King of Eschatology

Chapter 784: Shoot through the himalayas

Lu Jiajun tried his best, fierce Galway weapons spewing tongues of fire, swept at large alien forces, and a large number of aliens were bombarded and killed with extraordinary results.

When they found that they were rushing towards the north, Lu Fan, who had been preparing for a long time, finally started.


Lu Fan burst into a roar, and more than twenty May soldiers behind him rushed out and blasted towards the northern laser tower.

At the same time, the Tongtian Tower on Mount Everest suddenly shone with bright white light, and then, a super beam of more than ten meters blasted out, violently bombarded in the direction of the Bergit star army.

The Begits who were sprinting towards the north seemed to be aware of it, and at this time they stopped and looked up.

At this look, his face was suddenly astonished.

I saw a super pillar of light descending from the sky, the space where it passed collapsed, and the incomparable force of destruction broke out in this space, destroying and dying along the way, even more terrible than the **** of extinction.

Rubik was horrified. Above this super beam of light, he felt a strong death, and it was a lethal threat to the middle tenth-ranked powerhouse.


Rubick screamed, his body flickered towards the side, his eyes full of shock.

He couldn't imagine that a sealed lonely earth would have the top technology of medium civilization. How could this be?

However, he was too late to think about why, the white beam of light was too scary, so it was important to escape first.

The speed of the white beam of light is extremely fast, and the evolutionists below the eighth level can't escape at all. Many Beggits are covered by this horrible beam of light before they can react.


The sky and earth changed, the earthquake shook, and the incomparable force of destruction erupted, covering hundreds of Beckett Star Warriors underneath, which were directly gasified and completely wiped out.

At the same time, a large pit with a radius of more than 500 meters appeared on the ground, and the bottom was not deep. The wall of the pit was red as blood, which was the scene formed by the melting of sand and gravel.

Masana escaped by accident, and when she saw the huge pothole that was bottomless, she suddenly panicked.

If this blow hits her, it will definitely make her fly away and make her heart cold.

All the Beckett fighters all showed a frightened expression. It was less than a minute before they landed on the earth, and they had already killed more than 2,000 people.

The most important thing is that until now, they have not seen the shadow of the enemy at all.

All Beckett fighters understand that this is an ambush that hits the Earth people, and I am afraid that they have laid a heavenly net for them.

"Everyone follows me and rushes out from above!"

Rubik yelled, his feet slammed into the ground, his body rushed up like an arrow, and it directly lifted off into the air.

The Beggetts knew in their hearts that the ground beneath them was full of crises, with hidden enemies everywhere, and only in the air could they be safe.

As long as they are monthly soldiers, they can easily fight the gravity of the earth and can fly in the void, not to mention that the worst strengths of the Begit Star are May soldiers.

As a result, everyone followed Rabuq's flight, and rushed to the top of the road in an instant.

At this time, all the Becketts have seen the ambush of the Earth on the earth. Within a range of hundreds of kilometers, there are eighty-one quantum laser towers.

"Damn earth people, killed so many of our elite fighters, this time, they all have to die!"

Rubick said fiercely, his heart was full of suffocation, the whole person's skin had completely turned blue, and his heart's killings skyrocketed.

To be honest, Rabik has never fought such a big loss in his life. Even when he attacked the earth, he was hunting down Earth people, and he was never as embarrassed as he is now.

Many Beckett fighters are also enemies. In their opinion, this operation is to travel, by the way, pick up a few heads, drink and brain.

But now, they have been ambush, and nearly two thousand companions have been killed by the lower earth people. This kind of ending is absolutely unbearable.

Just when all the Beggits wanted to counterattack, on the hidden boardwalk in the Himalayas not far away, a bright light suddenly lit.

A whole thousand sets of weapons of mass destruction broke out at the same time, countless blue-purple shells were fired one after the other, and they crossed into a large net of death in the sky, which would cover the Beggite stars at high altitude.

When Rubik's face changed, his momentum broke out, and countless evolutionary forces sprayed out from his pores, forming a huge energy mask.

Rubik's consciousness is very powerful. In his opinion, although this blue-purple shell is powerful, it will not hurt him.

However, ordinary Beckett fighters are not so lucky. They are medium-level fifth-tier strong and can't stop the attack of blue-violet shells.

As a result, the blue blood rain wafted in the sky, and countless Beckett warriors fell to the ground like dumplings. Many people's bodies exploded directly in the sky, and the scene was unbearable.

Rubik was completely furious. It was less than a minute from the moment they entered the Earth's atmosphere that the Beckett Vanguard led by him was frustrated.

This result was unacceptable to him, and if he was known by King Beckett, Rubik would definitely die.

"The earth is fragmented, **** it!"

Rubick was mad and growled madly, the space ring on his hand suddenly flashed, and a long golden bow appeared on his hand.

With the appearance of this long bow, the momentum of the entire space is inexplicable, and it seems that it can feel the heavy pressure.

"Let's die!"

Rabbi pulls his bow and pulls the string. The golden long bow is like a full moon. A golden arrow of energy suddenly appears, and the explosive power of terror erupts instantly.


The void shook, the space burst, and the thunder of golden arrows rolled, while tearing the void, it burst out towards the Himalayas.


The smoke was soaring to the sky ~ ~ The earth was swaying. The plank road in the Himalayas was hit by Rubik, and was instantly swept up by horrible energy and completely crushed.

At the same time, the whole peak was shining brightly, and the towering and vast Himalayas were shot through a peak by Rubik.

This blow is truly terrifying and has the power to destroy the world.

In the distance, Lu Fan couldn't help shrinking his pupils and stared at the golden long bow in his hands.

"This long bow turned out to be a Yang-class weapon. It was terrifying."

Lu Fan secretly tongued out. If the arrow just hits him, I am afraid he will have to hate with his super strength.

"This is a baby, you must grab it!"

Lu Fan snorted, clenched the purple gold electric hammer tightly in his hand, and leaned quietly towards Rubik.

The angry Rabik didn't notice it at all, and the real deadly threat had just emerged.

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