King of Eschatology

Chapter 706: Powerful Purple Gold Electric Hammer

Lu Fan's words were imperial edicts, and Ling Ce and Lan Ling had to return to the Tianyue Empire.

As the two left, only Lu Fan was left on the broken battlefield.

"Well, Beckett's Space Ring!"

Lu Fan waved his hand and sucked Fukaru's space ring into his hand, and the powerful mental force rushed directly into the space ring.

When he saw what was inside, he was startled.

The inner space of this space ring is huge, almost catching up with his storage space. There are a lot of things in it, mostly black technology that Lu Fan has never seen.

"A lot of good things!"

Lu Fan snorted and put away the space ring.

The time is urgent right now. I don't have time to check them one by one. I will study it slowly when I have time.

Suddenly, Lu Fan frowned and secretly said, "Are there any good things on the other people?"

Beckett's technology level is much higher than that of the current earth. Anything you find can be regarded as black technology. Lu Fan feels that he cannot afford to miss this opportunity to get rich.

Therefore, Lu Fan opened up the spiritual awareness to the extreme, scanning the dead area of ​​the Begitian star without discrimination, and quickly found three space rings.

Lu Fan was overjoyed. The items in the three space rings were also very rich. It seemed that the other party was well prepared when he went away.

All these things are cheap Lu Fan.

"God chain, the aliens are all dead, can't you come out yet?"

Lu Fan shouted in his heart, calling for God Chain.

One of the drawbacks of this broken system is that when it shuts itself down, Lu Fan cannot open it.

Perhaps, when Lu Fan unlocks all the genetic shackles of the God Chain, this disadvantage can be eliminated.

Lu Fan decided to close the other party by himself next time. In this way, if he wanted to open it, he would open it.

After shouting several times, the Super God Link System did not respond at all, and Lu Fan decided to ignore it first.

Lu Fan took out several large pieces of golden barbecue from the space ring, and once again performed the Yijin evolution method to begin to devour refining.

Soon, the golden-flowing barbecued meat slowly dried up, and finally there was only a ball of waste residue, and the energy in it had been completely absorbed by Lu Fan.

At the same time, the power of evolution in Lu Fan's body skyrocketed and began to climb.

Since Lu Fan's spiritual power has already reached the level of superior life, his evolution has no bottleneck at all. As long as he has sufficient energy, he can continue to evolve.

After swallowing three large pieces of golden barbecue, Lu Fan gained the power of evolution. At this time, it naturally evolved to the middle-nineth stage, and the combat effectiveness soared to 40 million.

As long as it evolves to the middle tenth level, Lu Fan's combat power will complete a leap, soaring to 100 million.

Unfortunately, the evolutionary power in the golden barbecue has been exhausted, and it is impossible to evolve to the middle tenth level in a short time.

Even so, Lu Fan's evolution has been fast, much stronger than the geniuses in other major galaxies.

"Yi Jin's evolution method is really overbearing, which is much faster than eating bite by bite."

Lu Fan murmured and continued: "However, it is a great loss to taste the delicious food in this way."

Having said that, Lu Fan took out the last piece of golden barbecue and immediately began to eat.

"Well, it's still hot, really fragrant!"

Lu Fan's mouth filled with oil, and his mood became more and more comfortable.

Don't forget, Lu Fan has also harvested 10 billion zombie points before. When the Super Link System is opened, he can directly use the zombie points to evolve to the middle tenth level.

Suddenly the peak of life was reached, how could Lu Fan be unhappy.

I have to say that it was a very good time for the Beckett stars to not only give Lu Fan a large number of treasures, but also give him zombie points, which is just love.

However, Lu Fan is unlikely to have a good opinion of the Beckett people, who are the number one enemy of the Earth people, and the two sides are endless.

At that time, they ruthlessly killed the Earth people. One day, the Earth people will set foot on the Beckett star and kill all this disgusting nation.

Lu Fan ate golden barbecue and headed westward. He had already put on Beckett's combative glasses and locked the breath of Gupa and Baiqi.

The Beckett's combat glasses are very advanced, and the breath within a range of hundreds of kilometers can be detected, otherwise they will not be able to find Bai Qi directly from the western plateau.

Now that Lu Fan took it and directly killed him, it was a cause-and-effect cycle.

At the same time, on the ruins of terracotta warriors and horses in the western part of Huaxia, he came here in a wolf, trying to hide in the tomb of Qin Shihuang.

However, no matter how he urged the jade pull fingers and the beast tooth necklace, the bronze giant door did not respond at all.

Even the light of the direction was gone.

Bai Qi was in such a hurry that he could not find the entrance to the mausoleum.

"How is that possible? The last entrance was obviously here?"

Bai Qi didn't believe in evil, he pulled out his sabre directly and dug here.

Bai Qi is a mid-tier ten strong man. Although the evolution is not perfect, his combat effectiveness has reached more than 90 million, which is extremely powerful.

It is too simple to dig a passage in the ground.

However, the ground here does not know what weird changes have taken place, and it is extremely difficult to dig up with the current strength.

Bai Qi was chilling in his heart, knowing that King Qin had other means and no longer allowed himself to enter the imperial tomb.

"I knew I wouldn't come out. I didn't expect to meet the Beckett star."

Bai Qi was extremely upset. He thought he could kill the Quartet this time, but he was stopped by the Stars of Beget before the Tianyue Empire.

"What a shame!"

Cursed in vain, ready to stay away from this place.

Since the imperial mausoleum couldn't get in, Bai Qi felt the need to find a safe place to hide, even as an ordinary person incognito, until King Qin was born.

Suddenly, an extremely powerful killing came suddenly ~ ~ A purple lightning with the thickness of the arm fell from the sky, splitting down angrily against Bai Qi's head.

Bai Qi, who was about to leave, shook his heart, and his feet slammed on the ground. A loud blast came out, and the hard ground was stepped out of a large pit.

Bai Qi himself rushed towards the side like a whirlwind. Due to his rush, Bai Qi's body stably fell to the ground and crashed into a ruin.

At the same time, in the place where Bai Qi was before, purple lightning crashed to the ground, blasting the ground out of a scorched pit, and the sand was burning under the high temperature.

The temperature was too high, the sand and soil were melted and soon turned into a pool of hot magma.

Bai Qi was horrified. He suddenly looked up and saw that Gupa was standing at an altitude of 300 meters, holding a large purple-golden hammer in his hand.

"Drinking, the response speed is quite good, and it was able to escape the bombardment of the Zijin Electric Hammer."

The words did not fall, and the purple gold electric hammer in Gupa's hand fell again, and a more powerful purple lightning appeared again, violently bombarded in the past.

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