King of Eschatology

Chapter 775: Prepare to pit aliens

Lu Fan used a shocking method to boil a sea and immediately shocked all parties.

The area of ​​the sea is endless, and there are countless wild beasts in the sea. There are a lot of powerful creatures than the sea snake king, but at this moment, all the sea beasts are silent.

The Terran Emperor is extremely powerful, and the killing is extremely decisive. As long as it is a wild beast that kills people, no one is spared and all are killed.

Even many innocent beasts were implicated, and the end was extremely miserable.

The Terran Emperor exposed this iron blood to the world, no doubt to raise his reputation, so that every race can clearly understand the status of the Terran.

Originally, the mad beast in the sea thought that he had a geographical advantage, so he didn't pay much attention to this Terran Emperor.

But now it seems that the sea on which they live cannot protect them.

For a time, all major races were silent, acknowledging the supremacy of the human race, and there was no doubt about the rule of the Emperor Tian Yue.

On the entire earth, except for the zombies, almost all of them were surrendered at the foot of the Tianyue Empire. For the first time, there was a unified situation on the earth.

The resistance of the Lu Jiajun to sweep the parties is much smaller, and even many wild beasts will spontaneously organize to help the Lu Jiajun to wipe out the zombies together.

The number of zombies was almost wiped out. After this raid, the zombies were completely dead.

As for the other species, the Lu Jiajun did not rush to kill them. As long as they truly surrendered to the Tianyue Empire, the Lu Jiajun would not actively attack them.

In this way, human beings once again determined the status of super hegemony, and other races attacked each other and wanted to fight for a second race.

For this kind of thing, Lu Fan did not pay attention to it. The future is an era of evolution and an era of common hegemony of all major races. As long as the supremacy of the human race is maintained, other races will be chaotic as they love.

On the surface, Lu Fan did not intervene in this matter. In fact, he has been operating in the dark box. Gradually, all the wild beasts on the land were surrendered by the King of the Black Tiger, and all flying wild beasts in the air were surrendered by the King of the Golden Wings.

As for the mad beast in the sea, Lu Fan had long thought about it, and then gave it to the uncle to surrender.

Of course, Lu's body size is too large, a slight movement will cause a tsunami, Lu Fan can only postpone this matter.

It can be imagined that in the near future, the entire land, sea, and air of the entire earth will be controlled by Lu Fan.

Time flies, seven days have passed since Lu Fan burned the sea and cooked the sea. Although things have passed a long time, survivors around the world are still talking about it.

In just seven days, human beings have been able to feel the superiority of race. At this time, even an ordinary person with very low combat effectiveness, dare to walk in the wilderness with a big swing.

All wild beasts have been instilled in their thoughts. Humans must not be provoked. If they encounter them, they can only detour.

At the same time, the entire world has entered a period of rapid development, and various high-tech civilizations have spread from the Tianyue Empire and have been developed by the survivors of various countries.

The civilized country has long been disrupted, in fact it no longer exists, and it was renamed the Galaxy Alliance a long time ago.

But now, the Xinghe Alliance no longer exists, becoming a vassal of the Tianyue Empire, which means that the entire earth is now the Tianyue Empire.

The crisis is lifted, and the future is bright. At the speed of human reproduction, the earth will flourish again in 20 years.

The army of disaster relief in the world has returned one after another, and the matter has come to an end. The entire Tianyue Empire's work has focused on a project.

"Phantom Cave!"

Although the name of the project is very nice, the real purpose of building it is chilling.

Because this project was built to kill aliens.

After some killings, Lu Fan also took a break. At this time, he personally came to the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and oversaw the work here.

Lin Xiaoxiao, Lian'er and others have been with Lu Fan's left and right. At this time, they are rare to relax, and the three are very happy. They are sightseeing on this plateau.

After the end of the last days, the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has become even more extraordinary, it seems that the altitude has been raised a lot, the sky is more blue, and even the air freshness has improved a lot.

Lu Fan knows that it is not because the air freshness has really improved, but because there is a part of the evolutionary force in the air that makes nature have an inexplicable charm.

"How's the Army training?"

Above the grassland, Lu Fan spoke and asked about the training of the Lu Jiajun.

The war with the aliens is about to begin soon, and the Lu Jiajun will certainly become the main force of this war, and the degree of evolution is very important.

Lin Xiaoxiao gave Lu Fan a glance and said, "You really don't understand the style. You don't appreciate such a beautiful scenery, but you are still worried about the training of the Lu Jiajun."

Lu Fan laughed absurdly. In fact, he also wanted to enjoy the beautiful scenery quietly, but the things of the aliens always touched his heart. It was impossible to calm down.

Lin Xiaoxiao chuckled and said, "Relax, with the evolution method you gave, the evolution of the soldiers has accelerated significantly. The number of monthly soldiers has exceeded one thousand, which is a tenfold increase from seven days ago."

After hearing this, Lu Fan nodded silently. Lu Jiajun has evolutionary agents and evolutionary methods. It is difficult to slow down the evolution.

"Actually, what I really worry about is high-level combat power. After five days, the aliens will come down. I don't know how many people will be able to participate in the war."

Lu Fan's footsteps, his eyes could not help looking at the sky, seems to have penetrated to infinity.

The combat effectiveness of the aliens is very strong. Lu Fan has said before that only fighters who have reached the fifth level or above are eligible to participate in the battle.

Lin Xiaoxiao's expression was stagnant, and he comforted: "We now have 13 May fighters. Five days later, I believe we can add a few more."

May fighters are the middle-fifth-tier powerhouses ~ ~ The current Lujia Army uses the star system of the Super God Link System, and the military uniformly uses the badge level to call it.

Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's response, Lu Fan nodded silently, saying, "Although we are fully prepared, we still cannot take it lightly. If there are insufficient manpower, equip more Galway weapons."

At the side of Lu Fan, Lianer suddenly smiled, and said, "The master doesn't have to worry, I'm already a June soldier, one of the top ten. Put down the aliens by then, rest assured!"

During the conversation, Lianer proudly raised her breasts, and the gold-colored badge on the collar was particularly eye-catching, showing six moons on it.

Lu Fan could not help but look sideways, but his gaze did not look at the empire badge of the other side, but glanced across the proud twin peaks without any trace, his heart was fiery.

Lin Xiaoxiao looked at his badge. There were only four moons on it, and he immediately smiled bitterly, saying, "I can't walk around with you in the next few days. I have to hurry up to train and strive to reach the level of May fighter."


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