King of Eschatology

Chapter 728: Zombies

() "What's so special about this?"

Lu Fan is speechless. There are no foggy areas and no special space. Although it looks extremely extraordinary, it has nothing.

"Is Mo Fei Heng Shan not created?"

Lu Fan is a little helpless. If the crisis is so heavy, he will not be afraid, so empty and unsuited.

"Shenlian, where is the good fortune of Hengshan?"

In desperation, Lu Fan found the Super God Link System again.

When I was in Songshan at the beginning, it was the God Chain who pointed out the location of the Dalin Temple to Lu Fan, otherwise, by his own search, I did not know how to find the year of the monkey.

However, after Shen Fan heard Lu Fan's question, she was also stunned.

"No, it's impossible, why is this so?"

Divine Chain murmured there, feeling a little incredible.

When Lu Fan heard the reply from ShenChain, he could not help but fill his head with black lines.

This is so special, it's better not to say.

"Hello, you have unlocked the four genetic yoke, what new functions have been added?"

Lu Fan asked, when God Chain unlocked the third genetic shackles, it was already able to provide some black technology. Now it has opened the fourth genetic shackles and should have more functions.

GodChain responded: "The medium-tech civilization has been completely opened, and all medium-tech can be found in the super-God link system, of course, provided that you have enough zombie points to redeem."

Hearing the reply from the God Chain, Lu Fan was a joy first, then frowned.

Nowadays, there are fewer and fewer zombies on the earth, and the zombie points available for evolution can't be made up. If it wasn't for the Beggets who sent a batch, I'm afraid he hasn't broken so fast.

Lu Fan is a little bit embarrassed now. With the passage of time, more and more functions of the Super God Link System are turned on, but the zombie points are getting less and less, which is really helpless.

Feeling Lu Fan's current thoughts, Shenlian couldn't help smirking and asked, "What are you worried about?"

Lu Fan's mood was not so wonderful, he immediately responded: "You have broken the system and the function is turned on too slowly. What if there is no place to collect zombie points in the future?"

Divine Chain stared at Fanfan like a fool, and said in surprise: "Host, shouldn't you think there are only zombies on earth?"


Lu Fan frowned, revealing the color of doubt.

"Are there zombies on other life planets?"

Lu Fan asked blurtly, feeling that this possibility was unlikely.

This species of zombies is weird, and it should not be possible to flood the entire universe.

Divine Chain responded jokingly: "Sure enough, there is no insight. The zombie virus has spread throughout the universe, only because the earth was sealed, so the outbreak period was postponed."

"What do you mean?"

Lu Fan was confused by the chain of God, and felt a little difficult to understand.

ShenChain continued: "Before King Qin came to earth, the zombie virus already existed, and it broke out in a large area in the universe, but the earth was sealed and the zombie virus could not spread.

"Before King Qin came to earth? Wasn't that zombies more than 2,000 years ago?"

Lu Fan exclaimed, feeling a little incredible.

Divine Chain replied unwillingly: "Yes, to be precise, since the moment the earth was sealed, the zombie virus has suddenly appeared and spread among the galaxies of the universe."

"Some people say that this is the means of the ancestors of the earth, and in cooperation with the twelve galaxies in retaliation against the earth."

"Some people also say that this is the curse of the superpowers of the earth. All aliens who invade the earth must be turned into zombies and devour their spirits."

"Of course, there is also a saying that in the war that year, the Star Alliance Army killed too many Earth people, hurting the heavens and being punished by the laws of the universe."

Divine Chain has spoken out many possibilities in a row. After opening the four genetic yoke, it is obvious that more things are known.

Lu Fan's heart shook, and his heart set off a huge wave.

No matter what kind of statement, it seems to be related to the seal of the earth. If it is really a means of the earth people, it would be too scary.

The water in this matter is too deep and affects the entire universe. Lu Fan does not consider it to be the ancestor of the earth.

If it was the ancestors of the earth, it would be impossible for the earth people to be infected with the zombie virus. Lu Fan did not believe that the earth's ancestors wanted to extinct themselves.

At the beginning, the zombie virus spread only in the stars and did not appear on Earth.

Only later, this zombie virus was brought to Earth by the King Qin from Beckett, and sealed by great means, and finally broke out after more than two thousand years.

Lu Fan suddenly thought of a place in southwest China, where it was called the Zombie Kingdom.

According to some data, the global zombie outbreak was completed almost instantly, but there is also a first-come-first-served basis. The zombie country was the earliest place to erupt and swept the world instantly.

Lu Fan secretly speculated that the zombie virus must have been placed in the zombie kingdom by King Qin, sealed there like a time bomb, and detonated by itself at the prescribed time.

"This **** Qin King, if it were not for him, there would have been no zombie virus on Earth!"

Lu Fan's eyes were fierce, and when he thought about the billions of humans who died, his heart could not stop the killing.

Feeling Lu Fan's killing intention, God Chain immediately reminded: "So you don't have to worry about no zombie points. On some planets, there are zombies of the highest level of life."

"Zombies of the highest level of life are fierce on each end, with tens of billions to hundreds of billions of zombies points. Are you still worried about no zombies points?"

"As the strongest super **** system in the universe, our goal is the stars and the sea!"

The chain of gods was so tempting, he pointed out the direction for Lu Fan, and made him feel better again.

Lu Fan had been shocked by the words of the God Chain long ago. There are even zombies of the highest life level in the universe? How cruel is that?

Lu Fan didn't dare to imagine that a zombie of that level would destroy a planet in one go.

For example, if there is a top-level zombies on the earth today, I am afraid that there is not enough life on the earth for him to eat alone.

"What do you do ~ ~ pull away, okay, I asked you to find me a good place, what are you doing so much useless?"

Lu Fan suddenly remembered something. When you were furious, it was so critical that you were talking about zombies, which is definitely a waste of life.

Divine Chain was silent. Lu Fan first asked, but now she blame herself, but she found that Lu Fan was angry, so she didn't dare to refute.

Divine Chain is afraid of annoying Lu Fan. After all, she still expects the other party to break the genetic yoke for herself.

Suddenly, God Chain seemed to think of something, and said, "Huaxia Wuyue has the same spirit and branches. You can run the evolutionary martial arts obtained by other mountains, maybe you have some sense."

Lu Fan was about to yell at people. At this moment, when he heard the words of God Chain, he suddenly felt a stun in his heart.

He suddenly thought of Bodhi Leaf. It seemed that after coming to Hengshan, Bodhi Leaf suddenly lost its effect, so his mood began to become anxious and seemed to be anxious.

(End of this chapter)

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