to security, if conditions permit, they can directly attack remotely without landing on Mars."

Du Lingyun was always staying by the side ~ ~ Because she couldn't help, she was anxious and pale at this moment. When she heard Lu Fan's arrangement, she suddenly showed great joy.

Although I don't know what Lu Fan's intention is, he finally helped.

Lin Fan's name was recorded on Lu Fan's optical brain device, and Du Lingyun dialed it with a little touch.

At the same time, Tian Xiao Empire Headquarters, Lin Xiaoxiao is sitting in the city's main house, is approving the progress of the moon project, Liu Xiao of the Ministry of Infrastructure sits on the sofa below with a look of pride.

Soon after, Lin Xiaoxiao read the documents in his hand, nodded with satisfaction, and praised Liu Xiao: "The project progressed ten days faster than expected, and it worked well. Let me tell you, it's hard."


The fourth one is given away. Thank you MYC, Tianhong & Indulgence § Seven He for the reward, thank you for your support.

In addition, continue to ask for monthly tickets, double, please everyone, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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