King of Eschatology

Chapter 789: State funeral

() Lu Fan emphasized that this is an era of evolution. Accelerating evolution is everything, and Lu Jiajun cannot afford to slacken.

Secondly, Lu Fan focused on explaining and encouraging fertility on a global scale. Now that the planet ’s population is scarce, the problem of population shortage needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

In the end, the threat on the planet has now been eliminated, and great unification has been achieved. All walks of life should be restored. If there are practitioners, the empire should give policy support.

The owners of the major cities strictly abide by the orders issued by Lu Fan and dare not to neglect.

Lu Fan felt that the arrangements were almost the same. It was time to start his own journey, so he asked, "Do you have any other things to discuss?"

Everyone shook their heads, saying that there was nothing to pay special attention to, and now all things are awaiting revival, and everyone's eyes are on development.

At this moment, Xu Xiaopeng stood up and said ugly: "Boss, Tiantong tissue is in trouble."

After hearing this, everyone's gaze looked at Xu Xiaopeng, showing surprise.

The captain who can make Tiantong organization show this kind of expression, looks troublesome.

Seeing Xu Xiaopeng showing this expression, Lu Fan thought a little bit in his heart and secretly said, "In the recent period, the sky pupil tissue has been expanding outwards. Could it have encountered difficulties?"

Xu Xiaopeng looked dignified and said, "We sent a team to Mars to prepare monitoring equipment on Mars to improve our cosmic sky eyes, but something went wrong."

"what is the problem?"

Lu Fan asked blurtly, and his brows were also frowning, feeling that things were not easy.

Everyone held their breath, quietly waiting for Xu Xiaopeng's next words.

Xu Xiaopeng continued: "Zombies are everywhere on Mars. Our aircraft was attacked by a tide of corpses as soon as it landed. Tiantong members had no time to send back an image, which was then torn to pieces.

During the talk, Xu Xiaopeng turned on the light brain equipment and played a projection in the hall. The picture was only about a minute, and all the eyes were filled with zombies.

The most terrifying thing is that all of these zombies are of medium life and have a high degree of evolution, which can easily tear the army's aircraft.

Also, these zombies are similar to zombies on the moon, all have vision, and their attack power far exceeds that of zombies on earth.

When there are no foreign objects, these zombies are all in a lost state. Once foreign objects are found to invade, they will immediately become manic.

After Xu Xiaopeng finished speaking, a drop of cold sweat was dripping from his forehead, and the members of the Tiantong organization exchanged their lives for images of Mars, which was too precious.

Lu Fan had a little thought, and he had a preliminary idea in his heart. If you are not wrong, the zombies are all over the eight planets of the solar system, and the earth is no exception.

Of course, the zombies on the planet have been wiped out by the Lu Jiajun. In addition, the zombies on the planet still exist and are more terrifying.

Lu Fan has a kind of consciousness. For a long time to come, humans will continue to deal with zombies. To develop any planet, they must first clean up the zombies.

Most of these planets are much larger than the earth, and if they are full of zombies, the number must be very scary.

What's even more desperate is that all zombies are of medium life, and only monthly soldiers can fight them.

How many moon-level warriors are on earth?

After a battle with the Stars of Beckett, at this time, even a thousand could not be reached.

Lu Fan groaned for a moment and said, "In the future, the Tiantong organization will temporarily stop exploring, and first make the moon and the sky's eye system."

"As for the exploration of the other planets, they are all pushed to two months later."

Lu Fan learned from the chain of God that the second batch of aliens will arrive in two months. Lu Fan intends to focus on the development of planets outside the earth after defeating that wave of aliens.

At present, the first priority is to develop ourselves and secretly build up strength.

After Xu Xiaopeng heard Lu Fan's words, he was finally relieved and relieved. He was really worried that Lu Fan would go out of his way regardless of development. By then, the loss of Tiantong's organization would surely be even worse.

After two months, the strength of the Lu Jiajun will definitely become stronger, and the Tiantong organization will certainly rise to higher levels. Exploring Mars at that time will greatly increase the success rate.

With all the arrangements in place, Lu Fan suddenly stood up and said earnestly: "In this battle, the Lu Jiajun suffered heavy losses, and thousands of brothers were killed by the Begit star."

After hearing this, everyone's heart stunned and sent an infinite sentimentality. The Lu Jiajun fighters participating in this battle were all elites from the elite. They came from all the imperial cities and killed so many people at once. regret.

Lu Fan was shocked and said solemnly: "In the next three days, the Tianyue Empire will hold a state funeral to commemorate the soldiers of the Lujia Army who died for the Empire."

"The empire must write down the names of the soldiers who donated their lives to the country, and make every Army's soul immortal."

"The state funeral will be held on time tomorrow morning at 8 am. All lives must participate. Please tell the world immediately!"

In the hall, everyone was excited and roared by Lu Fan's words, and there seemed to be a roar in his ears, which was the cry of the dead Lu Jiajun soldiers.

The owners of the major cities are all soldiers. Now they are also an important combat force of the Lu Jiajun. No one understands the importance of state funerals better than them. That is the highest respect for soldiers.

As a warrior, I do n’t know the moment when the battlefield will be killed. It may be killed in the belly of the corpse, or it may be turned into a loess of loess, which will be drowned in the long river of history with time.

After many teenagers, no one can remember this person, as if he had never been there, and dead is worthless.

However, if Lu Fan is going to hold a state funeral for the dead Lu Jiajun soldiers, their names will be forever engraved, and their life records will be extolled ~ ~ from generation to generation, endlessly.

Everyone is excited. Once the state funeral is held, the cohesion of the Lu Jiajun will be stronger, and the whole world will show a good atmosphere of military support.

The people were ordered and immediately began to prepare.

The Tianyue Empire, the major cities and all the departments moved, the time was tight, and tomorrow will be the day of the state funeral.

At the same time, the news of the state funeral of the Tianyue Empire spread rapidly, and people around the world were paying attention and actively participating.

Nowadays, the entire earth must be sheltered by the Lujia Army. All human beings are the children of the Tianyue Empire. The Tianyue Empire holds a state funeral. They have no reason not to participate.

In addition, countless mad beasts in the sea collectively voiced their condolences for the sacrifice of the soldiers of the Lujiajun Army and will attend the state funeral tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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