King of Eschatology

Chapter 780: Stop for Lao Tzu!

"Tao Tao Zugen?"

Hearing the words of Divine Chain, Lu Fan couldn't help but leaped wildly, wondering why the other party would pull out the roots of Tao Tao.

The root of Tao Tao was obtained by Lu Fan in Kunlun Mountain a long time ago, and it was always placed in front of Tianyue Emperor's Palace. The surface was as dry as firewood. I wonder if there is any possibility of recovery.

Shenlian nodded and said, "Yes, it is the root of the peach. As long as you can plant it and revive it here, no matter how harsh the environment is, it will become very comfortable, just like a fairyland."

Hearing the words of Divine Chain, Lu Fan first felt a joy in his heart, then shook his head weakly, and said, "The roots of Peach Peach have completely dried up, and even if planted in a suitable environment, it may not be able to recover. Kind of harsh natural environment. "

Lu Fan doesn't think this method is feasible. Besides, even if the peach roots can recover, it is too late. The aliens will come in two days. When the peach roots recover, the daylily will be cold.

"That being the case, then you can go back and get a few other high-end plants and maybe you can improve the atmosphere here."

As soon as the word of God Chain came out, Lu Fan suddenly showed surprise and exclaimed: "Is there such an operation?"

Shenlian proudly smiled and said, "Of course, all the creatures in the world are now evolving. Plants can also evolve to medium life. Once they succeed, they have the ability to change the momentum of the world."

Lu Fan thought a little bit and thought that the words of God Chain made sense.

However, Lu Fan usually did not pay much attention to this matter, and for a while did not know where to find moon-level plants.

Shen Chain was touched by Lu Fan's IQ and asked, "Do you remember the previous Dalin base? Is there a small Dongshan there?"

Hearing the question of Shenlian, Lu Fan suddenly woke up, as if thinking of something.

"Yeah, there are a few walnut trees there. The ferocious side was revealed at the beginning of the last days. After such a long time, it must have evolved into a moon plant."

Lu Fan had a little thought in his heart, and felt that it was feasible.

On the surface, Lu Fan's conversation with Shenlian seemed to be speaking for a long time, but in fact it was only the exchange of thoughts, and the speed was very fast.

Opposite, Liu Xiao is still waiting for Lu Fan's instructions. If these snow and ice are left unattended, the power of this tower will be affected and the deterrent will be greatly reduced.

Lu Fan patted Liu Xiao's shoulder gently, and said, "You and your brothers continue to adjust the Tongtian Tower. I will solve the problem of ice and snow."

Liu Xiao and others heard that they could solve the snow and snow problem here, and they immediately showed great joy. Now there is no problem in technology. If the snow and snow problem are solved together, the Tongtian Tower can be guaranteed.

"Zheng Chengye, the demon hunting team is stationed here to protect everyone's safety. I'll go out and come back soon."

Lu Fan said to a juvenile with a tall figure, then flew out of the air and sped down from Mount Everest.

The five members of the Demon Hunting Team were shocked and paid a standard military salute to the direction where Landing Fan departed. His eyes were firm and steady.

Lu Fan's target this time is Xiaodongshan, located in the central and southern China.

Mount Everest is currently the highest point on earth. Lu Fan leapt down from above, gliding all the way, and soon arrived here.

In order to save time, Lu Fan landed directly towards Xiaodongshan, ready to talk to the walnut tree here.

However, things were not as simple as Lu Fan thought. When he just appeared over Xiaodongshan, he was immediately attacked violently.

I saw a walnut the size of a fist suddenly rushed into the sky, and blasted to Lu Fan at a very fast speed. Before Lu Fan had responded, a bang burst out.


A horrible mushroom cloud appeared in the sky, and the violent shock wave raged wildly in all directions, instantly engulfing Lu Fan's figure.

At the core of the explosion, Lu Fan didn't blink his eyelids. Although this kind of explosion is infinitely powerful, it is not enough to hurt him.

Just to Lu Fan's surprise, these walnuts did not leak the slightest amount of energy before blasting, and he couldn't find even the amazing perception.

"This attack is wonderful!"

Fan Fan couldn't help wondering, an idea came to his mind.

Evolvers have powerful vigilance, but such vigilance is based on the fluctuations of the power of evolution. For the general strong, as long as the power of evolution appears, they can predict in advance.

But the walnut attack is obviously not in this list. Before the explosion, no one knew that this walnut would have such a powerful attack power, so it would not be able to give birth to alertness.

It is impossible to make a prejudgment without alert, and the probability of being hit by the evolver will greatly increase. This is really a good means of sneak attack.

Passing through the thick smoke, Lu Fan continued to land towards Xiaodongshan. At this moment, a large piece of walnut was suddenly lifted off, each of which was the size of a human head, obviously more powerful.

At this moment, Lu Fan is not calm, these walnut trees are as crazy as ever, even so many walnut fruits are launched at the same time to launch an attack.

The quantity and quality of the walnuts launched this time are far superior to the first, and even Lu Fan has to evade the edge.


The terrible big explosion reappeared, one horrible mushroom cloud, one exploded in the void, the dazzling light illuminated everything, and the hot heat shook the air.

Lu Fan's whole body momentum erupted, and the force of violent evolution soared wildly, forming a tough energy mask around the body, blocking the horrible energy from the body.

At this moment, Lu Fan's anger soared. This is so special. He originally planned to talk to the other party, but now, Lu Fan is out of mood and is ready to walk away.

The explosion lasted for a full minute ~ ~ When Lu Fan rushed out of the turbulent raging energy turbulence, he suddenly found that three towering trees pulled the roots out of the ground, at this time he was crazy Run away.

The huge tree roots are like countless long legs, holding the huge crown of the walnut tree, all the way south, ravaging wildly, and the speed is scary.

Obviously, the three walnut trees noticed the identity of the visitors and knew that they could not be beaten. At this time, they wanted to escape.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan suddenly showed a strange look on his face, especially, the IQ of these three walnut trees is simply.

"You three, stop Lao Tzu!"

Lu Fan yelled as if thundering, swaying forward.

Hearing Lu Fan's roar, the three walnut trees were frightened, and their legs and feet were unfavorable. At this time, they fell to the ground and the three walnut trees rolled together.


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