King of Eschatology

Chapter 810: Chaos Green Lotus

() In the broken ancient universe, Lu Fan swept out of the black vortex, and finally set foot on this desolate and vast land.

The eye is full of scars, the earth is broken, and there is a dark color everywhere, exuding a strong decaying smell.

There are even some bottomless pits, like tiankeng, I don't know how deep.

This tiankeng is extremely horrible. If it falls, even the middle tenth-ranked strong man may not be able to climb up.

There is no sun in the sky, and it is gray everywhere. There is a special kind of gray material covering the sky, which makes the temperature here extremely low.

The space here is extremely unstable, there are space cracks everywhere, and special gases are emitted from it.

These space cracks are extremely sharp. If you accidentally run into them, even the middle tenth-tier powerhouses will have to hate.

After coming here, Lu Fan couldn't help looking flushed, and was almost stung by that pungent smell.

Here is the ruins of the universe, mixed with various gases, many of which are poisonous. If ordinary people come here, they will be poisoned by taking a breath.

Lu Fan was horrified. Even if he was extraordinary, he didn't dare to inhale too much at this time, so he had to close his breath.

Legend has it that this is the original form of the universe. Before the Big Bang, it was actually what it is now.

With the emergence of the Big Bang, the ancient universe disappeared, replaced by huge galaxies one after another, forming the new universe now.

However, the ancient universe was too big at the time, and even if there was a big bang, there would still be ruins.

This kind of ruin is spread all over the universe and exists in a special space, anywhere is infinite.

Lu Fan entered this ancient universe, and God Chain began to introduce all of it in detail for him to let him have a full understanding.

"This is where the universe was first born, along with many innate spirits, such as Taiqing Fairy Light, Shangqing Fairy Light, and Yuqing Fairy Light."

"These three breaths are extraordinary, and any one of them is an extraordinary creation."

"However, the yellowish qi in your body is even more extraordinary. It feeds on three immortal qi. The purpose of letting you here is mainly to strengthen the yellowish qi."

Shen Chain said a lot in one breath, so that Lu Fan had a clear goal in his heart.

Lu Fan's action this time is mainly to find the immortality, nourish the yellow air in the body.

To be honest, until now, Lu Fan felt just like dreaming. He really didn't expect that the golden light that drew into his body on Mount Tai at that time turned out to be a mysterious atmosphere.

Lu Fan remembered Xuanhuangqi's previous generation of masters. At that time, the man was sealed somewhere and was finally brutally killed. Only this golden light recorded the history of the year.

If the Xuanhuang Qi is too extraordinary, I am afraid that the stone wall on Mount Tai would not be able to record the secret event of that year.

In fact, what really changed Lu Fan's destiny was not the super-shen link system, but this Xuanhuang Qi, otherwise, he would have long been the seat of Qin King.

It is really because of the appearance of Xuanhuang Qi that broke the layout of King Qin and rewritten Lu Fan's destiny step by step.

Lu Fan just wanted to say something, but God Chain was screaming alertly.

"No, there are a lot of aliens coming here, and there is trouble."

Upon hearing this, Lu Fan could not help but shrink his pupils and exclaimed, "What, how could there be aliens here?"

After a moment of groaning, the chain of gods responded: "I see. Eighteen galaxies in the universe joined forces to open the ancient altar and teleported their people to this ancient ruins. They seem to have come from the same object."

"What is it?"

Lu Fan asked.

The current chain of God is extremely extraordinary. As long as she notices a clue, she can learn a lot from it, and maybe this is the real strength of the Super God Link System.

The head of the **** chain once revealed its solemn color, and responded word by word: "Their goal is to chaotic Qinglian."

"Chaotic Qinglian?"

Lu Fan was a little puzzled. He had never heard of this kind of thing, but the other party had the word chaos, which should not be ordinary.

There was a eager longing in the eyes of Shen Chain, saying: "This chaotic green lotus is mature, you must grab it before them."

For the first time, Lu Fan saw Shen Chain so disoriented, and asked, "What is the effect of Chaos Qinglian? What do I grab that thing for?"

ShenChain was a little excited, saying: "The chaotic green lotus has extraordinary effects. The most important point is that it can reshape the body."

Speaking of which, Shen Chain looked to Lu Fan's eyes full of praying, saying: "Please, you must capture this thing, I need a flesh."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

Fan Fan looked at the God Chain inconceivably. Isn't the other robot a robot? An artificial intelligence, what does the body do?

Shenlian knew what Lu Fan was skeptical, and immediately said, "I know what you are thinking. This is a long story. I will explain it to you later. You grab the chaotic Qinglian before you say it."

Lu Fan nodded unwillingly, he was the best at grabbing things, especially grabbing things with aliens, Lu Fan was more than happy.

"Then you have to tell me first, what is the strength of the enemy this time, and how much is it?"

Lu Fan doubted that he had to find out the enemy's strength in advance. If there was first-rate life in it, Lu Fan would definitely turn around and leave.

Divine Chain immediately explained: "Rest assured, the enemy's strength is weaker than you, they are all middle-tenth-order evolutionaries, the combat power is not better than you."

"Oh, then I can rest assured."

Lu Fan replied without a word, feeling that there was something going wrong.

However, ShenChain was afraid of Lu Fan's remorse, so he did not tell Lu Fan the number of enemies, and Lu Fan did not pay attention to these details and ignored them directly.

If Lu Fan knew that, next he would face 1,800 middle-tenth-order evolutionists alone, and I'm afraid he would just turn around and leave.

Divine Chain found that Lu Fan did not continue to question, and finally breathed a sigh of relief, and continued: "The time is urgent. You can only stay here for up to thirty minutes. Now two minutes have passed, you must hurry."

Fan Fan nodded ~ ~ I just wanted to take action and suddenly frowned.

"There's a way too clear fairy light, catch it!"

Lu Fan's feet slammed on the ground, his body rushed out like a thunder, and blasted away in the direction in which the fairy light appeared.

At the same time, Lu Fan's body shone with golden light, a golden light burst out, and instantly penetrated the gloomy clouds, trapped that fairy light, and then devoured madly.

About ten seconds later, Jin Guang swallowed the Taiqing Xianguang and returned to Lu Fan's body again.

Next, under the direction of the God Chain, Lu Fan began speeding towards the core area and swallowed Xianguang while hurrying. When he met the baby, he stowed it into the storage space.


Christmas Eve today, remember to eat apples!

At the same time, thank you MYC for your reward and support!

(End of this chapter)

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