King of Eschatology

Chapter 750: Occupy Neptune

Lu Fan's ears were so keen, he heard Wu Guang's mumbles, and kicked Wu Guang's **** immediately.

"Little bunny, don't care if your boss is injured or not, I really think I'm black, believe me or not."

Wu Guang was kicked, and immediately scratched his head awkwardly, smirking.

Everyone saw this scene and laughed. The previous battle was too suppressed. Now that the crisis is lifted, everyone can't help but be happy.


Lan Yan came forward and handed a bottle of life potion to Lu Fan.

It can be seen that Lu Fan was not badly injured. Lan Yu guessed that the other side's life potion had run out, so he handed in a bottle the first time.

Lu Fan chuckled, took the potion of life, and laughed: "It's better to be a girl like Lan Yan, unlike some people, they know to laugh at their boss."

Wu Guang and others were embarrassed.

After Lu Fan drank the potion of life, his breath quickly recovered and his mood was very good.

Although this battle was extremely fierce, Lu Fan won the final victory, not only to keep the system, but also to get the Zijin electric hammer, which is generally pretty good.

Now that the Super God Link system has been fully restored, he can redeem a large number of black technologies, which can ensure that the Tianyue Empire rushes to a medium-level technological civilization in the shortest time.

In addition, there are a large number of evolutionary methods in the Super God Link system, as well as various evolutionary martial arts. As long as there are enough zombie points, these things can be exchanged.

The most important thing is that the current Super God Link system has completely considered itself as the main, and the exchange prices of various items have become extremely low.

Like the previous gene medicine, Lu Fan can now easily redeem a large number.

Lu Fan's heart is full of longing. Before long, the earth people will master more and more black technology and step directly into the middle-tech civilization.

Moreover, as long as Lu Fan has enough zombies points, the earth can still enter the advanced scientific and technological civilization.

Just when Lu Fan was full of longing for the future, the chain of God suddenly opened, interrupting Lu Fan's dream.

"Before King Qin died, he sent a war signal to the entire universe. I believe that it won't be long before a large number of interstellar warships arrive on Earth."

When he heard the words of God Chain, Lu Fan was startled.

"what did you say?"

The small loli-like figure of Shenlian jumped up and down in Lu Fan's spiritual world and said, "But don't worry, these aliens are all coming to explore the road, and their strength is not high."

"It's hard to say what's going on. Maybe there will be sun-level fighters coming to the earth. By then, you will still be finished."

When Lu Fan's pupils shrank, the Yang-class warrior was first-class life. At present, there is no first-class life on the whole earth. If there really is a Yang-class warrior coming to the earth, the terrible result can be guessed without thinking.

Divine Chain comforted: "Don't worry too much. In the entire universe, the Yang-class warriors are the supreme existence and cannot be easily dispatched."

"As long as you can block each other's star army, you can completely protect the earth."

Hearing the explanation of the God Chain, Lu Fan's heart that was originally happy gradually cooled down, recalling the past of the earth before infinite years, her heart was extremely sad.

How easy is it to block the alien army?

"Next, what should I do?"

At this time, the chain of God has completely unlocked the genetic shackles, and knows a lot more than before, Lu Fan humbly asks for advice.

Shenlian looked proud and said, "It's very simple. In the shortest time, occupy Neptune!"

"Opposite Neptune?"

Lu Fan was startled, and then suddenly laughed.

Not to mention Neptune, even the moon, it is difficult for humans to get on board. Now it is a joke to talk about the occupation of Neptune.

Divine Chain said solemnly: "If you don't want to repeat the mistakes of ancient earth, you must occupy Neptune."

"Near Neptune, there is a super space wormhole. All major galaxies have control of this space node. If aliens invade, they must arrive here first."

"If you can take Neptune first, things will be different."

"Think for yourself. If you take Neptune ahead of time, and then aim your superweapon ahead of time in the space wormhole."

"The enemy just jumped out of a different dimension. If you don't know anything, you give him a shot. What effect would you expect?"

Hearing here, Lu Fan's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. If Earth people can really occupy Neptune and arrange large-scale defensive weapons there, I am afraid that it will be difficult for aliens to invade the earth again.

However, Lu Fan soon made trouble, and the technology level of the earth is still very backward. Even if there is an interstellar warship to reach Neptune, human beings cannot survive there.

Without oxygen, everything is futile.

Besides, after this end time, the number of people on the earth has dropped sharply to a very low state, and the total global population is less than 100 million.

Moreover, after the baptism of eschatology, many areas of the earth have become forbidden zones of life, and human beings who have accidentally entered them will be killed.

That is to say, for a long time to come, the population of the earth will show a sharp decline.

Perceived Lu Fan's concerns, Divine Chain comforted him: "Relax, the population is not enough, the machines come together."

"In the future, artificial intelligence is bound to rise. A large number of robots will be applied in various fields such as battlefields, engineering, exploration, mining, and services. Occupying the first armed forces of Neptune, artificial intelligence can be considered instead."

Hearing the words of God Chain, Lu Fan was shocked and speechless, and stayed in place for a while.

However, if you think about it, the current chain of God is also a robot, and everything is just like a real human.

Most importantly, artificial intelligence does not need to rest, as long as they give them instructions, they will continue to act until it is complete.

Thinking of this ~ ~ Lu Fan finally took a good sigh and said, "In this way, we really hope to occupy Neptune."

Godchain sneered and said, "It's not just Neptune. With the help of this system, in the future, you will occupy all planets such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and finally set up energy devices on the sun."

"The sun is perseverance and the source of all energy. In the future, you will step out of the solar system, out of the Milky Way, and rush to the whole universe, occupy more perseverance, and hunt for the cosmic heart of other worlds."

Hearing the uplifting words of God Chain, Lu Fan's whole blood was boiling.

He suddenly looked up and looked into the sky, as if there were countless stars in the endless vast universe waiting for himself to conquer.

"Well, don't think so far, think about how to solve the immediate trouble. The first aliens arrived on Earth half a month later, what are you going to do?"

Lu Fan was imagining a bright future, and at this time he heard the untimely voice of God Chain, and suddenly he was full of black lines.

"Mad, can't I be beautiful for a while?"

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