King of Eschatology

Chapter 765: Slaughter of alien zombies

Lu Fan is aggressive and fast,

He no longer concealed his own breath, carrying a brutal evil spirit all over, crushed away all the way.

Later, Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao were shocked, and secretly said, "Isn't the boss afraid to alarm those horrible things?"

Sure enough, with the outbreak of Lu Fan's breath, the zombie group in the core area on the back of the moon was alarmed, and at this time began to scream, and rushed in the direction of Landing Fan.

These zombies have different shapes, some are double-headed humanoids, some are beastly humanoids, and there are completely zombies, definitely not creatures on earth.

Zombie viruses have spread throughout the universe, and there are different types of zombies here, obviously alien zombies.

From all the signs here, it can be inferred that these experimental bases of aliens were attacked by zombies and many aliens became infected and became zombies.

Those uninfected aliens fled here in panic, which is why the clutter in many buildings.

For the Earth people, this corpse tide broke out too well, otherwise I don't know how many people will be killed by alien experiments.

Regardless of this, Lu Fanke, whether it is an alien or an alien zombie, should be completely killed.

The earth shook, the zombies roared, and countless alien zombies were racing wildly in the direction of the landing where they were. The vastness of the zombies affected almost all the zombies on the entire moon.

This time the movement was too great, and Yang Feiyun and others who were bored waiting on the front of the moon were suddenly shocked. At this time, everyone took out a weapon and waited, staring at the horizon.

On the back of the moon, Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao were completely frightened. At this moment, the two stopped and stood behind Lu Fan, looking at the overwhelming zombies and feeling scalp.

This time the zombies are clearly different from the previous zombies. Not only are they more numerous, they are also stronger.

The group of tens of thousands of zombies just had only a medium first-order strength, but now, the two have noticed a super zombies with a medium eighth or higher.

With so many super zombies coming in, they can absolutely wipe everything out.

"How to do?"

Xu Xiaopeng and Liu Xiao were horrified. This is the moon, which is many times smaller than the earth. Even if they escape towards the rear, they can quickly go around the moon for a week.

At that time, it will still be surrounded by a huge tide of corpses.

If they are hard-hitting, and the two are not rivals, for a time, the two are in a dilemma.

Just when Liu Xiao and Xu Xiaopeng were panicking, Lu Fan in front had already moved.

I saw a lot of Buddha's light shining on Lu Fan's whole body, and the incomparable sacred breath filled the whole world. At this moment, there seems to be Buddhist voices singing in the sky, and the voice of the road hits the soul.

Lu Fan's body seems to be burning with flames. If you look closely, you will find that it is a rich and extreme Buddha light, forming a huge halo, which is set against Lu Fan's head.

Lu Fanbao was solemn, without any expression on his face, and slapped a slap against the overwhelming zombies in front.

Suddenly, the light between the heavens and the earth was dazzling, and an incomparable expanse of breath erupted in vain, turning into a huge energy fingerprint, falling from the sky and being angry.

A terrible and devastating atmosphere exploded in this barren land, as if the hand of the sky swept away, covering countless zombies below.


The zombies roared in horror. Although they had been lost in the years, the fighting instinct of benefit and avoidance was still there. At this time, they just wanted to stay away from this place.

However, this energy fingerprint is extremely overbearing. Not only is its body shape soaring rapidly, but it also emits infinite suction, which binds all the zombies covered in it and cannot escape.

"Buddha's Palm!"

With a loud roar, the energy fingerprints instantly landed, and as the earth trembled suddenly, at least more than 100,000 zombies were filmed by Lu Fan into a pool of mud.


Lu Fan snorted coldly, and the violent gas in his heart was not completely vented. At this time, the evolutionary force in the body began to run frantically, swimming according to the special star map trajectory.

At the same time, a flame began to burn in Lu Fan's abdomen, immediately igniting the evolutionary force of the whole body, and spraying away in all directions.

With a loud roar, Lu Fan filled the whole world with red flames and shrouded endless zombies.

Those undead zombies were directly engulfed by the fire at this time, and turned into a more terrifying flame zombies.

These zombies struggled in the fire, but all were burned to death, and eventually turned into black ashes on the ground.

The fire lasted for more than ten minutes, and eventually it was gradually extinguished. At this point, all the zombies were burned and burned, and even the remains of the zombies were completely removed.

Liu Xiao and Xu Xiaopeng were completely frightened. They really doubted whether their boss was human. This is definitely a means that God can have.

Lu Fan vented a pass, relieved a little, and said coldly to the two people, "The front is the core area on the back of the moon, and see where to build the fortifications."

Before the words fell, Lu Fan should rush towards the front and stay away from this scarred earth.

Until this time, Liu Xiao and Xu Xiaopeng suddenly remembered their purpose here, and almost forgot their true mission.

In fact, there were no other living creatures on the moon besides the zombies. After being cleaned up by Lu Fan again, they were completely quiet.

Liu Xiao took out the measuring instrument in the space ring and began to survey the area here, choosing the best place for the fortifications.

Xu Xiaopeng was looking for the commanding heights, and the location of the detection radar at the highest point of the crater.

As the leader of the Tiantong organization, Xu Xiaopeng pays special attention to information collection. The purpose of his visit to the Moon this time is mainly to establish a solar system monitoring system.

Of course, at present, the sky pupil organization cannot monitor the entire solar system. It can only monitor the cosmic space between the earth and the moon ~ ~ but this is an important step, representing that the earth people have finally started to leave the earth Extend your eyes to the interstellar space.

About one hour or so in the past, Liu Xiao and Xu Xiaopeng had completed the survey. At this time, Yang Feiyun, who was left behind, started to inform the warship to drive the starship over.

All building materials and construction workers are on top of the Starship, and as soon as the ship arrives, construction can begin immediately.

Lu Fan, standing alone on a crater, looking up at the stars, was extremely sad.

Looking at the starry sky from here, the perspective is extremely different. The earth has become a blue planet, surrounded by white mist, and looks like the size of a basketball.

But Lu Fan knows that the previous earth was not like this, it was ten thousand times larger than it is now.

Suddenly, Lu Fan was anxious and wanted to release the seal of the earth as soon as possible.

Only by unlocking the seal of the earth can human beings evolve more rapidly and Lu Fan have the opportunity to evolve into superior life.

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