King of Eschatology

Chapter 366: Kill everything

In the northeast of Qinling Mountains, Lu Fan and his brothers of the Demon Hunting Group carried out a crazy killing. It was dark and bloody.

The island nation's 100,000 soldiers failed to form an army. Most people have already died here. Only a small number of people still have their lives lost, and they are run by wolves and chasers chased by Lu Fan and the teenagers of the Demon Squad.

In a huge gully, Ichiro Motokawa and Yuko Koizumi were digging hard. The two found a hidden place and covered their bodies with mud in an attempt to escape the pursuit of Lu Fan and others.

I have to say that Motokawa Ichiro had good luck. Lu Fan and others were busy killing the island nation soldiers who fled everywhere. For a while, I really didn't notice that two people hid underground.

Soon, there were fewer and fewer island soldiers fleeing. Until ten minutes later, all island soldiers were killed and no longer lived.

Lu Fan and his brothers in the Demon Hunting Group killed and killed one hundred thousand island nation soldiers in one breath, venting all the anger in his heart.


Lu Fan breathed a long sigh of relief, his eyes were slightly reddish, and he even had red eyes.

Look at the brothers of the Demon Hunting League, all fierce gods and evil spirits, all around him, like a **** of death.

Lu Fan glanced at everyone and nodded with satisfaction.

The status of the brothers looks terrible. In fact, they have completely transformed in the fierce battle, which is a leap-forward growth for them.

"Boss, the enemy is dead!"

Zheng Chengye brought the brothers of the Demon Hunting Band together and stood in front of Lu Fan.

Lu Fan's sharp eyes glanced farther away. Indeed, on this barren ground, he could never see any living mouth again.

But is the enemy dead?

Lu Fan showed a hint of hesitation. Such a large area was extremely chaotic just now. If it was a fish without leaking the net, he would not believe it.

Suddenly, Lu Fan's eyes closed slightly, and the consciousness enhancement turned on instantly. The violent brain waves surged in all directions like waves.

The colors of the heavens and the earth suddenly changed, and Lu Fan's eyes only left the dark world. Everything was completely integrated, and there was no difference.

Suddenly, under the dim earth, a figure was there, struggling to suppress his own breath, and he dared not even make a sound.

When Lu Fan moved, he silently remembered this coordinate, and the waves of brain waves continued to sweep away.

Soon, Lu Fan found several figures, all of them hidden underground.

"It's really interesting. There are so many soil strengtheners among the island soldiers."

Lu Fan's brain waves swept the entire battlefield and found at least ten island soldiers hiding in the ground.

Lu Fan marked the hidden locations of these people one by one and was ready to withdraw the spiritual enhancement. At this moment, Lu Fan found two weak waves in the gully not far away.


As soon as the mind moved, the vast brain waves swept past, and the people hiding there instantly lost their sight.

I saw a man and a woman lying on the bottom of the gully, covered with a lot of mud, trying to get over the level.

Seeing this scene, Lu Fan couldn't help laughing, and secretly said, "Island people are so naive, so I want to confuse them?"

At this moment, Lu Fan's closed eyes opened in vain, and his figure opened like a swift arrow.


Lu Fan stepped out fiercely towards the first coordinate point, and the terrifying mighty power descended like a mountain, slamming it down, making the earthquake tremble.


A scream came, and a soil strengthener who had been carefully hidden in the ground was directly squeezed into flesh by this overwhelming pressure.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Fan kept walking, and continued to storm away in several other directions. Each time he stepped on the soles of his feet fiercely, causing a terrifying horror.

Correspondingly, the soil intensifiers hiding in the ground have died, and they cannot bear such an impact at all.

In the blink of an eye, six people had already died at the feet of Lu Fan, and the remaining soil intensifiers hidden in the ground were not in good shape, and they all got out of the ground and wanted to escape.

However, they could not escape from the ground, and it was even more impossible to reach the ground. In less than a minute, more than a dozen hidden island soldiers died.

At this moment, Ichiro Motokawa and Yuko Koizumi who were hiding in the gully were almost crying. The sound of shaking the mountain just now was almost shaking their hearts.

However, neither of them dared to move. They were convinced that if they showed up, they would definitely die.

Now they can only pray, hoping that the other party can ignore this gully, and maybe escape by chance.

On the other side, Zheng Chengye and others saw that there were still so many missing fish, all of them showed embarrassment. Just now, they also vowed that all the enemies had been killed.

The members of the Demon Hunting Team were all silent, standing quietly behind Lu Fan. As they grew up, the gap between the talents and the boss was getting wider.

Lu Fan looked at everyone's innocent faces, smiled immediately, and said, "Brothers, are the enemies clean now?"

Now ~ ~ no one dares to speak at will. What if the answer is cleaned up by myself and the boss catches a few more?

If you answered that you didn't kill yourself, okay, who is going to knock the enemy out?

Lu Fan didn't embarrass everyone, he laughed and said, "To tell you the truth, there are more than one enemy hidden in this battlefield."

When they heard this, everyone was shocked.

The boss said yes, it must be yes, but there is a barren land on this vast earth. If the enemy hides underground, it is really difficult to find.

Lu Fan ignored the shock of the crowd and went on to say: "To treat the enemy, we must kill everything. Whoever can knock the other out first, I will send a gift."

At this moment, all the brothers of the Demon Hunting Group were all in front of them, and rushed out in all directions.

Not to mention what the boss's gift is, this glory alone is enough to blow a whole year.

Soon, the teenagers of the Demon Hunting Corps swept across the battlefield. While searching for enemies, the suffocation of their body gradually dissipated, and the inner hatred was soon replaced by other things.

Lin Xiaoxiao came to Lu Fan and looked at the roaring members of the hunting demon warband, whispering softly, "For this guy, you really have taken great pains."

Lu Fan's eyes were deep, looking far away, and he calmly responded, "Lu Jiajun is my brother, and the same is true for the Demon Hunting Team. He can't treat anyone alone."

Lin Xiaoxiao smiled uncomfortably, Jiaojiao said: "I haven't seen you so enthusiastic about Lu Jiajun, tell me the truth, you should have other plans to cultivate the demon hunting team like this?"

Lu Fan glanced at Lin Xiaoxiao in an awkward moment, and then suddenly laughed, saying: "What you can't hide from you."

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