King of Eschatology

Chapter 806: Xu Fu sneak attack

() In the sky, a huge golden palm covered the sky and caught the eight lightnings intertwined fiercely.

Two different energies confronted each other instantly, which triggered a big bang. The explosion in the void was like a voice of annihilation, sweeping the world.

One can see that the dazzling Thunder struggling frantically in the golden fingerprints, the explosion was very fierce, and the golden fingerprints were blown apart.

However, when the Thunder broke through the shackles of the golden fingerprint, the energy was almost consumed, and even if it landed at this time, it could not threaten Lu Fan.

This golden handprint is actually the palm of God, which carries the sacred breath originally, and the thunder is unbreakable.

On the mountain, Xu Fu was horrified, and his eyes were full of panic. You must know that the Eight Deserted Lightning Surgery is his most powerful evolutionary martial art, but he did not expect to be blocked by Lu Fan.

However, Xu Fu had no time to panic, and the screams in the distance caught his attention.

At the same time as Lu Fan shooting the palm of the god, the Tian Bei Bei Dou Sword Array was launched at the same time. The sharp and unmatched sword spirit swept the local evolutionist like a rainstorm. The sharp edge was unstoppable and began to harvest life frantically.

The little lord shouted, and a long black knife was standing in front of him, and he kept on obediently.

In the eyes of the old lord of Wandao Sect, he was holding a long sword, his sword was soaring to the sky, and he fought against the rain of the sky.

At this moment, the old suzerain was shocked and terrified. He had never seen such a sharp sword with his sword all his life, especially the sound of the sword groaning through the void, which made him scared.

This is the height that countless sword repairs can never reach in a lifetime!

The old head of the Qingyun Taoist school is also extraordinary. He held a long sword in his hand and chopped into the void, and fled towards the edge position immediately.

As for his disciples, it was really **** mold for eight lives. Without his superpower to cover it, he was dying piece by piece.

Hong Xiufeng's old sister was originally injured. At this time, she tried her best to resist with a cane, and there were still countless sword lights on her, leaving her to bathe in blood.

In the end, she tried her best to rush out of the scope of Jian Yu, and she was miserable in the end, her face was opened with a terrible big mouth, and blood was flowing.

All this happened between the electric light and the flint. Lu Fan didn't care about these people's life and death at this time, like a ray of light, he stormed towards Xu Fu.


Lu Fan raised his hand, and a purple beam of light rushed out. The purple gas came to the finger and started instantly, hitting Xu Fu's forehead.

Xu Fu was so horrified that he also pointed out a purple gas to the east. Two identical evolutionary martial arts hit each other.


The shocking explosion appeared again, and with the dazzling light shining, a figure fell horribly towards the rear, and finally fell heavily on the mountain.

The rocks collapsed and the smoke rose up and down. Xu Fu was lying in the gravel, panting heavily.

The evolutionary martial arts performed by the two just now are the same, and it is clear that the powerful ones have the advantage. It can be seen that Lu Fan's combat power is much stronger than Xu Fu.

Xu Fu was originally an evolutionary sorcerer. His combat talent was very average, and he was best at divination and alchemy.

Although Lu Fan has been an evolutionary for a short time, he has been fighting almost all the time. His killing breath is beyond his imagination, and he is just a fighting madman.

Therefore, Xu Fu quickly lost.

"Xu Fu, tell me the clue to unlock the seal of the earth, otherwise, die!"

Lu Fan shouted, the spirit power surged out, a long sword and a long knife condensed in the sky, and it was framed around Xu Fu's neck.

This is the spiritual power of the upper life level. Although Xu Fu has lived for more than 2,000 years, the spiritual level has been trapped in the middle life. At this time, Lu Fan's spiritual coercion cannot be stopped at all.

Xu Fu cold sweat, to be honest, he really didn't know how to unravel the seal of the earth. If he knew, he would have done it himself, why hide in this world for more than two thousand years?

Xu Fu climbed out of the rubble hard, and asked intently: "If I'm not wrong, you should be the emperor of the human race, right?"

Lu Fan frowned and said coldly, "Less of nonsense, answer my question."

"In fact, I have the same desire as you, and both want to unravel the seal of the earth. We can sit down and talk. There is no need to be so tense."

Xu Fu said calmly, there was an obscure and vicious flash in the depth of the pupil, but it didn't show up, and Lu Fan didn't notice it.

When Lu Fan heard the words of the other party, he felt very reasonable. As long as he could solve the problem, there was no need to meet each other.

Thinking of this, Lu Fan's intention of killing faded. He just killed a lot of people just now, and his resentment in his heart was almost exhausted.

"If it wasn't because your fairy crane attacked me first, we wouldn't be able to develop to this scene."

Lu Fan explained in a flat tone, and then he moved his mind, and the sword and sword transformed from spiritual power flew back, and returned to Lu Fan's mind.

Xu Fu felt ecstatic at all when he noticed all this, but on the surface he was calm and no one could see what kind of psychological fluctuation he had.

Without the spiritual coercion of the superior life level, Xu Fu felt relaxed, and he walked towards Landing Fan without any trace, the closer he got closer.

"Actually, it is not difficult to unravel the seal of the earth."

Xu Fu opened his mouth and continued to approach Lu Fan. The killing intention soared deep in his eyes, but it was well covered up and there was no leak at all.

"Oh? I want to hear the details."

Lu Fan was unprepared and waited quietly for the next words.

Divine Chain told Lu Fan that the key to unlocking the earth's seal lies on Xu Fu, but what exactly is Lu Fan is not clear. It may be an item or a message.

In short, now that we will get an accurate answer, Lu Fan is inevitably excited.

At this time ~ ~ Xu Fu has walked within two meters of Lu Fan's atmosphere and reached the best shot position.

Xu Fu chuckled on his face and said earnestly: "That's ..."

With that said, Xu Fu's eyes suddenly became sharper, his momentum soared suddenly, and he shouted, "Go to death!"

As Xu Fu shouted, a ray of light spurted out of his mouth, like the sharpest sword in the world, angering Lu Fan.

At this moment, the world is dark, the whole world suddenly becomes quiet, it seems that time is still, everything in the universe is gone, and only this blue light is left.

Behind Lu Fan, Du Lingyun was suddenly frightened. At this moment, she suddenly remembered the scene when she met the old man for the first time, and the song that the other party sang at that time.


It ’s the winter solstice. Do you eat dumplings?

(End of this chapter)

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