King of Eschatology

Chapter 716: Endless Buddha Country

Lu Fan was unconscious, and suddenly felt that someone was shaking himself and shouting his name.

"Lu Fan, just wake up, a goshawk is just scaring you, and your courage is too small."

An old monk, dressed in a cricket, started to help Lu Fan who fell to the ground.

When Lu Fan heard the shout, he slowly opened his eyes, and his heart was frightened.

There was a bald head wherever he came in, and plain monks dressed everywhere, making Lu Fan unbelievable.

"Lu Fan, what's wrong with you, shouldn't you be scared?"

After the old monk raised Lu Fan, he said with concern.

Lu Fan was completely shocked. He looked at his dress, even wearing a monk robe, a string of beads in his neck, and a bowl in his hand.

"this is?"

Lu Fan was inexplicably terrified, raised his hand and wiped his head, and the place where he started was smooth.

Turned out to be a bald!

Lu Fan suddenly remembered the picture he saw when he was in a coma, but now he turned into the young monk that he saw at first.

"Muffy, crossed?"

Lu Fan felt unbelievable. He thought of the monk just now, but was only glanced at by the other side. He was taken to this world. It was simply too scary.

"What are you still doing? Thank you Buddha soon."

The old monk hurried to see Lu Fan always standing stupidly.

Lu Fan was startled and looked up.

He saw that the monk who was looking at himself was suspended in the air, and the big day behind him was bright and dazzling, emitting a sacred light.

Especially the tyrannical atmosphere makes people feel a sense of worship.

"This is the Buddha?"

Lu Fan was horrified that in the ancient Chinese legend, there was a Buddha.

The Buddha's magic power in memory is endless, he can destroy the world with his hands, has endless power, and can even penetrate the heavens and control the destiny of sentient beings.

And such a horrible character actually appeared in front of himself, Lu Fan suddenly felt the thunder of Wulei, and was shocked inside.

"The poor monk traveled all over the place, passing by here, and met this little monk, it was considered a fate."

The high Buddha suddenly spoke, and suddenly all monks held their breaths and listened carefully.

"The poor monk sees that you are still young, and today I will teach you one way and practice carefully to get great magical powers."

While speaking, the Buddha shook his hand in the direction where Landing Fan was, and a simple scroll fell down and landed in front of Lu Fan.

This is an ancient book with yellowing, simple paper, interspersed with hemp rope, it looks as if it will fall apart and dilapidated at any time.

Lu Fan frowned. He didn't know the text on this scroll, nor did he know what the Dharma was.

Seeing the Buddha's teaching, all the monks were inexplicably excited and thanked the Buddha.

The old monk hurriedly urged Lu Fan and said, "Buddhas are spreading the Fa, are you still thank Xie Daen?"

Lu Fan was shocked and instantly regained his mind.

However, when he looked up again, the Buddha had disappeared without a trace.


Lu Fan turned his head and asked where the Buddha had gone.

Just to Lu Fan's shock, everyone disappeared, even the old monk who had just talked to him disappeared.


Lu Fan was completely confused. He felt illusory everywhere, true or false, he could not tell.

"Is this scroll really?"

Lu Fan groaned secretly, sat down directly, and began to look at this ancient scroll.

The text on the scroll is very special. It looks like runes, large and small, and uneven.

Some characters have the size of a fist, and some characters are as small as a needle tip, messy, disorderly arranged, and cannot understand at all.

Lu Fan is completely speechless. To him, this scroll is like a heavenly script.

Everyone disappeared. Lu Fan didn't even have the opportunity to ask for a personal inquiry. Just sitting here and watching hard, there was nothing to gain.

"Forget it, I'll go around and see how to get out of here."

Fan Fan could not accept the image of himself as a bald little monk anyway. He really could not imagine that he would one day become a monk.

Lu Fan put away the scrolls and began to follow the road between the temples.

When encountering the temple, Lu Fan would also walk in. Look east, look west, full of curiosity.

Gradually, Lu Fan lost his interest, and felt that it was dull and boring, and no one was talking. He was lonely and dying.

The vastness here is far beyond Lu Fan's imagination. He has been walking and watching, and time has gradually passed.

One day, two days, three days.

One year, two years, three years.

After a full ten years, Lu Fan still hasn't found a way out. He seems to have fallen into it, sinking into the mire and unable to escape.

"So tired!"

One person stayed here for ten years. Lu Fan felt that he was about to get lost. He came to the place where he first appeared again, and sat down cross-legged.

"I haven't been able to go out for ten years. I am afraid that the earth will be ruled by King Qin again."

"The situation of the brothers does not know what happened, as long as they do not return to Huaxia, they should not be persecuted."

"Xiaoxiao, how are they doing in the world, should be waiting for me."

Lu Fan murmured to himself, showing a sense of desolation deep in his heart.

For ten years, Lu Fan experienced the vicissitudes of the sea, his hair has grown back long, and now he has become a handsome boy. Unfortunately, his strength is low and he has no combat power.

Once, Lu Fan experienced the reincarnation of the ninth century, died in the country where the zombies were rampant, and eventually became an evolutionary. He passed the challenge and reached the peak of humanity.

Now, in a country without people, Lu Fan is alone, wandering freely, and drifting everywhere ~ ~ Lu Fan has no way to tell which life is true and which life is false.

Perhaps the reincarnation of the ninth is false, and this Buddha country is the real world.

"It's so vast here, I can't go to the end, simply study this scroll."

Finally, Lu Fan no longer thought about it, opened the yellowed scroll again, and watched it page by page.

Opening it again, Lu Fan suddenly felt that these runes had become different, no longer so obscure, and seemed to be related to his experience in this decade.

Although he still couldn't understand it, Lu Fan could feel the kindness of these characters and symbols, and it seemed that he could imprint them deeply in his mind by looking at a few more eyes.

At the same time, at the foot of Songshan, a figure descended from the sky, breaking through the sound barrier at a speed like a bomber.

The visitor was King Qin, who chased after from the Tianyue Empire and arrived here as quickly as possible.

Standing at the foot of Song Mountain, even the arrogant Qin King had to become cautious at this time.

Once, King Qin suffered a big loss here. Even after a long time, he still remembers it and dare not get involved easily.

The eyes of Qin Wang Yinjiu flashed suddenly, and the overwhelming mental power poured out like a tide, sweeping the entire Songshan in an instant.

Suddenly, all the grass, trees and sand on the mountain came into his mind, and no clue could escape his eyes.

He was searching carefully, looking for Lu Fan's whereabouts.

"Gone? How is this possible?"

With a cold hum, Qin Wang burst out with a brutal murderous intent. After a moment of groaning, his feet slammed on the ground and his body ran towards the Songshan Mountain.

In any case, he must find Lu Fan, kill him completely, and eliminate the aftermath.

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