King of Eschatology

Chapter 685: Sword air sword

Death Canyon is so large that it occupies almost half of the world. If the danger is lifted, humanity will regain a large area of ​​land.

By then, the number of humans will surge and the degree of evolution will increase accordingly.

Lu Fan had found Death Canyon, and it didn't make much sense for the two to follow, so they decided to let them go.

"This is for you, put it on and you can go back."

During the conversation, Lu Fan took out a simple ring and handed it to Weier.

"You and I have a discipleship, it can be regarded as a fate. This space ring is given to you. It has a huge space in it to hold items."

Seeing this quaint ring, Weier suddenly showed great joy.

"There is a part of the beast food in it, which can strengthen your physique. At the same time, there is a pair of combat glasses. Put it on, and you will realize its beauty.

Lu Fan said unhurriedly, as if explaining the aftermath.

Weier first heard a joy in her heart, and then she was shocked.

"Master, are you leaving?"

Lu Fan nodded his head, saying: "If this is the exit of the small world, I will leave directly, if not, I will return to the same way to find you."

Weier nodded smartly. Since Master started asking about other worlds, Weier knew that Master would leave sooner or later.

Although the other party is just a passer, he changed his life.

With the help of Master, I became the strongest person in this world. With such strength, the West Valley Tribe will be subdued by myself.

By then, he will be the master of this world, all of which are given by the Master.

"Master is here, please pray!"

During the conversation, Weier bowed down deeply, and with Utabba behind him, bowed down to Landing Fan, expressing her gratitude.

Lu Fan smiled and nodded, without obstructing each other's actions.

"The mountains and rivers meet, you and I are different, and we will meet again in the future."

Between the words, Lu Fan's body suddenly shocked, and the whole person suddenly disappeared in place.

When Weier and Utaba raised their heads, Lu Fan had already left and entered the Death Canyon.

As soon as he set foot on this land, Lu Fan felt a strong sword, coming from the depths of the canyon.

The shivering chill, even if Lu Fan possesses a strong eighth-order strength, still can't help shuddering in his heart.

"What's hidden inside? Why is there such a strong sword?"

Lu Fan was amazed. Originally, he thought that the degree of evolution in this world was very low, and the death of the Jedi in the eyes of the world was insignificant in his eyes.

But now it seems that Lu Fan is wrong. This death Jedi also poses a great threat to him.


A loud dragon chant sounded, and Lu Fan's right arm was scorching fiercely. The Red Flame War Halberd appeared out of nowhere, and Lu Fan held it tightly.

At this moment, Lu Fan had to go all out.

The enhancement of spiritual consciousness was opened to the extreme. Lu Fan was surprised to find that there really was no life here.

It seems that all life cannot bear this strong sword. If you live here for a long time, you will be cut off by that endless edge.


A fierce sword air suddenly appeared, slashing towards Landing Fan at an extremely alarming speed, and Lu Fan's horrible killing made him frightened.


The Red Flame War Halberd swept the air, blocking Lu Fan's body. With a loud noise, Lu Fan's sword was blocked by Lu Fan.

Lu Fan's face was extremely ugly. Although the intensity of the blow just now was not fatal, it had reached the intermediate fifth-order level, and other people had already died.

"It seems that the situation here is more complicated than expected!"

This kind of sword gas belongs to the category of medium life. For the inferior life in this world, it definitely has lethal lethality.

No wonder this place is called the Dead Jedi, and it's no exaggeration.

Even on Earth, such a place will become a forbidden area of ​​life.

Lu Fan had a little thought in his heart, and paid full attention to the surrounding situation, moving forward carefully.

Suddenly, a strong shock came from behind, and a fiery breath appeared out of thin air, banging on the back of Lu Fan.

This is a fiery sword blade, and the bright daggers illuminate the whole canyon, it seems that it can kill everything.

The speed is too fast, Lu Fan has no time to turn around, the Chiyan halberd rolls suddenly, like a windmill galloping in the same round, slanting towards the rear.


A fierce collision sound came, and the fierce blade was smashed by Lu Fan in a blow and burst into the sky.

Lu Fan's brow frowned tightly, and the danger here was far beyond his imagination. This has just entered, and has already begun to be attacked by a medium-fifth order.

If we go further, we don't know how terrible this attack is.

Lu Fan has already detected that there is no life in the canyon. I am afraid that these attacks are not manipulative, but array formation.

Regarding the formation method, Lu Fan really knows nothing about it. The only thing he has contact with the formation method is his own Tian Bei Beidou Sword Formation.

As for the others, I don't understand.

When rushing through Mount Tai and Mount Hua, Lu Fan really made a fortune, which was equivalent to breaking the matrix method hard.

If Lu Fan understands the formation method, I am afraid it will be much simpler to break the formation.

Of course, Lu Fan understands that nothing can be achieved overnight. If you want to learn the matrix method to a certain level, I am afraid it will take a lot of time.

These times, Lu Fan really can't afford it.

Lu Fan groaned secretly for a moment, and began to speed up his pace.

The attack in the canyon could not hurt him, so he must try his best to get time.

At the same time, in the western part of China, a terrible accident is happening underground.

This is the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang. After Bai Qi passed through the huge bronze gate, he passed through numerous institutions and finally entered the core area of ​​the tomb ~ ~ There are also a large number of terracotta warriors and horses. However, these terracotta warriors and the terracotta warriors found by the world There is a world of difference.

Each war maid is more than a hundred meters tall, with a golden body and a sloppy face, which seems to contain endless fierceness.

These are giant spirit war maids, each of which is of medium life. Once awakened, it will cause a shocking shock. This is the true backhand left by King Qin.

Bai Qi stood under the feet of tens of thousands of giant war fighters, his body was small like a cricket ant, and he carried a strong cricket every step further.

As an important member of the Great Qin Empire, Bai Qi knew of the origin of these giant war fighters.

At that time, Qin King slaughtered all the evolutionaries in the world, and most of them were super-strong combatants. They were sealed by the Qin Dynasty using the means of heaven, and eventually they were cast into terracotta warriors.

Because these evolutionaries carried a strong unwillingness before death, once they awaken, they will explode with terrible anger.

Any one going out will be a super invincible killing machine.

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