King of Eschatology

Chapter 683: Legendary world

"Tianyue ancestor!"

Weier and Utaba were shocked at the same time, immediately showing great joy.

Although the two have never heard of the title of the ancestor of Tianyue, as long as they carry the suffix of the ancestor, they can feel very powerful.

Suddenly, the eyes of the two men looking at Lu Fan seemed more adored.

Lu Fan put on a high-profile appearance, and it is a good choice to become a ancestor in this small world.

However, Lu Fan always remembers his mission. The earth is now at risk. He must go out as soon as possible.

Lu Fan once again took out the evolution agent in the storage space and handed it to Weier, saying, "This is yours, drink it."

Weier had already seen the effect of this medicament on Utaba's body. At this time, she took it with joy and, after expressing her gratitude, directly drank it.

Suddenly, the sound of air blasts continued, and Weier's strength soared. The powerful atmosphere was like a bamboo shoot, soaring directly to the eighth stage, one stage higher than Utaba.

Just now Lu Fan gave Utaba a seventh-order evolution agent, but Weier gave an eighth-order evolution agent. After Weier drank it, it was naturally one order higher than Utaba.

Feeling the change in her own strength, Weier rejoiced in her heart and worshipped Landing Fan, chanting, "Long live, Master!"

Lu Fan, with a face on his face, pretended to be unhappy: "Long live? My ancestors have boundless magic power, longevity and heaven, long live each other, which is the time to take a nap for the teacher."


Both Weier and Utaba were frightened, and at this time they hurriedly shut up, feeling awkward and embarrassed.

Lu Fan felt that he was in place, and there was still a small sense of accomplishment, and he continued: "Look at your weapon as a sword and give you a magic sword for the division."

During the conversation, Lu Fan exchanged a sword in the Super God Link system and consumed only a thousand zombie points.

"Lingyun Excalibur, here for you!"

The reason Lu Fan likes Weier is because she looks almost the same as Du Lingyun. This is the only thing related to the earth.

Therefore, Lu Fan sent Ling Yun's Excalibur to Weier, which is a bit special.

Weier took this sharp Lingyun excalibur, and suddenly opened her mouth in surprise.

This is an artifact!

The evolution of this small world is not high, and the weapons and equipment are even backward. The weapons that Lu Fan exchanged from the Super God Link System are definitely artifacts.

Lu Fan chuckled and said, "Next, you should go to revenge, go."

When referring to the word revenge, Weier, who was full of smiles, suddenly lost her momentum, and the whole person's breath became cold.

Recalling the heavy blows that had been received before, Weier's mood became more and more low, and the whole man was murderous, and the cold light flashed in his eyes.

"Go, get revenge for my father, rescue Ada!"

Weier yelled at Utabajiao before rushing out of the courtyard.

Utapa nodded hard, picked up his dark sword, and followed Weier.

The killing sounded quickly, and Lingyun's Excalibur erupted, and the entire Donggu tribe blood flowed into the river with **** sky rising.

General Long Wei, who originally thought he was firmly seated on the throne of the chief, was directly killed by Weier with a sword. He couldn't understand why he was so strong suddenly.

The people who originally belonged to General Longwei's camp fell down, kneeling at Weier's feet.

As long as you have enough strength, it's that simple.

For these surrenders, Weier could not wait to kill them with one sword.

This is a bunch of wall grass, where the wind blows.

However, if these people were killed, it would not be a good thing for the East Valley Tribe, so he first recorded the bad deeds of the people and kept the accounts for later.

Weier acted extremely swiftly, rushing directly into the chief's hall, and rescued the old chief.

This is an old man in his seventies. Although he is a sixth-order evolutionary, he cannot bear the erosion of the years.

Maybe it has gone through too many vicissitudes, the chief has a little hump, and his face is extremely old.

"Ada, are you okay?"

Weier helped the old chief out, and asked with concern.

With a helpless sigh, the old chief sighed. He never expected to experience such a change in the end.

"Vir, what's your strength? Why suddenly it becomes so powerful?"

The old chief noticed the change of Weier's strength and asked in shock.

Weier immediately responded: "Ada, I haven't had time to tell you yet. I just recognized a fairy master. It's amazing."

"Fairy? Master?"

The old chief was unbelievable, and secretly said in his heart, "Is there really a **** in this world?"

"Where is he? Could you take Ada to see me, or visit him?"

When Weier heard this word, she felt a joy, and when she just wanted to take the old chief out, she suddenly noticed that the air around her was sloshing.


Weier was so surprised that she immediately introduced to the old chief: "Ada, this is my master, Tianyue ancestor."

Hearing Weier's words, the old chief was shocked. The other person's face was too young, he was already an ancestor, and he absolutely mastered the technique of immortality.

The old chief did not dare to hesitate, immediately got up, and bowed down to worship: "Meet the ancestor of Tianyue!"

With a wave of Lu Fan, a special force appeared, holding up the old chief who wanted to salute, and said immediately: "I have something to ask you, I hope you can answer."

The old chief looked at it, and immediately responded, "But I know everything."

Lu Fan nodded gently and asked, "Can you, the world, have a connection to the outside world?"

"outside world?"

The old chief frowned, his brain moved at high speed, and he thought carefully about the information about the outside world.

However, the old chief thought for a long time and did not think of any news about the outside world.

Since he succeeded the chieftain ~ ~, he has always thought that this is the only world, if not to see Lu Fan, I am afraid he would not even believe in ghosts and gods.

The old chief shook his head and said, "Sorry, I'm so ignorant, I have never heard anything about the outside world."

Lu Fan nodded his head silently, and then asked, "Have you ever heard of a legend about the outside world?"

Not long ago, Lu Fan had heard Utaba's conversation with Uta Road, and it seemed that there were stories about the outside world.

The old chief groaned for a moment, responding: "There is such a legend, it seems that one day, there will be a peerless powerhouse here, bringing everyone into an ideal world."

"Is that the legendary ideal world is the outside world?" The old chief asked.

Lu Fan was speechless. The news was useless to him. Even if he was the peerless powerhouse, he didn't know where the exit was.

"Are you going to dig up your uncle's belly?"

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