King of Eschatology

Chapter 786: Rabbi

Reincarnation two swords, can cut human flesh, can cut human soul, one cycle, one sword and two breaks.

With Lu Fan's knife, the timing of the cut was just right, when Rubik was exhausted.

The most important thing is that after the sword was completely hidden at the core of the explosion, Rubik's attention was all attracted by electric light and guns, and it was impossible to imagine that there would be more lethal killings.


Rubick's eyes were very hot. Although he only glanced at the red long sword, he was able to conclude that this was definitely a sun weapon.

Rabik was terrified and exclaimed: "I should have expected it. Since the other party can kill Fukaru with Yang-class weapons, how could there be no Yang-class weapons?"

Rubik knew that he had made the mistake of underestimating his enemies, thinking that the earth was just a lonely place, and it was impossible to have a Yang-class weapon. If it wasn't for Fukaru's Zijin Electric Hammer, the opponent would not be qualified to play against him.

But now it seems that the opponent is not only scary but also has more than one Yang-level weapon.

Perhaps the other party was lucky enough to enter the relics of the ancient earth, and got an incredible heritage from it.

As one of the culprits in sealing the earth, Rubik certainly knows the glorious record of the earth. Although it was sealed by the twelve galaxies, no one can guarantee that there is no omission.

For example, in some special places, there are entrances to the ancient earth.

The earth was sealed. In fact, the earth was folded together by super means. Many foldable spaces have loopholes. Maybe there are channels to connect with the outside world.

Rubik's mind turned sharply. At this time, he had resigned himself. The earth people were obviously well prepared. If they continue to fight hard, they will definitely suffer.

Opposite, Lu Fan shouted loudly and shouted, "Did you run now? It's late!"

Lu Fan directly passed through the core area where the electric light and gunman confronted, and let the turbulent energy draw a scar on himself, but he ignored it and rushed up like crazy.


Lu Fan was bathing in blood, shouting wildly at this moment, two reincarnation knives in his hand violently chopped out, and the fiery shovel enveloped Rubik underneath.

Rubick was frightened and rushed to resist the gun, but it was too late.


The sound of a long knife coming into the flesh came, and in Rubick's horrified eyes, his body was cut off by Lu Fan, his belly was missing, and he was smashed into a pool of rotten meat by the fiery knife.


Rubik yelled madly, his vitality was tenacious, and he was chopped below his waist and did not die immediately, at this time he screamed screamingly.

Lu Fan turned around, and suddenly a strong purple light burst from the index finger of his right hand, a horrible purple light beam swept out, and instantly penetrated Rubik's heart.

Ziqi Donglai refers to the strong power, which directly blasts a large hole in the chest of the opponent, the heart is smashed, the front and back are bright, and the blood is stained.

Rabik coughed up his blood, and the eyes on both heads instantly dimmed, and he had already suffered serious injuries.

At this moment, Rubick was really scared. He had a kind of enlightenment, and maybe today he will die on the earth like Fukaru.

However, he was really reconciled. As a high-ranking Beckett, he was actually killed by the lower Earth people. If it spreads to the interstellar space, it will definitely become a laughing stock.

"I can't die, I want to survive!"

Rubik resisted the weakness of his body, took a bottle of life potion from the space ring, and hurriedly poured it into his mouth.

However, a big hole had been blown out of his chest, and the potions of life that had been drunk all flowed out of the big holes. The green potion was mixed with blue blood, and the scene was disgusting and terrifying.

Seeing the other party's actions, Lu Fan sneered, and said calmly: "I still want to live until I die, it's just delusional."

Rubik's eyes were getting darker, he didn't want to die, at this time he took out the potion of life from the space ring again, and poured it into his mouth, trying to survive.

Unexpectedly, at the time of his death, Rubik burst out with such a strong desire to survive, which made Lu Fan feel incredible.

"You want to live, you know that billions of earth creatures also want to live, but they all die in your hands."

"You know now that you're scared, do you remember what the scenery was when you invaded the earth?"

"The crimes you committed on the earth then, I will repay them one by one!"

"An alien trembling under the blades of the Earth, you are not the first, nor the last."

"One day in the future, all aliens who have invaded the earth will tremble under the earth's butcher knife. Believe me, there will be a day!"

Lu Fan's voice was cold, as if from Jiuyou Hell. When the last sentence was finished, he slashed down sharply and split the remaining upper body of Rubik in half.

Blood was shot, and Rubik died completely.

The death of Rubik shocked all the Beggite fighters. The fright that they had been killed by the Army of the Army was uncertain. At this time, Rubick died and all the Beggite fighters lost their will.

Lu Fan picked up Rabike's scorching dragon gun and directly stored it into storage space. This is a sun-grade weapon, which is extremely precious even in the interstellar space.

There was also a space ring from Lubic, which was also captured by Lu Fan. There were a lot of good things in it, and another Yang-class weapon was stored.

At this moment, Lu Fan's spirit was shaking, his blood was dripping all over his body, and his momentum was set off more vigorously.

"Brothers, slaughter aliens, revenge for the dead ancient sages!"

Lu Fan shouted, with a purple electric hammer in his left hand and two broken knives in his right hand, rushing back and forth in the battlefield of the Beckett.

Lu Jiajun's Galway weapons are still being sprayed, and some fierce firepower hit Lu Fan's body by mistake, but he has no fear at all.

At this moment, the horrified alien was killed. This man like a demon is really crazy. He kills people when they see them, and he hacks them when he sees them. He often kills a lot when he shoots.

The more than twenty Lujiajun soldiers behind Lu Fan also broke out at this time, fighting with the fleeing Begits.

With fewer and fewer Beckett stars ~ ~ All the Lujiajun soldiers who were guarding near the eighty-one quantum laser towers were dispatched. Nearly a thousand moon-level soldiers entered the battlefield. The special star drowned.

The Begitts have already been killed, even at this time, even if they meet the Earth people with lower combat strength, they dare not fight, everyone just wants to escape.

However, the entire Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has been blocked by the Lu Family Army, which makes it difficult for aliens to fly.


Huang Yongsheng's eyes cracked, and the golden flames rose all over his body. His left eye was spitting with blood, and his eyes were stabbed by a Beckett warrior.

It was an August fighter and one of the leaders of the Baggett operation.


Thank you Xiaochun for giving a reward. Unconsciously, your fans are all worthy of the elders. Great, our book also has elder-level powerhouses (playing smiley faces).

(End of this chapter)

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