King of Eschatology

Chapter 408: Arrogant correspondent

"After waiting for so many days, the Lu Jiajun finally arrived and asked the king to meet Lu Fan for a while to see if he had three heads and six arms like the legend."

The voice didn't fall, the King Rong suddenly got up, and the terrible eighth-order powerhouse whistled out. Because he was too excited, the skin under his neck cracked, exposing a dark wrinkled layer, like an old tree bark.

It's horrible, the black wrinkled skin is extremely rough, and there are some stinky sticky substances on the surface, which looks extremely disgusting.

Opposite the King Rong, the soldier who was reporting was seeing this scene, and was immediately shocked by a cold sweat, and could not help but scream.

King Rong's eyes sank, revealing dissatisfaction.

He suddenly raised his hand, and a dark tree root rushed out, and instantly penetrated the soldier's chest.

The soldier yelled in horror and wanted to escape, but King Rong was an eighth-order powerhouse and he was unable to struggle.

"Mum, mum ..."

The sound of blood being swallowed up, the horrified eyes of the soldier soon dimmed, and he finally lost his vitality.


King Rong threw a big hand, and the soldier's dried body was randomly abandoned.

Putting down the roots of the tree, King Rong hummed poorly: "It's just a second-order new human. The taste of blood is too bad!"

There are also many high-level personnel of the Pearl Base in the hotel. At this time, all of them were so scared that they couldn't breathe.

King Rong twisted his neck, and suddenly burst a pea-like sound, and then hummed coldly, striding towards the outside.

The originally designated five people immediately left, followed closely behind King Rong, fearing that their movements would be slow, and they were killed by the rage King.

The soldiers and civilians of the Nanlin and Dalin bases were busy setting up the wedding scene, and Lu Fan and others were not idle and were listening to the report from Xu Tomb.

Because the Army of Lu had been busy in the battle some time ago, Lu Fan did not care about the Dalin Base and the Xichuan Base, but only issued a few orders.

It has to be said that both the Dalin base and the Xichuan base were very beautiful. The Lujia Army won the Tonggu base, and both the Dalin base and the Xichuan base must make a contribution.

Xu Tomb explained in detail how the Dalin base and the Xichuan base jointly seized Nandu. There was not much risk in it. The two easily snatched Nandu.

The two sides are already strong, and they are invincible under the joint efforts. Coupled with the good timing, they won the Nandu City effortlessly.

Later, the Nandu Army that originally intended to attack the Tianyue Base immediately turned around and was destroyed by Liu Feng and Dong Yang after returning. Today, their leader Zuo Qiu Feilong is still locked in the prison.

"Boss, Zuo Qiu Feilong was interrupted with a leg and is now locked in a prison. Would you like to meet up?"

Hearing the words of Xu Mu's tomb, Lu Fan also boasted. The leader of the large base that once sat on an equal footing has now become a prisoner of the ranks, and it is truly unexpected.

However, Lu Fan has no mercy at all, because this is the end time, if the defeated Lu Jiajun, I am afraid that in the current jail, it is the senior officers of the Lu Jiajun.

"It's just a prisoner. It doesn't make sense to see it. What's the use of keeping him?"

The hearts of everyone were stunned, and they had understood what Lu Fan meant.

Indeed, the current Zuo Qiu Feilong is also a waste of food alive, and has no value in existence and is useless.

Liu Feng stood behind Lu Fan. Now that he knew what to do, he winked at a member of the World Extermination Team, and the other party immediately took the order.

After Xu Mu reported the intelligence of the Dalin base, Dong Yang began to report the situation of the Xichuan base and the military area.

Compared with other bases, the Xichuan base is considered to be more comfortable. Because it is located on the southwestern border of China, few wars can be involved there.

However, Dong Yang reported a weird piece of information, and suddenly Lu Fan frowned.

Dong Yang said, "Once, the Flying Eagles conducted military training at the southwest border of China. I heard extremely screaming zombies. The screams were extremely powerful and imposing, and it was heartbreaking. I am afraid they were issued by super zombies. "

Lu Fan looked dignified. The zombies that Dong Yang referred to were most likely terrorist zombies from abroad.

For a long time, everyone's attention has been focused on the territory of China. It is unknown that the whole world has been swept by the last days, and a tide of corpses has erupted abroad. How many survivors have survived today?

Asia, Africa, Europe, Oceania, North America, South America, Antarctica ...

Lu Fan took a deep breath and felt the pressure was great.

"Anyway, stabilize the Chinese land first!"

Nowadays, the establishment of an empire is imperative. Lu Fan decided to start next spring. After the establishment of the empire, he began to clear the zombies in China and re-establish a human civilization.

As for overseas, Lu Fan does not consider it for the time being. As long as the other party does not invade Huaxia, he is too lazy to handle it. After the empire is strong, it will sweep the world.

Just then, a member of the Tiantong organization came forward and said, "Report, a group of survivors came from outside the base, claiming that the leaders of the major bases came to celebrate the captain Liu Feng."

Liu Feng suddenly sneered when he heard this phrase. These scumbags are so shameless that they are so embarrassed to come back. The degree of shame is absolutely unbelievable.

Lu Fan did not care, and asked, "Can they bring a gift?"

The members of the Tiantong organization heard the words as one of them, and responded without hesitation: "They all came with congratulations before, but they left early and now return again."

Lu Fan suddenly looked cold and cursed: "Tell them, don't pull those who are useless, to celebrate the wedding without gifts, all get lost."

The members of the Tiantong organization shrank their necks in fright, and immediately led away.

At this moment, Lu Fan laughed, brilliant and said: "Look at me, I said there will be someone to send supplies, how about it."

Liu Feng and others didn't understand at the beginning ~ ~ At this moment, they suddenly came to their senses and couldn't help looking at each other.

"On the means of pit people, the boss is still clever, disagree."

Obviously, Lu Fan intends to receive double gifts with these people.

Of course, this kind of thing is no wonder others, who told them to leave in advance, Lu Fan always confessed to others.

Outside the base, when the leaders of the major bases heard the news, their faces turned green.

"I'm so sorry to come to celebrate the wedding without a gift. My cheeks are too thick."

The member of the Tiantong organization politely sulked, drooling, and the crowds were a little aggressive.

He had just been given a meal by the boss, and there was nowhere to vent his anger in his heart, and now he is well, and the senior staff of the major bases have become his punching bag.

"Really god-damn, a little correspondent, who dared to speak like this, was so arrogant that he was impatient!"

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