King of Eschatology

Chapter 570: Hard-pressed African continent

As Lu Fan spoke, everyone looked at Wu Guang to see how he responded.

Wu Guang really didn't know what to do, so he looked to Lin Xiaoxiao for help, hoping to get some instructions.

Lin Xiaoxiao knew that the paper bag could not hold the fire. Regarding the insult to Lu Fan by the Galaxy Alliance, she would be exposed one day or so, so she did not stop and nodded slightly to Wu Guang.

Wu Guangxin grasped it, understood the thought of Minister Lin, and knew what to do next.

Wu Guang sighed and said, "Boss, show you a video, let's say yes, I can't get angry after watching it ..."

Lu Fan blinked his eyes and cursed: "Let's not talk nonsense, you're not angry when you see it, and then say it."

Wu Guang scratched his head awkwardly, and made a look at Guan Chaoyu, saying, "Bring your light brain."

"Well, why am I?"

Guan Chaoyu was upset, saying that everyone had received the video, why did he choose me?

"Who asked you to point me, and not choose who you choose?"

Wu Guang responded politely, suddenly Guan Chaoyu's expression was stagnant.

Just now Lu Fan was pressing, Guan Chaoyu just saw Wu Guang and they came over, so he pushed the ball directly to Wu Guang.

"I was waiting here for myself!"

Guan Chaoyu smiled helplessly. What a pity, the retribution came too fast.

"Hey, maybe your light brain has to be scrapped."

Guan Chaoyu thought that he finally took out his own light brain and handed it to Wu Guang.

Optical brain equipment is the latest technology of Huaxia. It is limited in quantity. Only senior staff at Tianyue Base are eligible to wear it. Many members of Tiantong Organization are still using communicators in the civilized period.

Communicators are too restrictive, and there are no signals in many places, just like scrap iron.

But optical brain devices do not have this limitation. Messages can be sent and received freely, and there are many unexpected powerful functions.

Optical brain equipment is a scarce resource. Once it is broken, it will definitely be out of stock within a short period of time. Maybe it will never be used again.

Wu Guang was too lazy to control what Guan Chaoyu was thinking. He directly connected the other party ’s optical brain equipment to the projection light curtain of the headquarters, then found the relevant video, and clicked to start.

Suddenly, Mandalay's **** face appeared on the light curtain again, and began to yell at Landing Fan.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan first stunned and immediately laughed out, cursing: "Look, this goods are still alive, it seems that Pharaoh's Corpse is not sloppy."

Everyone at Tianyue Base originally thought that Lu Fan would be very angry when he saw this video, but he didn't expect to laugh.

Could the boss be mad at the other side?

Lu Fan looked at the exhausted Mandalay in the video and couldn't help but feel funny. At first, he wanted to send soldiers to help, but just happened to meet Murong Zhan and the help was cancelled.

However, Mandalay and Romantique of the Star Alliance are still waiting anxiously for the African continent.

Mandalay and Romantique teamed up to fight the Pharaoh Corps for three hundred rounds, but unfortunately the other side was too tough and could not be killed in any way. The two eventually lost.

Coupled with the birth of the super heterogeneous king of southern Africa, human survivors have been completely disqualified from competition, and have no choice but to give up the African continent.

Countless aircraft took off, carrying a large number of human survivors, flying towards the Australian base.

Only Australia can accommodate refugees from Africa.

However, there are too many human survivors on the African continent. After all, the aircraft is limited and can only take away a small number of people. The vast majority can only stay and wait to die.

Some people are unwilling to be mediocre. They find civilized warships and go straight to the sea, trying to reach Australia from the sea.

Some people also found aircraft carriers during the civilized period, carrying a large number of human survivors and supplies, and sailed into the Indian Ocean, hoping to find an island to gain a foothold and develop again.

It is just scary that no matter whether it is a warship or an aircraft carrier, just after entering the deep-sea area, it is attacked by endless sea beasts, and the huge waves directly upset the sky, and the warships and aircraft carriers all disintegrated.

As for the human survivors above, none of them survived, all buried in the belly of the sea beast.

There are still many survivors on the African continent who have not had time to withdraw. All of them have become captives of the Pharaoh's Corpse King and the Super Heterogeneous King, captive, and slowly slaughtered.

In the end, the Pharaoh Corpse King and the Super Heterogeneous King embarked on a world-famous battle. After a long battle between the two sides, no one was able to help each other and retreated.

The main thing is that Pharaoh's Corpse King and Super Heterogeneous King are not dead enemies, so there is no need to die.

Because zombies do not eat xenogenes, they do not eat zombies, and there is no fundamental conflict of interest between the two sides, so they can live in peace.

As a result, the African continent was delimited in the middle, and the southern half was under the control of the super alien king. The northern half was under the control of Pharaoh's Corpse King.

Soon, the video screen was finished, and the entire headquarters quieted down ~ ~ What were they doing? Hurry up and clean up here for a meeting! "

Lu Fan yelled at the crowd and sat down in the first place alone, with Erlang's legs crossed, not knowing what he was thinking.

Everyone looked like a ghost, and the boss saw that someone was scolding himself in the video, but he was not angry?

When did the boss's sentiment become so noble?

What is generosity, this is it!

What is feeling, this is it!

Everyone admired it, and it was indeed the man who conquered the whole of China, and his temperament was different.

Of course, if they knew why Lu Fan was so calm, they would not think so.

Because the African continent is so miserable, a large part of the reason is Lu Fanji.

Of course, even if Lu Fan had gone to Africa at the beginning, he didn't necessarily change anything. Unless the Pharaoh King and the Super Alien King could be killed, the fate of the African continent would not change.

It's just that China's hidden dangers haven't been solved, how can Lu Fan cross the ocean to help others?

Lu Fan is not Lei Feng and has no responsibility or obligation to help them.

If Lu Fan helps Huaxia survivors to fall into crisis because of helping each other, then it will be over.

Besides, they deliberately concealed the matter of the super alien king, and their motive was impure, so they deserved it.

Scold it, scold it, or it won't be long before Lu Fan will go to Australia to **** the wreckage of the alien's alien battleship, and by the time he will clean up Mandalay.

Meals can be eaten indiscriminately, but words can't be spoken out. At that time, let the other party have a long memory.

Lu Fan has just acquired various black technologies now, and he is in a good mood. If he changed to the previous one, he might take the Tianyue No. 1 to kill him directly in Australia.

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