King of Eschatology

Chapter 768: The Emperor 1 is angry, and the corpse is 10,000 miles!

Fan Fan, Xu Xiaopeng, and others spent only two days on the moon. Although not long, many things happened.

The Lu Jiajun went to various parts of the world to respond to the disaster. The main force swept over half of the earth and fought almost simultaneously around the world.

At this critical moment, the mainland of Australia was attacked by a medium-life platypus, George's men were killed and wounded, many human survivor bases were slaughtered, and most of the population was lost.

The platypus uttered a rhetoric, demanding that humans withdraw from the Australian mainland. From now on, this will be a paradise for wild beasts and does not belong to the jurisdiction of any force.

The Galaxy Alliance immediately called for help from the Lujia Army, hoping that the Lujia Army could send monthly soldiers to kill the arrogant platypus.

The Tianyue Empire also voiced the first time, sending a second-month team led by Huang Yongsheng to the Australian mainland to suppress the beasts.

The second-month team has fifty monthly fighters, that is, the strong men with medium lives. Everyone thought that they could easily annihilate each other. They never thought that they would return home.

Even Huang Yongsheng, who was the most powerful, was seriously injured. He was severed by a middle-fifth-ranked kangaroo with three ribs and almost lost his life in Australia.

People have analyzed that tens of millions of years ago, the Australian mainland was separated from other continents and existed in isolation in the oceans of the southern hemisphere.

For a long time, natural conditions have been relatively simple, and the evolution of animals has been slow, and many ancient species have been preserved to this day.

And these ancient species, the degree of blood vein evolution is very low, it is very easy for blood veins to return to their ancestors, causing their strength to skyrocket.

When Huang Yongsheng rushed to the Australian mainland with the second-month team, he found that the middle-sized beasts all over the place were all month-level strongmen.

Especially the kangaroos here are even more crazy than the platypus. Anyone who is kicked by the opponent's powerful hind legs must be broken.

After the second-month team came here, at least ten people were damaged here and died under a large number of medium beast attacks.

Huang Yongsheng and others also ran fast, otherwise the whole army would really be wiped out.

When the people of the Galaxy Alliance saw that the Lu Jiajun's strong man was also defeated, he was really desperate at this moment, and could only lead people to live on a nearby island, and stayed alive.

People are beginning to realize that even if there are no zombies now, the last days are not over, at least the terrible beasts are still there, they are unruly, and they may violently kill at any time.

People from the Star Alliance on the island kept sending out distress messages, because they felt unsafe on the island, and the sea rose from time to time, and there were fierce beasts in the sea approaching here.

For a while, the eyes of the whole world were locked on an island in Oceania, hoping that their own kind would persist and not be eaten by mad sea beasts.

At the same time that the Lu Jiajun was fighting the fire in the world, a crisis broke out on the mainland of China. On the wasteland northwest of the southern capital, a group of special life races suddenly rose and launched a bold attack on humans.

Overnight, at least a dozen small human survivor bases were destroyed by this group of special lives. They announced to all humankind that the Dalingzhou region of Huaxia will become the territory of the Shi people.

Humans are no stranger to this newly-rising race, and as early as the end of the last century, human coalitions encountered it.

At that time, they were just a group of unconscious stone people, who had a strong sense of territory, but all humans who broke into their territory would be ruthlessly killed.

Because they stayed in their own territory and never went out, human beings gradually ignored them, not even paying much attention to the establishment of the Tianyue Empire.

I never imagined that this group of free-growing stone people turned out to be a climate, and now they have to share territory with the Tianyue Empire.

The Tianyue Empire could not tolerate such a thing. Lin Xiaoxiao immediately ordered that the southern capital nearest to Dalingzhou be sent to suppress the Shiren people.

The defensive forces that guarded the southern capital were the world extermination team led by Liu Feng. Now they are commanded by the headquarters to send an army as soon as possible to the Shiren clan.

The Lu Jiajun first bombed indiscriminately with missiles and bombarded a large number of low-ranking stone human warriors into debris, and then sent out the World Extermination Team to rush in and swept all the way.

I have to say that the stone people's combat power is very strong, even after going through a baptism of missiles, they are still overwhelming.

In the end, the King of the Shiren clan emerged, blocking the offensive of the World Extermination Team with the power of moderate fifth-order evolution, making the Lu Jiajun return without success.

Of course, this battle dispelled the Shiren clan. Although they could not completely wipe out the opponent, they never dared to call the Tianyue Empire arrogantly.

Lin Xiaoxiao has been in control of the situation in the world. After learning about this situation, he immediately demanded the retreat of the Lu Jiajun. No one in the middle and fifth ranks could fight.

Although the form of the world is changeable, Lu Jiajun's senior personnel have focused their attention on the same place, that is, the western Tibetan Plateau.

Lu Fan once said that when aliens land on the earth, there is a 90% probability that they will land here. Therefore, the venue for killing aliens in the Lujiajunkeng is the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

Although everyone didn't know what the basis for Lu Fan's remarks was, but because of their instinctual trust in the Emperor Tianyue, everyone chose to believe, even Lin Xiaoxiao was no exception.

Therefore, the Tianyue Empire is helping the people of the world to clear up hidden dangers. In fact, the main focus is on here.

People all over the world are waiting for the landing troops, hoping that they will clear up the hidden dangers of the world as soon as possible, especially after the incidents of Australia and the Stone Clan, everyone has a lot of worries.

"Can the Army be as strong as before? Is Australia going to be a beast country from now on?"

"It seems that the Lu Jiajun is really dead this time. There are stone people in the Tianyue Empire who have rebelled. It is said that they failed to annihilate. It is surprising."

"It is estimated that the plan of the Tianyue Empire to rule the world will be ruined ~ ~ The ferocious beasts in the sea are about to move, it seems that they must land at any time, and human beings have new troubles."

All kinds of speeches were flying all over the sky. When Lu Fan and Xu Xiaopeng landed on the earth, they just saw them.

"What's so special, just two days away, so much trouble."

Lu Fan snorted in his heart, feeling that the cleanup of the earth was still not complete, and his title of Heavenly Emperor lacked deterrence.

If you have enough prestige, whether it is the platypus in Australia or the stone clan in China, how dare you scream so arrogantly.

Even the wild beasts in the sea came up with a kick. Is it true that the title of the great emperor is called in vain?

"Xu Xiaopeng, open your light brain equipment, I want to broadcast live globally, and destroy all disobedient races, including the wild beast in the sea, in one day. Now!"

Lu Fan snorted, killing his heart soared.

"I want to show them what the Emperor is angry, and the corpse lies thousands of miles!"

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