King of Eschatology

Chapter 739: Zombie fight

All the cities of the Tianyue Empire heard Ye Ye's call, and medium soldiers fought.

At the same time, Ye still did not violate the order of Fanfan, and asked the major bases to prepare for retreat. Ordinary people took large flying warships and were preparing to stay away from Huaxia.

For a while, the entire undercurrent of the Tianyue Empire surged, and almost everyone acted.

In Midtown, Ye still waited for everyone to gather here to prepare for the ancient zombies.

Located in the westernmost part of the Tianyue Empire, Zhongyucheng is the closest to the ancient zombies. This is definitely a good place to ambush.

Fu Wenbin looked at the people around him, and now everyone is wearing the Tianyue Empire monthly badge, and can't help but feel ashamed.

At the time of dividing the world, 6 Fan Gu Nian Fu Wenbin had merit, so he encloses the Midwest City, and Fu Wenbin serves as the city's owner.

However, Fu Wenbin knew to himself that, in fact, he was not qualified to be the owner of the city, because the original base in the middle area was too weak.

Fortunately, Fanfan took care of them and gave them a lot of genetic medicine, which awakened many ordinary people and became genetic warriors.

In addition, the evolvers of Midwest City were also rewarded by Six Fans, and obtained a large number of high-ranking wild beast meat foods, which led many soldiers in Midtown City to successfully evolve and become high-level new humans.

However, the foundation of Midwest City is really too thin, even if it is Fu Wenbin's excellent management, there is still no medium warrior.

Now in Midtown City, the strongest is only the tenth-tier soldier.

Originally thought that Tier X fighters were already very strong, but now it seems that Tier X fighters are not even qualified to participate in combat.

In this battle with the ancient zombies, intermediate warriors must be able to participate in the battle, otherwise they can only be strangled to death.

"No, I want to fight!"

Fu Wenbin was unwilling to leave like this, and suddenly said.

Hearing Fu Wenbin's voice, everyone looked in his direction, feeling a little surprised.

Feeling the eyes of everyone, Fu Wenbin's face was hot, and he said, "It has always been the care of the boss that we have the Chinatown today, and now the zombies appear outside the city. If I, the city owner also Retreat, that's too much to say. "

Fu Wenbin's eyes were burning and he said solemnly.

Everyone was surprised.

At this time, who is not trying to escape by all means? At this time, being able to express his willingness to stay, shows that Fu Wenbin's character is OK.

A group of ten people stood neatly beside Fu Wenbin, responding one after the other, saying: "Sworn and died together with Midtown!"

These ten are the strongest men in Midwest City, all of them are ten-level evolutionaries. They all got the favor of 6 Fans and broke through eating 6 Fans of beast meat food.

If the Yue Empire is in danger today, how can a man with **** temperament retreat at will.

Wang Ruhai looked at Fu Wenbin thoughtfully and comforted: "Brother Wen Bin, this matter is not a joke, there is a danger of life if you are not careful, I think you should leave quickly."

Wang Ruhai had better luck. After serving the wild beast meat food given by 6 Fans, with the understanding of the Yijin evolution method, he broke through to intermediate life in one fell swoop.

Wang Ruhai didn't come alone. After arranging things for Donghai City, he also brought his strongest guard team over.

A fifteen-man team, all of which are tenth-tier new humans, are already very powerful.

Fu Wenbin looked stunned, and responded righteously: "Wang Chengzhu, if I did n’t meet the boss, my Fu Wenbin would have been eaten by the zombies. Now that the boss has something that ca n’t be separated, I must stand up and top Put. "

"Even if it only contained part of the zombies, for me, it is a bit of value, better than hiding behind a coward."

Fu Wenbin was right, his muscles were tightly tied together, and he was ready to fight.

"it is good!"

Listening to the words of Fu Wenbin, Wang Ruhai boiled his blood involuntarily. He also brought people here with this kind of thought.

Listening to the conversation between the two, the others couldn't help but look strange.

Liu Feng, the capital of the Southern Capital, said silently, "Be careful of the two of you, you don't know we thought we were dying."

Xichuan City's owner Dong Yang nodded indifferently, saying: "Lao Liu made sense, in fact, our battle is very good, you two are worried about a woolen yarn."


Fu Wenbin and Wang Ruhai both showed aggressiveness, and their brains were short-circuited.

Liu Feng shook the space ring on his hands at the two, and said, "We have a lot of secret weapons. Don't worry, no matter how powerful the enemy is, you must lie down."

The hearts of Fu Wenbin and Wang Ruhai are astonished. The present Tianyue Empire is no longer what it used to be. It is said that the scientific research department has conquered countless black technologies. The latest thermal weapons are infinitely powerful and can be used to kill medium life.

Thinking of this, the two could not help but feel relieved. It seemed that the situation was not as bad as they thought.

Ye still had no time to ignore them ~ ~ At this time, he was watching Wu Guang's light brain equipment, waiting patiently.

"How's it going? Is the goal locked?"

After a while, Ye still asked.

Wu Guang stared at the light brain device without blinking. At this moment, suddenly his eyes lighted up and said, "It's done!"

As Wu Guang spoke, everyone gathered around, staring excitedly at the light brain equipment in Wu Guang's hands.

Wu Guang was slightly excited at this time, his fingers slammed on the light brain device, and suddenly, a clear light curtain suddenly appeared in the void.

On the light curtain, a large number of zombies are rushing towards the east frantically. Among them, there are countless high-level zombies, all of them are going forward and succeeding, and they look cruel.

Although there is no sound, people can still feel the strong impact, which is really thrilling.

This is a picture taken by satellite, although it is still the kind of satellite in the civilized period, but after the improvement of 6 black technology, the picture taken is extremely clear.

The improvement of satellite technology directly benefits the Beidou positioning system of the Tianyue Empire. After the improvement of the black technology of the scientific research department, the positioning accuracy of the Beidou system has been reduced to the millimeter range.

In other words, the Tianyue Empire now fires any missile, and the deviation from the target will never exceed one millimeter.

It can be imagined that if a nuclear bomb is fired, a deviation of one millimeter is equivalent to no deviation, which is equivalent to 100% precision strike.

Ye still had bright eyes, and Jiao drank, "Shoo!"

With Ye still ordering, the North China Military Region, Central China Military Region, Tonggu Military Region, and Xichuan Military Region simultaneously launched four nuclear-level catapult bases, and nearly a hundred nuclear bombs were launched simultaneously, bombarding the ancient zombies.

(End of this chapter)

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