King of Eschatology

Chapter 689: Unforgettable hatred

Daoguang and Jianqi rushed into Lu Fan's mind, and immediately produced a chain reaction, which caused a tremendous change in his spiritual world.

Pain, this is Lu Fan's first feeling.

In the endless ocean, Lu Fan, like a leafless duckweed, floated up and down in the stormy sea.

In the obsession of the broken sword and the residual sword, Lu Fan saw a tragic ancient scene.

At that time, the earth had not been completely sealed, and the territory was vast and borderless, and the North Sea was countless times larger.

Above the North Sea, thousands of human warriors are escorting a large number of human survivors across the North Sea and away from the mainland, as if they are avoiding war.

However, a large number of two-headed blue monsters chased from a distance, densely covered, like locusts, swept half of the sky.

At this time, two human Xeons appeared, one with a sword and one with a sword, killing countless enemies.

However, there are too many double-headed blue monsters, and there are fewer and fewer human fighters. In the end, only two human Xeons are still fighting.

What is even more desperate is that a large number of two-headed blue monsters looted from a distance and joined the battle.

They brutally killed humans, then tore off human heads and sucked on the brain.

The hearts of the two human supreme men were sorrowful. When they wanted to burn all the jade and stone, the North Sea suddenly trembled, a super huge beast in the sea appeared, and killed countless double-headed blue monsters.

This sea beast is a badger.

The two-headed blue monster's leader was furious, swiping with one hand, the horrible sword blasted out, and made a huge wound on the abdomen, almost fatal.

鲲 Painful howl, turn around and run.

During this period, an infinite amount of suction appeared in the wounds of the crickets, sucking the dangerous humans into the abdomen.

He has a lot in his belly, he wants to save these humans.

However, the leader of the two-headed blue monster immediately led the army to follow in, trying to destroy all the human fire.

The two human Xeons immediately chased in and stopped, and the two sides broke out again in the uncle's belly, and eventually both defeated and all died.

This is the origin of Death Canyon. In fact, Death Canyon is a cricket wound.

Feeling the obsession left on the broken sword and the residual sword, Lu Fan's eyes were wet.

Especially the scene of the two-headed blue monster sucking the human brain deeply stimulated Lu Fan's nerves, causing him to have endless anger.

The unforgettable hatred almost made Lu Fan crazy!

"These **** clutter are feeding on the human brain. I swear here, that one day, I will set foot on the Becket star and completely smash this dirty planet!"

Lu Fan growled in his heart, his temperament changed greatly, his breath became cold and fierce, and an extremely cold-blooded cruelty breeded and spread in his heart.

This is Lu Fan's spiritual world. When Daoguang and Jianqi penetrate into it, a fierce storm is triggered here, which constantly tears up the surrounding space.

As the space was shredded, the range of the ocean and sea became wider and wider, which made Lu Fan's mental strength rise to the height of the ship, and then skyrocketed.

Pulling around and moving his body, as Lu Fan's mental strength grows, his combat power will definitely have a qualitative leap.

Lu Fan is a mid-eighth-order evolutionist. Correspondingly, his mental strength is also a mid-eighth-level. If his physical combat ability cannot be improved, his mental strength will be stagnant.

But now, the appearance of Daoguang and Jianqi seems to break this theorem. Lu Fan's physical combat strength is still in the middle eighth order, but his mental strength has skyrocketed to the middle tenth order.

In other words, now that Lu Fan is already a quasi-medium tenth-order powerhouse, as long as he has enough power for his evolution, he can easily step into the tenth-order.


A loud noise exploded in Lu Fan's mind, as loud as Hong Zhong Daluo. At this moment, Lu Fan suddenly felt that his spiritual world had become different.

Once, Lu Fan's spiritual world was like a sea of ​​oceans, surging in the black and white world.

But at this moment, those shrouds that covered the ocean were suddenly gone.

Lu Fan's spiritual world seems to have evolved into a planet, and there is an endless vast universe outside, and there is no longer anything to cover it.

Suddenly, an air of emptiness sprang up around Lu Fan's body, as if an extra-temperate temperament had appeared.

The unity of heaven and man is natural.

Lu Fan's mental strength broke the yoke of middle life and stepped into the ranks of first life.

Due to the limitation of the earth's main space, no one can break through the puppets of superior life, just like puppets, who have been suppressed at the end of the middle life's peak years.

However, everything has changed in this small world.

This is a part of the ancient battlefield, with a strong ancient atmosphere, and still retains some ancient will.

Therefore, with the help of broken swords and residual swords, Lu Fan's mental power broke the crickets of middle life in one fell swoop and broke into the realm of upper life.

Although it is only the first-class superior life, Lu Fan can already use his mental power to crush all intermediate life.

Unfortunately, there is too little energy in this special space, Lu Fan's physical strength has not increased much, and the surface still looks like a medium eighth-order state.

However, if anyone underestimates Lu Fan because of this, I am afraid they will suffer a lot.

All this seems to have happened for a long time. In fact, it was only in an instant. It was almost the moment when Daoguang and Jianguang penetrated Lu Fan's knowledge of the sea. Lu Fan's surge in mental strength had ended.

After a brief stagnation, the Tianbei Beidou Sword Array inspired by Lu Fan has also gained momentum. At this time, it has reached its peak.

However, all this is not over yet. In Lu Fan's eyebrow, a knife light and a sword shadow appeared at the same time, rushing into the shining sword light above the sky, making the power of sword energy more powerful.

Lu Fan's gaze soared in his eyes, and his breath became terrifying. He pointed at the bones of his two heads coldly ~ ~ and yelled, "Cut!"

This roar was shaking, and the whole small world had a strong shock. All the people who lived here looked up in horror and looked in the direction of Death Canyon.


Weier and Utaba heard this roar, and they knew that the roar was just made by Lu Fan.

At the same time, the infinite sword qi was cut off in anger driven by Lu Fan, and the bombardment on the double-headed skeleton was accurate.

Just listening to a violent explosion, the double-headed bones that persisted for thousands of years, shattered at this moment.

Jian Guang continued to cut towards the earth while chopping the bones of his two heads.

Suddenly, the bones flew together, and the energy rolled wildly, and a beam of blood rose into the sky.


A painful howl came out abruptly at the bottom of the North Sea, and the force of arrogant deterrence instantly caused the North Sea to boil.

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