King of Eschatology

Chapter 777: Where is the mountain entrance?

For Fan Ye's friendship, Lu Fan knew for a long time that although no one on both sides broke through, Lu Fan knew that this matter would never work.

When Ye first came to Lu Fan and others for the first time, Ling Ce fell in love with the other side, which was really love at first sight.

Everyone in the world knows this. Everyone in the Lu family knows that Ling Ce is still pursuing Ye Ye. Although he hasn't caught up to now, it is the case.

Ling Ce is Lu Fan's good brother, and the brother's woman must not be touched.

Besides, Lu Fan really didn't feel Ye, maybe it was a personality problem. The relationship between the two was very simple, and there had never been a scandal.

Lin Xiaoxiao did not expect that Lu Fan's reaction would be so intense. He regarded the feelings between brothers as heavier than the feelings between men and women.

"What about Du Lingyun? Is this alright?"

Suddenly, Lin Xiaoxiao thought of a person and asked immediately.

"Du Lingyun?"

Lu Fan's expression was condensed, and she remembered the image of a young and charming girl, and immediately shook her head, "I'm sorry, I don't know her very well."

Seeing Lu Fan's embarrassment, Lin Xiaoxiao immediately smiled and asked, "Since you are not familiar with her, why do you accept Weier as an apprentice? Is it because they look similar?"

"Nothing, I just had a whimsy, don't guess."

Lu Fan countered.

Lin Xiaoxiao seemed to find something interesting, and continued to tease: "I know where Du Lingyun is, members of the Tiantong organization found her. Would you like me to notify her?"

Such words are always out of Lin Xiaoxiao's mouth, which always feels strange, which makes Lu Fan extremely embarrassed.

"You still have a good idea to tease me. It seems that you have good energy, come again."

"No, I was wrong ..."


Above the moon, a giant interstellar warship slowly landed and stopped outside the huge crater on the back of the moon.

This is a supply ship from the Tianyue Empire. It contains a lot of building materials, and more artificial intelligence robots have been delivered to increase the labor force.

This is the seventh day of the construction of the lunar base. Every day, huge battleships will shuttle between the moon and the earth to transport a large amount of construction materials.

Now, the scope of the base has been expanded several times, and many large-scale equipment has been sent over to mine raw materials directly on the surface of the moon for the construction of the lunar base.

During this period, members of the scientific research department came here and found large metal ores on the surface of the moon, with abundant reserves.

This is a metal that has never appeared before. Its texture is very hard, but its density is very small. It is lighter than anything and is better than the most advanced alloys on earth.

This special metal has been shipped back to the Tianyue Empire in large quantities and directly sent to the arsenal to build equipment such as the Lujia Army's warframe, which is very practical.

Wu Haochen, the person in charge of the arsenal, is writing a report and plans to open an arsenal branch on the surface of the moon, thus eliminating the need to transport raw materials.

Of course, many auxiliary materials are not on the moon. If you really want to open an arsenal on the moon, many things have to be transported from the earth to the moon. It also involves a lot, so it needs to be submitted to Lu Fan for approval.

Of course, these things are arranged by Lin Xiaoxiao, and Lu Fan will not care about these trivial matters.

With the restoration of peace on the earth, all walks of life have begun to flourish.

Of course, most industries have been monopolized by the Tianyue Empire, and basically everything is empire.

However, now that there is a lot of waste waiting to be done, there are business opportunities everywhere, and you can get rich if you just do anything.

As long as you can earn enough energy crystals, you can buy high-level evolution agents in the empire, and your strength can achieve rapid progress.

Many people even started filming again. A well-known director survived. Under his transfer, a large number of actors gathered to prepare for a classic masterpiece.

Filming is now much more convenient than before, especially for costume fantasy dramas. Special effects are not needed at all, and the actors can do it themselves.

The first movie of the first year of evolution, survivors around the world are still looking forward to it, and hope to release it as soon as possible.

During this time, the Lu Jiajun has been conducting arduous training, especially during the elimination of hidden dangers throughout the world.

Among the Lujiajun's one million troops, there are more than a thousand soldiers in the monthly ranks. This is a force of terror and the number is still rising.

There are fifteen men above the middle-fifth-ranked strong. These May fighters will be the core strength of the first encounter with aliens.

It is worth mentioning that Asin from the southern capital is already a June soldier and has become one of the Army's core combat capabilities.

Asin is a bloodline enhancer, who has the bloodstream of the ancient giant ape in his body. In order to attract him, the Tonggu base also went to the Dalin base in an attempt to **** him away.

At that time, A Xin was already a member of the Lu Jiajun. Being in Liu Feng's extinction team, how could he go with the other party and politely cut the other party.

At that time, Axin's performance was not very outstanding. With the passage of time, the young boy has grown up and now stands at the top of the pyramid.

In recent days, Lu Fan and Lin Xiaoxiao have separated, and come to the East China Sea alone, staring at the wide open sea secretly.

After the first aliens have been destroyed, Lu Fan will start a trip to the Three Mountains, find Xu Fu, and find a way to pull out the twelve heavenly gods.

However, until this moment, Lu Fan couldn't find the entrance to the Three Mountains, so he was anxious.

According to the introduction of the God Chain, the three mountains are Penglai, Abbot, and Weizhou. The three mountains are all fairy mountains, hidden in a folding space above the East China Sea.

For these three places, Lu Fan really didn't have any clues. He couldn't get started. He looked at the vast sea alone and was in a daze.

"Shenlian, where are the entrances to the three immortal mountains, so when are you looking for them?"

Lu Fan looked sad and sighed.

Even if the first aliens were destroyed, it would only be two months before the arrival of the second aliens. If a lot of time is wasted on finding entrances, it would be really uneconomical.

When God Chain heard this word ~ ​​ ~ Ao Jiao immediately responded: "In fact, there is a very good token, but it is a pity that I lost it, and I don't know if I can find it."

"Well, what?"

Lu Fan's expression condensed, revealing a touch of surprise.

Shenlian responded: "Do you remember, the animal tooth necklace hanging on the neck of King Qin?"

"Is that the yellow and red animal tooth?"

Lu Fan seemed to remember something, and vaguely remembered such a necklace hanging on the neck of King Qin, saying, "It seems that Murong Zhan, Bai Qi and King Qin all have such a beast tooth necklace."

God Chain rolled a big white eye at Landing Fan and sneered: "You shouldn't be a fool, the three of them have the same animal tooth necklace."

Hearing the ridicule of Divine Chain, Lu Fan's complexion immediately darkened, and there was an urge to scold others.

However, a sentence linked by God suddenly eased Lu Fan and relaxed his mood.

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