King of Eschatology

Chapter 693: Hellfire barbecue

As Lu Fan yelled, the entire Tianyue Empire boiled.

Countless soldiers of the Lujia Army stormed out of the camp, each holding a weapon, waiting in a row, and the assembly was completed in an instant.

The high-ranking staff of the Tianyue Empire heard Lu Fan's voice. Everyone was very surprised. They immediately rushed out of the Tianyue Emperor's Palace and wanted to find out.

The owners of the major cities of the Tianyue Empire still had time to leave at this time, and they stepped out of their respective camps and gathered in front of the Tianyue Emperor's Palace.

The most shocking, of course, is Ye still, she really can't figure out why the boss clicked on his name early in the morning.

However, Ye was still named, but there was some joy in his heart. The boss went out for so long and called his name as soon as he came back. Doesn't it seem important to him?

Therefore, Ye still rushed out of the army camp account at a very fast speed, and stood in front of Lu Fan for the first time.

In front of Tianyue Emperor's Palace, Lu Fan stood there with a stern look, his expression seemed a little nervous.

After Ye still appeared, Lu Fan threw a space ring directly and said quietly: "There is a toad leg in it, help me bake it, it must be fast!"

Ye still took over the space ring given by Lu Fan, and immediately fell into place, wondering what the boss was going to do.

Lu Fan thought about it and threw out a few space rings again, and said, "Grill all the toad meat in it, and find a way to give it to me after roasting."

Lu Fan now needs to draw a lot of evolutionary power, and only this giant toad can provide sufficient energy for Lu Fan's evolution.

At this time, Ye still finally understood what Lu Fan meant. Boss asked himself to help barbecue.

Ye still controls the fire in hell, the flames are powerful, the heat is amazing, and they can burn almost everything.

It is generally difficult to use hellish fire to roast meat, because ordinary wild meat foods are burned to ashes when they are touched, which simply does not work.

However, the toad meat given by Lu Fan belongs to the medium life, the general fire is not rotten at all, and the **** fire is just right.

Lu Fan glanced at the towering Taozu roots before Tianyue Emperor's Palace, immediately flew forward, took a short section and threw it to Ye still.

"Remember, spill these things on the barbecue, do you understand?"

Lu Fan said earnestly, making Ye still more confused.

Peach roots are used to eliminate the venom in toad meat, and at the same time can strengthen the evolutionary power, which can be said to serve multiple purposes.

But now the time is urgent, Lu Fan has no time to explain.

Although Ye still listened to the clouds, but it did not affect the execution. After taking over the Tao Tao Zugen, she immediately wanted to find a place to barbecue.

"Just barbecue here, it's too late to change places!"

The words didn't fall, Lu Fan immediately rushed out and was aggressive towards the West.

"Everyone stays where they are, they can't go out even when the sky falls."

Lu Fan burst into a roar, and the figure had disappeared into the sky.

Everyone was shocked, knowing that something would happen, and they were very anxious for a while.

I have to say that Lu Fan's decision was very correct. The battle that followed him was not something the current Lu Jiajun could participate in, and he could only die by death.

Now the soldiers have the Yijin evolution method, and the degree of evolution is booming. Over time, these people will grow into super warriors in the universe.

What Lu Jiajun lacks most is time.

Therefore, Lu Fan must stop the enemies who have committed crimes and gain valuable evolutionary time for the army.

Tianyue Emperor's Palace is five hundred miles away from the west. Bai Qi's aggressive crushing comes from the void.

However, his arrogance quickly disappeared, because on the western plateau, a horrible breath came suddenly, and the powerful air machine had enveloped him.

Bai Qi was horrified, and immediately landed on a hill, his right hand clenched his sabre unconsciously.

Bai Qi has now determined that the meteor just now is actually a spaceship.

If nothing else, it should be the Baggett.

Bai Qi is an important member of the Great Qin Empire. Some secrets still know that the Star of Beget is the true mother star of King Qin.

And Bai Qi, who was under Qin Wang, naturally had inextricable links with the Becket star.

Bai Qi's heart was both pleasantly surprised and frightened, because the Beckett star was ten thousand times stronger than the current earth, and whatever the other side gave him could give him super evolution.

Maybe, Bai Qi can also use this to break through to superior life and become the real strong in the universe.

Bai Qi ’s strength originated from the fusion of King Qin ’s spiritual thoughts. Actually, the evolution was not perfect. Although he is now a middle-ranked tenth-tier strong, his combat power is only about 90 million.

If it is a real mid-tier ten, the combat effectiveness must be at least 100 million, and Bai Qi obviously does not reach that level.

Therefore, Bai Qi is very looking forward to meeting with the Begit star, hoping to gain benefits.

Not long, a tyrannical breath swooped down from the western plateau, and in an instant came Bai Qi.

The person who came was Fukaru, and with his advent, the whole space was filled with a cruel, cold, and horrible atmosphere, and seemed to be a destroyer, trying to destroy everything.

Looking at Bai Qi in front of him, Fukaru sneered, jokingly: "I did not expect that the earth can still give birth to such a powerful life, it is really surprising."

Each of Focalu's heads swayed, and the sound of popping peas came, with explosive force jumping between his neck.

At the same time, a large number of blue light spots appeared on the surface of Focalu's skin, and instantly covered his entire body.

Seeing this scene, Bai Qi changed color in vain.

According to the understanding of the Begitian ~ ~ the other's skin turns blue, indicating that the strength of the other's body is rising sharply, depending on the situation is about to shoot.

Bai Qi was horrified. Although he is now a middle-tenth-tier powerhouse, due to imperfect evolution, there is still a certain gap between his combat effectiveness and the real middle-tenth-rank.

What's more, Focalu has been stuck in the middle tenth-order realm for an infinite number of years, and has already reached the pinnacle of this realm, and the combat effectiveness is much more powerful than white.

If the other party really wants to take a shot, Bai Qi is definitely invincible.

Bai Qi's eyes were swift and his hands were fast, and he snatched to the ground before Fukaru shot.

"Dear guests, I welcome here on behalf of King Zheng. Welcome to the earth again."

Bai Qi's voice was loud, his attitude was extremely devout, and there was an eager light flowing in his eyes, as if waiting for his host's reward.

Fukaru's cold eyes narrowed, and he was about to make a sudden stop, and looked curiously at Bai Qi.

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