King of Eschatology

Chapter 752: Ageing

Ever since she came to this special little world, Lin Xiaoxiao frowned. She knew that people outside were going through a severe test.

Even Lu Fan, who has always been confident, felt danger, but the situation was terrible.

"Lu Fan, what happened outside? When are we going to take refuge here?"

Lin Xiaoxiao sighed. She stayed here and couldn't help her at all.

Glancing at Death Canyon again, Lin Xiaoxiao turned and left.

Although Lin Xiaoxiao wanted to leave here, but she couldn't do it. Lu Fan managed to send everyone here. Now going out is chaos.

What we can do now is to wait.

At the same time, over the North Sea, Lu Fan rushed here all the way.

Looking at the frozen sea of ​​thousands of miles, Lu Fan had mixed feelings in his heart and secretly said, "Xiao Xiao, they should be okay, and I don't know how they got along with Weier."

Lu Fan has washed his face with clean water, and now he has restored his romantic appearance. He stands on the frozen North Sea and smashes the ice surface with a pat.

A spider web appeared densely on the ice surface of the entire North Sea, and the cracks did not know where to go.

"Well, old friends are coming, please come out and see."

Lu Fan growled loudly, and the overbearing sound waves spread like a rolling thunder toward the bottom of the sea.

In the land of the North Sea, I was asleep. At this moment, I was awakened by this sound, and suddenly showed endless violent gas, which seemed to erupt.

However, when it sensed the identity of the person who came, it was breathless, and the anger that had just risen suddenly died down.

"That boy is here, he really killed King Qin!"

She was so excited that she rushed out of the sea directly from the bottom of the sea, and most of her body was exposed to the air, which caused a vast plateau to float on the endless sea.

I have a very long life. From ancient times to the present, I know a lot.

It knew how to forbear, and kept hiding under the sea, so it escaped a disaster.

At that time, it had seen the brutality of King Qin with his own eyes, and tens of millions of evolutionaries had died in his hands. The cruelty was astounding.

Therefore, when the Qin King awoke, he thought that there would be another horrific killing. Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him killed him.

Most importantly, I noticed a strong sense of suffocation in the young man's body. It seemed that the other side contained the power to destroy the world, and he could suppress himself by raising his hand.

I had to admire in my heart that this teenager's potential was really too strong. It took less than ten days, and the strength of the other party became stronger.

"The earth's main space is suppressed, and any life can only evolve to the peak of medium life. This person should also be in this state. Why is his combat power so strong?"

Among the evolutionaries, the realm is the same, but the combat effectiveness is different. For example, if two people are in the same realm, the combat effectiveness may be very different.

Although Lu Fan is also a mid-tier ten peak, his combat effectiveness seems to have reached the upper level of life.

This result is unimaginable. Others may not understand what it means, but He has lived an infinite number of years and knows significantly more than ordinary people.

"This person's strength is so strong. Could it have happened that the bloodline returned to the ancestors and became the bloodline of the king?"

鲲 Secretly groaned. It belongs to the beasts. It has shined in ancient times, but it has been firmly suppressed by the blood of the king.

His memory can't help but fly to that distant ancient age. At that time, there was a human man holding an innate Taiji figure and waving everything with his hands to destroy everything, which made all universes tremble.

Another person, holding the Optima Axe, even if his head was cut off, he still killed the Quartet, the navel turned into a big mouth, devouring everything, and the terror was boundless.

There are many, many strong men, all of whom are native to the earth. They are in the universe, killing galaxies bowing their heads, and must worship the earth every millennium.

The earth was once bright, and suddenly became the center of the universe, but somehow, the powerful human beings who possessed the blood of the king disappeared overnight and did not know where they had gone.

Until later, the earth's momentum gradually weakened, and the Xeons of the major galaxies feared that the blood of the King of Man would appear again on the earth, so they jointly destroyed the evolutionaries on the earth and sealed the earth.

Today, the blood of the king of the earth is reappearing, and it is destined to set off a **** storm in the universe.

"Well, I have killed King Qin. I believe that it won't be long before I can unseal the seal of the earth. At that time you can break away from the shackles of this sea and soar between the stars of the universe."

A confident voice came, interrupting my contemplation.

Lu Fan knew the details of the uncle through the introduction of the God Chain, and knew that the other party's dream was Hua Peng, so Lu Fan brought it up as soon as he met, hoping to arouse the other party's interest.

You know, Lin Xiaoxiao and others are all in the unborn world. If there is a conflict with the other party at this time, you don't have to think about the terrible results.

Obviously, Lu Fan thinks too much, I have been trapped in this sea for thousands of years, I have been waiting for despair, and now there is a flying opportunity, how can it miss it.

Besides, I have already guessed the situation of Lu Fan's blood returning to his ancestors, and of course he must make good intentions at this time.

I know that Lu Fan must be here to pick up the original group of people. At this time, he was unambiguous and opened his mouth. The huge black vortex appeared again.

He is a beast of ancient times. Although he is already in the middle of the tenth-order peak, he cannot speak. He can only send his voice to Lu Fan through mental fluctuations.

The more powerful the blood beast, the more difficult it is to transform. Judging from the strength of the bloodline, even if it reaches the highest life, it is impossible to transform.

"I'll pick you in now. You know how to come out. I won't explain much. You go early and return early."

I also feel helpless ~ ~ Its world can only be closed, not inside, if the people in it, they can only pass through Death Canyon.

In other words, the wounds of the sickness were torn again.

鲲 In order to gain a flying opportunity, even if it bears the pain of cutting belly again.

Of course, the uncle's body is extremely large, and the wounds caused by Death Canyon seem to be very large, but it is just a trivial matter for me.

If this small injury can be exchanged for the friendship of the future invincible power, then of course it would be better.

Seeing this huge black vortex in front of him, Lu Fan said gratefully: "Ah, no matter what, Lu Fan wrote down today's grace, and there will be good returns in the future."

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan leapt forward, plunged into the black vortex, and entered the world in the abdomen.

Hearing Lu Fan's words, he couldn't help but look faint, and secretly said: "Originally, his name is Lu Fan, I hope you can really grow up and discuss the death of the ancient souls on the earth."

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