King of Eschatology

Chapter 533: 80 million zombies

In the downtown area of ​​Bai'an, the light at the top of a building shines, as if the scorching sun falls on that tall building.

A moment later, the light dissipated, revealing a tall middle-aged man.

The person had a waxy yellow skin, a large face that was thin and long, and occasionally opened his mouth to see a mouth full of yellow teeth, looking very rough.

After Murong Zhan lifted his jade fingers away, the whole person stood at the top of the building in despair, and suddenly a strong sense of weakness rose in his heart.

"How can this happen? Without King's token, how can I enter the Emperor's Tomb? How can I complete the task?"

Murong Zhan murmured to himself, his heart was a little broken.

A long, long time ago, he was injected with life refrigerant and forced to sleep for more than 2,000 years.

Before falling into a deep sleep, King Qin himself told him that if he awakens successfully, the first thing is to find the token and bring the token into the emperor's tomb.

As long as that thing is placed on the coffin of King Qin, King Qin can wake up successfully.

This extremely important token is the Chuanyu Jade Seal.

Chuanguo Yuxi has a four-inch circle, and it has five dragons on the New York New York. The front is engraved with the words "Assigned to the sky, and it is Shou Yongchang".

The purpose of King Qin's founding of the Jade Seal of the Nation is to pass down the kings from generation to generation, accept the worship of all peoples, and gain the power of infinite faith.

With the power of these beliefs, the true plan of King Qin can be successful, and he can also use the power of faith to wake up.

Therefore, the Chuanyu Jade Seal was the top priority in King Qin's plan. As long as he found it and sent it to the Imperial Tomb, King Qin could absorb the power of faith and rise.

The Chuanguo Jade Seal was carefully polished and carved by He's pupa. In order to make this plan execute perfectly, Qin Wang ordered people to sculpt a finger with He's pudding.

As long as the power of evolution is injected into the fingers, it can be echoed with Chuan Guoyu Xi, which can be sensed no matter how far apart.

But now, Murong Zhan has injected the power of evolution into the jade pull, but Chuan Guoyu Xi has no response, which immediately worried him.

If it is impossible to find the jade seal of Chuanguo within the prescribed time, it is a crime of death, and the Qin King must have a way to make him feel uncomfortable.

Thinking of this, Murong battled his forehead with a cold sweat. He couldn't help but touched his neck. There were three hidden moles there, which was his lifeline.

"Maybe the Chuanyu Jade Seal was placed in a special place, and the jade fingers could not be sensed."

"That being the case, I went looking for it one place at a time, and even if I dug three feet, I would find Chuan Guoyu Xi."

Murong Zhan murmured secretly, and stared at the mass of zombies at his feet, finally relieved.

With so many zombies serving as their subordinates, even if it is to go through the whole of China, why not?


At the same time, the Lu Jiajun has occupied the empty city. At the request of Lu Fan, one million troops camped directly here and did not move on.

In a newly cleaned room, high-level personnel of Lu Jiajun gathered here, everyone was silent, as if waiting for something.

Lu Fan didn't say anything either, his fingers kept pounding on the desktop, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Suddenly, a violent breaking sound came, and everyone looked up towards the door.

I saw Xu Xiaopeng rushing from a distant place. Because the speed was too fast, the body and the air rubbed violently, creating a series of fires.


Xu Xiaopeng stepped into the hall one step, but the ground was too slippery, and his speed was too fast to stop at all, so he banged into the opposite wall.


Seeing that Xu Xiaopeng was about to hit the wall, he immediately took out his weapon, the bursting thorns and black light shone, and a large hole was blasted in the front wall.

Xu Xiaopeng himself stopped by this recoil and grinned awkwardly.


Xu Xiaopeng pierced the wall directly, and the cold wind from the outside poured in, which caused the temperature of the room, which was slightly warm, to drop suddenly.

"It's so special, which idiot is dragging the ground?"

Xu Xiaopeng jumped angrily. On such a cold day, someone was mopping the floor in the room. Now it's better. There is a layer of ice on the ground, which looks like an ice rink.

If it wasn't for his thoughts turning fast just now, he blasted the wall for the first time, I'm afraid it's broken now.

No one answered Xu Xiaopeng's questions, but all stared straight at him, waiting for his information.


Xu Xiaopeng coughed awkwardly, then said solemnly: "It has been detected clearly that all zombies have gathered in Bai'an City. Roughly, the number of zombies has reached at least 80 million."

"80 million!"

Everyone was shocked and felt a little incredible.

Lu Fan also felt a little tricky, so to speak, at least ten cities of the zombies were summoned by Murong Zhan.

Originally, zombies were gathered in major cities, ranging from millions to tens of millions. Although it was a very fierce force, it was nothing to the Army.

The Lu Jiajun can completely break through each city, pushing it one city at a time, eventually destroying all zombies.

But now it's different. All the zombies are gathered together and become an unmatched terrorist force.

More than 80 million zombies were gathered together, and even if the Lu Jiajun was extremely powerful, they would be smashed into scum.

In addition, Lu Fan does not know whether the ancient zombies and terracotta warriors have been mixed with Murong War. If that is the case, the Lu Jiajun will not be able to rival the other.

The crowd frowned, and the number of zombies at 80 million could really scare people to death.

"Otherwise, we turn to the Galaxy Alliance? They are crowded and may help us."

Situ Liang spoke and offered suggestions for everyone.

After hearing Situ Liang's suggestion, everyone couldn't help but look at him with contempt, and really wanted to spit at him.

Huang Yongsheng said dissatisfied, "What's yours, was your head kicked by the donkey? People from the Galaxy Alliance came, and we haven't gotten to work directly yet? Are you looking for help for the zombies?"

"Besides, the Galaxy Alliance itself is too busy to do things, do you think they will be kind to help us?"

Ling Ce also responded with dissatisfaction ~ ~ he didn't have a good impression on the Galaxy Alliance.

"What should we do?"

Situ Liang's eyes were dim, and he said in a loss.

That's 80 million zombies. At this time, the Lu Jiajun couldn't match it.

Suddenly, Chen Dapeng stood up and asked weakly, "Dear brothers, can I interject?"

The people who were discussing the matter all showed their doubts and secretly said, "We are discussing the matter of marching and fighting. What can you say to a logistics department?"

Chen Dapeng said with embarrassment, "I don't know what you're struggling with. Since the zombies are gathered together, you can get a nuclear bomb!"


Thanks for "poetic" reward, thank you for your support!

It ’s so sleepy now, I do n’t know if I can finish the third chapter. Ah Shui, do your best!

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