King of Eschatology

Chapter 708: Army attack

In the Tianyue Empire, millions of Army soldiers are gathering on Tianyue Square.

The strong killing spirit rushed into Tianyu, and people all over the world are watching all this through the light brain equipment, and even if they are far away, they can feel the incomparable shock.

Lu Jiajun is a true division of tigers and wolves.

In the other direction, the million wild beasts stood up proudly. In the forefront of the team, the king of black evil tigers stood tall and strode here.

The beast army of the Tianyue Empire is about to go on an expedition. This battle is extremely important. Every beast has erupted fiercely, and can't wait to kill it now.

Before the one million male division and the beast army, two special teams lined up neatly, each with a gigantic spirit.

Each of the two teams has fifty men, all of them are medium warriors, each wearing a special badge.

This is a monthly badge, each of which is engraved with a meniscus. A meniscus represents an order, and the more meniscus the stronger the order.

The monthly badge is a status symbol, and only a medium warrior can have this honor.

The lower-ranking soldiers all wore star badges, with stars inscribed on the badges, and ten stars represented ten ranks.

Once, the Ten Star Warrior was the most powerful presence in the Lujia Army, but now, compared to the Moon Warrior, it is nothing.

The monthly team was formed by Lu Fan, and many of them are old faces. They came from major teams and were selected after breaking through to medium life.

Immediately after the original team lacked capacity, newcomers would fill in the vacancies, everything was in order, and the Tianyue Empire had formed a virtuous circle.

"Today, you are going to do a great operation."

"You must go to the battlefield with the hope of all humankind, annihilate the threat, and end this end of the world."

"You have the most powerful combat power, the best equipment, and the most detailed information."

"You have enough power to handle everything!"

Lu Fan stood before everyone and said solemnly.

The voice was loud, and it was a shock to the sky, and everyone was excited when they heard it.

Everyone held their breaths, listening quietly to the boss's training words, and the spirit of war was surging in their hearts.

Especially the members of the monthly team. They are the first monthly team of the Tianyue Empire. They are the strongest team in humankind. They will be the core of future battles.

"Ling Ce, get out!"

Lu Fan roared loudly, and Ling Ce, who stood in the first row of the monthly team, immediately took a step, and Qi Yuxuan Ang stood before everyone.

"You are the captain of the first month team and lead the soldiers across the African continent."

Ling Ze was shocked, and immediately roared, responding, "Guarantee the mission!"

Lu Fan nodded with satisfaction. The team of the first month was led by Ling Ce, and he would sweep everything.

Lu Fan spoke again, roaring loudly: "Huang Yongsheng, get out!"

When Huang Yongsheng heard that Lu Fan clicked on his name, he immediately stepped forward, and Jin Chancan's hair immediately rose.

"You are the captain of the second month team and lead the soldiers across the American continent."

Huang Yongsheng's heart was surging, he heard the boss's arrangement, and immediately responded, hissing and snarling exhaustively: "Guaranteed the completion of the task!"

Lu Fan's eyes brightened and he continued: "Ye still, go out!"

Ye still waited for a long time, when he heard Lu Fan's voice at this time, he took a step and stood in front of the Lujiajun Millionaire Division.

"You lead the Lujiajun Millionaire Division to the African continent. After the first-month team clears the threat, it sweeps the African zombies."

Ye still glowed brightly in his eyebrows, and responded with a clear tone: "Lu Jiajun promised to complete the task."

Fan Fan nodded in response, and he still recognized Ye's leadership.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fan turned his attention to the Beast Army, and said, "Heisha Tiger King, stand out!"

Heisha Tiger King heard the call and immediately stood up. At this time, it has re-illusioned the image of the black tiger. The height of nearly five meters stands like a hill, which brings great pressure.

"You lead the Army of the Wild Beasts to the American continent. After the second-month squad cleans up the threat, they swept the Amazon wild beasts of South America."


The Heisha Tiger King roared immediately and responded with a husky and low voice: "Relax, the beast army will tear the enemy to pieces."

People are accustomed to spitting words by mad animals, and it is not surprising to hear the black king of tigers speak at this time.

Everyone is eagerly expecting that after this war, perhaps the end of the world can come to an end.

What follows will be the big era of evolution.

In the end, Lu Fan looked at the logistics department and said solemnly: "The soldiers and horses are not moving, the grain and the grass are the first. No matter what method you use, the soldiers' supplies must be supplied in time."

Chen Dapeng grinned immediately when he heard about Lu Fan's arrangement, and said, "Relax, boss. We have space rings, nutrient solution, and more potions of life. You can rest assured about the issue of materials ~ ~ Lu Fan suddenly recalled that the Ministry of Science and Technology had successfully developed a nutrient solution. At the time, he had even drank a bottle with good results.

As long as you drink a bottle of nutrient solution, the soldiers can eat without eating for a month, it is an artifact for marching and fighting.

Coupled with the space ring and the potion of life, now it is difficult to fight for the dead.

Lu Fan knows that the current Lu Jiajun is unmatched and definitely has the power to end this end of the world.

But can the end times really end?

Lu Fan is not sure, because King Qin has not yet awakened, Xu Fu doesn't know where to hide, and even Bai Qi has become a major disaster.

What's more, the twelve nails of the **** of heaven also sealed the earth. If Lu Fan pulls out one by one, what dramatic changes will be caused by Lu Fan are beyond Lu Fan's control.

Therefore, Lu Fan must **** the zombies on the earth before these changes, and completely kill this disgusting species.

As for the later crisis, soldiers can only cover the water and soil.

"set off!"

With the order of Lu Fan, the entire Tianyue Empire moved like a war machine.

The two monthly teams first moved, each set foot on an aircraft, and flew towards Africa and South America.

Immediately afterwards, the Lujiajun Millionaire Division and the Beast Corps boarded large warships, respectively, and flew in the same direction.

All of this has been unveiled throughout the world through optical brain equipment, making survivors around the world cheer.

People have been waiting for a long time, and the Lu Jiajun finally dispatched to help sweep through all threats.

Several were happy and some were sad. At this time in the Australian mainland, George looked at the live broadcast of the light brain equipment with a blue complexion, and his mood fell.

There are army troops in Africa and the Americas to help sweep. No one on the Australian mainland?

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