King of Eschatology

Chapter 713: Too late to explain, get in the car!

After a simple analysis of Divine Chain, Lu Fan was like a gigantic awakening, instantly awakened.

Lu Fan is very powerful now, but when he meets Qin King, everything is over.

If the Super Link System is taken away, how much Lu Fan's combat power will be left?

Lu Fan didn't know, and he didn't want to take risks. Before unlocking the genetic shackles of the Super God Link System, he couldn't face the Qin King directly.


Lu Fan thought about the Tianyue Empire and shook his head immediately.

Now Lu Fan is no longer a time of no concern. The entire Tianyue Empire is his people. If he leaves, these people will be miserable.

King Qin has always been brutal. If he cannot find Lu Fan when he rushes here, he will likely kill the war.

"You must take everyone away!"

Lu Fan narrowed his eyes and immediately made up his mind.

Nowadays, all the elite troops of the Lujia Army are dispatched to other continents. Few people remain in the Tianyue Empire. Lu Fan can take them all away.

As for how to settle, Lu Fan had a bold idea in his heart.

Lu Fan shuddered, and the majestic energy spewed out of the pores of his body like air currents, blowing the mud on his body clean.

Time is urgent, Lu Fan has no time to take a bath and can only dry clean.

I have to say, it works well.

"Gather all!"

With a loud roar, everyone was shocked and rushed over from their jobs to gather at the foot of Tianyue Emperor's Palace.

Lin Xiaoxiao, Lianer, Chen Dapeng, Shi Hongji, Xu Xiaopeng, Wu Haochen, Liu Xiao, Yang Feiyun and others appeared together, and all of them appeared here.

These people include the staff, logistics, scientific research, Tiantong organization, arsenal, infrastructure construction, and basic defense. All key personnel who remain in the capital are here.

At this time, Lu Fan had taken out a giant battleship from the storage space. At this time, when everyone saw Qi, he yelled: "It's too late to explain, get in the car!"

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan first rushed towards the hatch, and first boarded the giant battleship.

The others were shocked and immediately followed Lu Fan's footsteps and boarded the giant battleship.

Lu Fan made a crazy point directly on the operation panel and set his destination in the extreme north. The giant warship launched instantly and blasted towards the north.

Until this time, Lu Fan had time to face everyone.

"Xu Xiaopeng, immediately released a message to the Lu Jiajun who went out to fight. After the battle, he was on standby and would not be allowed to return without my order!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this language. Through a series of performances by Lu Fan, it can be learned that something must have happened.

Last time the aliens came, Lu Fan's performance was not so nervous. Now it seems that the new crisis is even more terrifying than the aliens.

Xu Xiaopeng knew that the situation was serious, and immediately issued an order to the Lu Jiajun who went out to fight, asking them to stand by after the battle and wait for the command of the emperor.

The Beast Legion in the Amazon Plains also got the news. At this time, they could not help slowing down the killing and began to focus on conquest.

"In the end what happened?"

Lin Xiaoxiao looked diligently at Landing Fan, and for the first time she saw Lu Fan so nervous, she could not help but feel a little distressed.

Lu Fan's mood has returned to peace, at this time he responded: "No problem, just a tricky guy has appeared, afraid that you are in danger."

Hearing Lu Fan's response, everyone felt uneasy. The characters who could make Lu Fan feel tricky might be extremely brutal.

Lu Fan continued: "Next, I'll send you to a place, wait for me to solve that tricky guy, and then pick you back."

Lu Fan has decided that it is absolutely safe to send everyone to the small world of Tongai.

The problem is that Lu Fan has to get that **** out, otherwise he can only send everyone to the far north.

The giant battleship is extremely fast and can't be overwhelmed for thousands of miles. After only a few minutes, it has already arrived in the North Sea.

Lu Fan first stepped out of the battleship and shouted at the frozen sea thousands of miles: "Hey, see you out!"

At this time, Lin Xiaoxiao and others stepped out of the battleship one by one and suspended in midair, looking at the endless ice surface secretly.

No one knows who Lu Fan is talking to. They feel that the ice is thick and no one can be inside.

At this moment, the ice surface suddenly started to rise, and then it clicked and burst from the middle.

Suddenly, the roaring sound was endless, the entire ice layer burst, and a dark island emerged from the sea, breaking out of the ice.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this scene. They couldn't imagine it. Lu Fan even called out a giant island.


Chen Dapeng and others said in surprise that he had guessed that the boss must have settled the people on this island in order to avoid the pursuit of powerful enemies.

However, the next move of the island suddenly frightened Chen Dapeng.

I saw the giant island suddenly opened its eyes. Due to the size of the other side, everyone could only see one eye.

This surprise is quite small ~ ~ One eye is comparable to the sun and the moon. Even if everyone is far away, they can still feel the hugeness of the other person's eyes.

The eyes of the dazzling thorns were painful.

Just one eye is comparable to the sun, the moon, and the galaxy, how big is its body?

People were horrified and couldn't believe it. This huge body like land was a living thing.

"Well, help put my friend in the world of your womb, how can I help you in the future?"

Lu Fan already knows Xun through ShenChain, and he knows how important Huapeng is to it.

Because of the suppression of the Earth's main space, the puppet has stagnated in this state for an infinite number of years, it is impossible to break through, and it is impossible to change its roots.

In the North Sea, it is extremely difficult to even turn over, so it longs for the blue sky and craves into the sky after Huapeng.

Xun has his own bloodline of inheritance. In his memory, his ancestors were first-rate life and could transform Peng.

Dapeng rose on the same day and skyrocketed 90,000 miles.

I desire to soar for nine days like my ancestors.

It was because Lu Fan knew this that he was confident to negotiate with You.

巨大 That huge eye stared at Lu Fanfan.

For this young man, I still have a fresh memory. He has recently caused serious damage to his body, and now he is here again.

At the same time, I felt a strong breath in the young man's body. Only a few days later, the opponent's combat effectiveness skyrocketed.

In particular, the spiritual coercion emanating from the other person gave it a feeling of wanting to surrender. He speculated that the other person's mental strength had already entered the upper level of life.

Feeling the extraordinaryness of this young man, he secretly guessed that maybe the other party could really help himself to realize his wish, from Huapeng Peng, to evolve into superior life.

(End of this chapter)

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