King of Eschatology

Chapter 772: Dangerous human survivors

George and others held the last glimmer of hope and immediately sent a message to Xu Xiaopeng, stating that the Galaxy Alliance Australia Branch was willing to be a horse **** of the Tianyue Empire and could grow food in Australia and raise wild animals in captivity.

George was one of the big brothers of the Galaxy Alliance. He had made great achievements in the annihilation of the Western Holy See and was awarded a bronze badge. He has already been regarded as part of the Tianyue Empire.

Therefore, when he left the Tianyue Empire, he was rewarded with a lot of things and gained the right to connect directly with the Tiantong organization.

Xu Xiaopeng received George's request and immediately reported it to Lu Fan for Lu Fan to rule.

Lu Fan had just killed all the beasts in Australia, and his body was full of suffocation. At this time, after learning about George's request, he calmed down quickly.

This incident seems to give Lu Fan a hint. In the future, not only Australia will become the production base of the Tianyue Empire, but Africa and the Americas will also become the back garden of the Tianyue Empire.

The Tianyue Empire has vigorously developed its military strength, both in terms of evolutionary strength and technological strength.

Although the Tianyue Empire now has a nutrient solution, the demand for food is not so urgent, but the taste of the nutrient solution is not particularly good, and it is more delicious to eat food normally.

Lu Fan learned that the hiding place of George and others was on a small island in northeastern Australia with a population of about 10 million and a huge number.

Lu Fan decided to go and see, anyway, the distance is not very far, at Lu Fan's speed, you can get there in a few minutes.

At the same time, more than 10 million human survivors gathered on small islands in the northeastern mainland of Australia, waiting quietly for a reply from the Emperor Tianyue.

If the Emperor Tianyue did not accept the crowd's request, then they would not be able to return in mainland Australia.

This island is lacking in resources and poor in fresh water. Many people have not drank water for two days, and many seriously ill people have died of thirst.

George frowned and was thinking of a way.

This place is not a place to stay. If the Emperor Tian Yue does not agree with his request, George will take the survivors of the Galaxy Alliance Australia branch to find another way to settle in a slightly larger island.

This island is too small to accommodate this tens of millions of people. It is not only scarce but also extremely dangerous.

When any ferocious beast in the sea comes here, it can easily engulf human survivors into the sea and devour them.

However, with a live broadcast from Emperor Tianyue, the beasts in the sea who originally looked at human survivors were all restrained at this time and did not attack them.

The Emperor Tianyue is too scary, they are afraid of revenge.

Around George, many soldiers of the Star River Alliance were frightened and looked at the scalp of the fierce beast in the dense sea ahead.

There are at least tens of thousands of fierce beasts in the sea, each of which is extremely huge, soaring to the sky, sinking up and down in the dark water, rolling up the huge waves.

Surrounded by many sea beasts, a snake-shaped sea beast appeared in the dark water, and it was frightening that it had a horn on its head, exuding a dazzling cold light.

This is a highly evolved sea snake that seems to have left the category of snakes and is turning into a slug.

The horns on the sea snake's head are very huge, and it has obviously evolved to its peak state, and its strength is absolutely terrifying.

If one day, it could evolve four-legged claws, wouldn't it become a legendary dragon?

This sea snake has a huge body, and no one knows how long it is. It is completely hidden under the sea water, and the entire sea area is agitated by the sea.

The king of sea snakes is the king of this group of sea beasts. All the sea beasts obey its orders.

Just now, several sea beasts couldn't wait to eat people, and they were all stopped by it.

Because he watched the live video of Emperor Tianyue, he worried that Emperor Tianyue would suddenly kill him.

"King, there's so much delicious here, shouldn't it be a good meal?"

A fish-shaped beast roared in a low voice. It was full of spikes, red fish eyes staring at the humans on the island, and a lot of mucus flowed from its mouth full of teeth.

The king of the sea snakes is silent, without making a statement, and weighing the pros and cons in his heart.

"King, don't hesitate. After eating them, we all rushed to the bottom of the sea. Even if the Emperor Tianyue had the power of heaven, he couldn't find us."

This is a huge octopus. After its evolution, it is covered with tentacles and has a strong ability to regenerate. If it is not the horns of the sea snake king, it will be the king of this group of sea beasts.

The king of sea snakes still did not say anything, but the figure was closer to the island.

On the island, all the human survivors gathered here were so scared that they couldn't breathe. Now they are desperate and surrounded by dense sea beasts. There is nowhere to escape.

Even if they boarded the aircraft now, they would be easily shot down by the other party at the moment of takeoff.

You know, the sea beast that has evolved to medium life already has the power of flying.

Now the lives of all people are supported by the prestige of the Emperor Tianyue.

However, everyone knows that this situation cannot last for long. The heart of the wild beast is violent. Once the crazy heart defeats the remaining reason, everyone gathered here will die.

A sea shark swimming in the sea continuously seemed to become more and more anxious. Its sense of smell was too sensitive. The strong human breath stimulated its nerves and made it almost crazy.

Eventually, it couldn't hold it, the huge body suddenly ejected from the sea, opened its **** mouth, and slammed towards several human survivors on the shore.


Everyone was terrified and backed off.

However, the entire island was already full of human beings. They could not avoid it. Seeing that they would be swallowed up by this sea shark, a dazzling electric light suddenly burst out and blasted this sea shark.

George was carrying a quantum electro-optical cannon, staring at the dead sea shark with a gazing glance ~ ~.

This quantum electro-optical cannon was a reward given by the Tianyue Empire at the beginning. It is extremely powerful and can kill all life below the middle third order.

At this critical moment, George had to fire. Once a precedent for killing appeared, these wild beasts in the sea would definitely explode and devour everyone.

Now he can only bet that the power of Tian Yue the Emperor is strong enough to deter this group of cruel beasts.


As the sea shark was killed by George, the beasts in the sea rioted, and the sea water was boiling. Many powerful sea beasts have burst out of the water and want to kill all humans.

However, the King of the Sea Snake has never given an order to attack, and it is still tangled. The strength of the Emperor Tian Yue is too scary, and he dares not easily offend.

However, not all sea beasts have such patience. There are a lot of sea beasts more cruel than sea sharks. At this time, regardless of the orders of the sea snake king, they broke out completely.

The killing is on the brink.

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