King of Eschatology

Chapter 389: Energy crystal is not enough

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As Lu Fan left, the crazy training on Mount Tai began.

What you have to do is very simple, and that is mountain climbing.

The bluestone path is like a ladder stepping into the sky. With the opening of the fourth layer of misty areas, the soldiers have more targets that can be challenged.

The sixth-order strong is just standing on the edge of the fourth layer area, and there is still a very wide area to challenge.

Each area is very large. In the same area, the first stone ladder and the last stone ladder are also very different.

Hoyadin stood in front of everyone in the Killing Squad, and said firmly, "This time, I can't be left by anyone. I want to be the first seventh-tier strong!"

Suddenly, Hoyadin was soaring with momentum, and his majestic evolutionary force surged wildly, rendering his whole body like a wild beast, with an extremely fierce atmosphere.

Hoyadin rushed out, and the others were not slow at all.

Ling Ce, Huang Yongsheng, and Yu Lenghui were all six-tier powerhouses. At this time, no one was willing to fall behind and started sprinting along the Qingshi Ancient Road.

On the other side, Lan Yan, Ye Yiliang, Lin Xiaoxiao and others are also desperately climbing the peak. Even the powerful lotus is blowing cold wind in the fourth layer area.

In Lianer's words, although the cold wind here is piercing, it is good for the body. Resisting it can improve physical fitness, accelerate evolution, and help break through bottlenecks.

Since her transformation, Lian'er has been thinking of breaking through to the eighth order. However, the evolutionary force required from the seventh to the eighth order is too much, and it is impossible to gather together in a short time.

But just now, Lu Fan said that the evolutionary agent is enough. As long as there is enough evolutionary agent, in the wonderful place of Taishan, she is confident to break through to the eighth stage in five days.

Lu Jiajun's soldiers are even more crazy than these strong men. Some people use both hands and feet to climb up the Qingshi Ancient Road. Their hands and feet are frozen and still holding on.

For the soldiers of the Lu Jiajun, climbing is not the goal, only evolution is the highest pursuit.

"My evolutionary agent is finished. I am looking for an evolutionary agent."

"Lao Tzu's evolutionary agent is not enough. Who will give Lao Tzu something?"

"There is no evolutionary agent, energy crystals can be used, Lao Tzu swallowed directly."

"Where have all the people in the logistics department gone, and said a good evolutionary agent?"

There was a blast of heat over Mount Tai, which was busy destroying the members of the logistics department.

Chen Dapeng originally wanted to start training with everyone, but the boss said that evolutionary agents are enough, and as the director of the logistics department, this matter must be coordinated.

"Old history, the evolutionary agent is not enough. Hurry up and send in a batch."

Chen Dapeng stood outside the scientific research department and shouted with a voice.

Shi Hongji was also helpless. The army of 500,000 was taking evolutionary agents at the same time. Rao had a lot of stocks, and he couldn't carry them at this time.

Fortunately, every soldier has an evolutionary agent. If not, I am afraid that the current scientific research department and logistics department have long been evacuated.

After the stock evolution agent was shipped out, they finally met the needs of the soldiers, but Shi Hongji and Chen Dapeng did not relax at all, but frowned.

Lu Jiajun had to train for seven days on Mount Tai. This was the first day, and the logistics department's warehouse was evacuated.

"It won't work like this, we have to figure out a solution."

In fact, the evolutionary agent is produced very quickly, throwing energy crystals into the machine and grinding them, just like grinding flour, then adding various condiments, and finally filling them into bottles.

The procedure is very simple and the principle is very simple. The only difficulty is that there are not so many energy crystals in Tianyue Base.

The more advanced new humans are, the more energy is consumed in the evolution process, and the more evolutionary agents are needed. Although Tianyue Base controls several energy crystal mines, the mining speed is far behind.

Previously, the Lu Jiajun had regulations that soldiers could use their merit to exchange for evolutionary agents. Although a large number of soldiers exchanged for them every day, they were in small batches after all.

But now, the boss speaks. In the next seven days, the soldiers can get the evolutionary agent without fighting skills, and it is still enough, the soldiers are crazy.

No wonder the soldiers are so desperate and have such a good opportunity, I'm afraid there is only one time in their lives. If you miss this village, there will be no such shop.

To be honest, the fighters of the logistics department also want to take the opportunity to participate in the training. What is the responsibility? They must provide resources for the soldiers participating in the training.

Soon, Chen Dapeng and Shi Hongji found Lu Fan and expressed their current dilemma.

"Boss, there are not many energy crystals in our base, which may affect your next plan."

Chen Dapeng said awkwardly, his forehead was full of cold sweat.

Just now, he obviously felt that the boss was angry. If the boss was angry at this time, he could not eat and walk.

Lu Fan did not care when he heard this, and responded, "No more energy crystals? Simple!"

Lu Fan waved his hand to Chen Dapeng, asked him to come over, and then spoke a word gently, and suddenly Dapeng opened his eyes in surprise.

"Does this work?"

Chen Dapeng was a little speechless, but it was too unreliable to be the boss.

Lu Fan said solemnly: "I can do what I say, and get out if you don't believe me."

Lu Fan issued an order for expulsion. To be honest, he is really busy now, and he is preparing to upgrade Chiyan.

This wedding ~ ~ may encounter an extremely horrible existence. In order to ensure foolproofness, Lu Fan must be fully prepared.

After Chen Dapeng left, there was a small news on the Internet.

"In order to reduce the burden on the major bases, to avoid everyone's boat and car fatigue, bases that are far from Nandu City can give priority to the gift delivery to Tianyue base.

As soon as the news came out, Huaxia was caught in a wave of public opinion.

Chen Dapeng and Shi Hongji were guarding the communicator deadly. Since the two of them secretly released the news, they have been waiting to be drowned and ready to be scolded.

After all, this is Liu Feng's wedding. Even if there is a gift, it should be sent to Nandu.

Directly sent to the Tianyue base, the purpose is too strong, it must be scolded to death.

However, to their surprise, the internet was well received.

"The Tianyue base is really kind. In order to reduce the transportation burden of the major bases, it is really good to have proposed such a method."

"Lu Jiajun is a man of integrity and a world under his own responsibility, which deserves the support of every survivor."

"Thanks to Tianyue Base for helping to solve the transportation difficulties, our base will swear to repay the great gratitude."

Seeing the statements from the major bases, Chen Dapeng and Shi Hongji have been completely aggressive. What is so special about this?

In fact, the reason why major bases give gifts is mainly to please the Tianyue base. Now that there is a more direct opportunity to please the Tianyue base, how can everyone miss it?

What's more, he was already on his way to Nandu, and immediately turned around and sent the supplies to Tianyue Base.

The problem that originally trapped Chen Dapeng and Shi Hongji was solved by Lu Fan in one sentence.


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