King of Eschatology

Chapter 656: Kill everything

This is the first battle since the founding of the Tianyue Empire. The power of the Tianyue Empire must be played!

The soldiers took out their weapons and rushed out from above the Star Warships, and rushed towards the Holy See below like a locust.

For a time, the sky above the Holy See became turbulent, with gushering energy everywhere, and the atmosphere became disordered, causing irregular rolls.

Below, the many vampires who had just **** the dust, saw Lu Jiajun as a magical soldier descending from the sky, and were suddenly frightened.

"Sad Lord Pope, the army of the Lu family killed him."

A ninth-level vampire was so scared that he shouted loudly in the church to inform others.

Upon hearing this, all the vampires were horrified. At first they followed Pope Uke to Huaxia and witnessed Lu Fan ’s brutality.

Now that this great **** has arrived in the Holy See, how can they not be surprised.

The pope's face changed greatly. He pulled the dust that had been **** into a mule, and rushed out of the window, welcoming the landing army.

He did not want to confront the Lu Jiajun, but wanted to explain to the Lu Jiajun, hoping that the other party would just catch the dust and let go of the Holy See.

Michen was held in his hands by Pope Yuke, like a lamb to be slaughtered, with no resistance at all.

At this point he was frustrated and completely dead.

No more miracles could happen, leaving him dead.

Fanchen raised his head and saw the figure of the mighty shore in the sky at a glance.

"Boss ..."

Mi Chen opened his mouth gently, his dry words squeezed out of his teeth, and he bowed his head in shame.

Once, the boss treats himself like a brother, but unfortunately he doesn't know how to cherish it. He just wants to gain powerful power and gradually loses himself.

Thinking of Yu Lenghui, Michen was extremely hurt inside. At that time, he was blinded by his strength and killed the other side by accident. I am afraid that even if he died 10,000 times, the boss would not forgive himself?

"Dust, dust, it seems that I am destined to be lost in this rolling red dust, and fate is already doomed."

Fanchen said ironically, he closed his eyes and ignored the outside world.

After so much, the dusty desire for survival is not so strong. It is a pain to live, but a relief to death.

"Dust, open your dog's eyes and see who I am!"

A thunderous roar exploded in the sky, and the dust suddenly awakened.

"Lao Yu, you are still alive!"

A glimmer of surprise flashed in the eyes of Fanchen, and then quickly dimmed.

However, the fact that Yu Lenghui didn't die still calmed Fanchen's mind. After all, everyone brothers played a game and killed their own brothers. Even when they reached Huangquan Road, they didn't recognize each other.

Everyone's eyes turned to Mi Chen, but no one thought it would be this way of meeting.

Everyone thinks that the dust has awakened the bloodthirsty bloodline, and the strength has become extremely powerful, and the two sides will definitely encounter a fierce battle.

But now it seems that the other party is almost powerless, and he is **** by the Pope.

Pope Uke saw that everyone in the Lu Jiajun was paying attention to the dust, and immediately he was overjoyed, and there was drama in the secret passage.

So he continued to move forward, shouting to Landing Fan from the air: "The little man learned that the Heavenly Great Emperor was coming, and he specially waited here to help Tianyue Empire to seize the traitors and wait for the Emperor to set off.

During his speech, Pope Uuke deliberately pushed the dust forward to express his goodwill.

To be honest, Pope Uuke has lowered his figure very much, and using the villain on himself obviously shows the meaning of surrendering to the Tianyue Empire.

However, Lu Jiajun's crowd was weird when they heard this word.

A pure foreigner is so curious that the words spoken in Chinese are correct, which really feels weird.

Hearing the words of Pope Uuke, Lu Fan snorted, saying: "A mere vampire, so much nonsense!"

The words didn't fall off, Lu Fan pointed out, and the horrible purple beam of light rushed out, hitting the opponent's head with precision, and hearing only a bang, a huge head burst.

The pope did not expect that Lu Fan even shot at a disagreement and was instantly headshot.

Under Lu Fan's powerful momentum and shock, Pope Uuke did not even have the ability to dodge, and could do nothing.


Pope Yuk's headless body and the dust fell to the ground at the same time, but Lu Fan didn't look at it at all, but waved at the soldiers and said, "Hand, kill all these vampires."

In Lu Fan's heart, vampires are vampires, and their existence poses a great threat to human beings. They can only kill them to avoid future troubles.

When everyone heard this, all of them were stunned, and they rushed towards the vampire below.

The soldiers knew in their hearts that Lu Fan was a good brother and a big boss in the eyes of his own people, but in the eyes of the enemy, he was like a demon.

In the eyes of the enemy, Lu Fan must not be instigated, because once Lu Fan's bottom line is reached, the consequences are unimaginable.

The brothers are one of Lu Fan's bottom lines. When Lu Fan learns that Yu Lenghui is seriously injured and is dying, the end of the Holy See is doomed.

Lu Fan bombarded Pope Uuke in one shot, and the entire Holy See organization suddenly became headless. At this time, the Lu Jiajun descended from heaven like a soldier, and the other party could not organize an effective resistance at all.

The killings were staged on this land, with limbs and broken arms everywhere, and blood was flowing like a river, making the **** atmosphere here.

There are also powerful vampires rebelling. The more blood they have, the stronger they are. A ninth-level vampire controls an endless blood river and blasts many Army soldiers.

After Lu Fan glanced at it, another finger was underplayed, and the purple gas east finger was launched again, and it instantly bombarded the endless blood river.


The blood river exploded, and a smell of burnt rushed across the face. Under the blow of Lu Fan, the whole blood river was dried up.

The ninth-level vampire bears the brunt of it. He was directly pointed at by Ziqi Dong, and even the **** was left, completely wiped out.

Lu Fan stands proudly in the midst of the air. Like the same **** of war overlooking the eight directions, where there are difficult bones, Lu Fan solves all problems with one finger.

At this moment, many vampires are completely desperate. When they look at Lu Fan's figure, they feel that the other party is bloodier and cruel than themselves.

He is just a vampire, and Lu Fan is a terrible and cruel demon.

There were ghosts and wolves everywhere, every vampire was desperate, and he cursed Pope Yuke stupid ~ ~ into the great devil Lu Fan.

At the same time, many people are also scolding the **** of the fan dust, which is simply a broom star, which brings misfortune to everyone.

The killing continued. With a large number of high-level combat power being bombarded by Lu Fan, the remaining crickets could not afford any spray at all, and soon died under the army's butchery knife.

The whole battle started fast and ended fast. It took only ten minutes from Lu Fan's shot to the death of everyone. This speed was amazing.

People can't help but have the illusion that killing people is really too simple.

At this moment, all the members of the Holy See have died, and only the dust is still lying on the ground, soaked in blood.


Fifth more to send!

Today Ah Shui is considered bankrupt, but seeing everyone's blessing, Ah Shui is satisfied.

Finally, happy birthday to your baby!

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