King of Eschatology

Chapter 321: A long way to go

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In the latest headquarters of the Tianyue base, Lin Xiaoxiao finally reported his work and sat alone on the sofa drinking tea.

Lu Fan thought for a moment, and after a moment, he said, "I heard that this guy Liu Feng fell in love with a woman, it seems to be called Wang Erya, which is really interesting."

When I heard Lu Fan's words, Lin Xiaoxiao's beautiful cheeky face was weird, and she teased, "Oh, when our boss became so gossip, it is really strange."

Lu Fan responded with a smile on his face: "Don't bother, let's talk about business, it's about to enter winter now, and nothing is happening for the time being. You say, how about our wedding?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was drinking tea, and when she heard Lu Fan's words, she was suddenly shocked and almost stunned herself.

Lin Xiaoxiao's eyes widened, and she stared at Lu Fanfan, and asked with surprise: "Really? Now, in the last days, can we still have a wedding?"

Although Lin Xiaoxiao didn't know why Lu Fan said so suddenly, as a woman, which one didn't want to have a vigorous wedding.

Seeing Lin Xiaoxiao ’s response so strongly, Lu Fan felt a little strange, and immediately responded, “What ’s not possible. Today, our Tianyue base is so rich in financial resources. Do n’t worry about this winter, next winter, do n’t worry about it. Yes. "

I heard Lu Fan say this, Lin Xiaoxiao was happily dying. She waited for a long time and was waiting for Lu Fan to propose, but it has been so long that Lu Fan has not expressed.

Today, Lu Fan talks directly to himself about the wedding. Although he has not formally proposed, Lin Xiaoxiao doesn't mind. It's all eschatological and doesn't care about these common etiquettes.

Lin Xiaoxiao suddenly got up, picked up the folder, reopened a page, picked up the pen and started counting.

"This is a big deal. You have to choose a good day and let me take a look."

Lin Xiaoxiao took away the dragon and snake, and kept drawing on the blank paper.

"Not today, it's too late today."

"Not tomorrow, it's not suitable for marriage tomorrow, it's not suitable for a wedding."

"The day after tomorrow, um, the day after tomorrow will be a good day, the day of the zodiac, then it will be the day after tomorrow!"

Lin Xiaoxiao said to herself, her beautiful big eyes had already laughed into a crescent. She blinked at Landing Fan and said softly, "How about the day after tomorrow?"

"The day after tomorrow?"

Lu Fan was so aggressive that it was too fast.

You know, Dalin base is thousands of kilometers away from Tianyue base. It only takes two days on the road. At that time, plus banquets for all parties, there will be no more than ten days.

Lu Fan shook his head and responded: "The day after tomorrow is too late, it is too far away and there is not enough time."

"Too far?"

Lin Xiaoxiao was a little puzzled. I didn't know what Lu Fan said was too far away. Lin Xiaoxiao couldn't help but secretly guess that Lu Fan also had distant relatives?

Hearing Lin Xiaoxiao's question, Lu Fan responded immediately: "Yeah, the Dalin base must be more than 3,000 kilometers away from the Tianyue base. We need to hold a wedding for Liu Feng, shouldn't it be so urgent?"

When I heard this sentence, Lin Xiaoxiao's original smiling face was instantly covered with frost. There was a cold flash in her beautiful eyes, and it was cold and scary.

Lin Xiaoxiao's silver teeth clenched. It turned out that she had misunderstood that Lu Fan was not going to host a wedding with herself, but was going to do a wedding for Liu Feng and Wang Erya.

I wanted to understand all this, Lin Xiaoxiao's anger soared, all the beautiful emotions just now vanished, she gave Lu Fan a hard look, and then slap the folder in her hand fiercely on the table.

Lu Fan was still planning how to implement the specific matters. At this moment, when he saw Lin Xiaoxiao's anger, he suddenly looked aggressive.

"What's wrong with this situation, just now it's fine, how do you turn your face and turn your face?"

After Lin Xiaoxiao threw the folder on the table, he turned and walked towards the outside. His beautiful eyes glanced resentfully at Lu Fan.

额 "Uh? You don't help planning this wedding anymore?"

Lu Fan didn't know what nerve the other party had, and immediately asked.

Lin Xiaoxiao kicked the door open and responded coldly, "I do my own thing, my mother is very busy!"

The words did not fall, a long sword swayed, Lin Xiaoxiao leapt forward, and flew away with the sword light.

Lu Fan stood at the door with a grim expression, looking at the door of the room where Lin Xiaoxiao was ravaged.

"Women's heart, sea needles, the ancients would never bully me!"

Until this moment, Lu Fan didn't know which sentence annoyed Lin Xiaoxiao, so he could only comfort himself with the famous words of his predecessors.

At the same time, the major bases are planning to return to the city. From the beginning of the hundredfold confidence, to the later difficult battles, to the final failure, it has become a history of blood and tears of the major bases.

At the Tianjing base, Hu Feng sat and sighed at the table of the parliament.

"Look, what did I say, fortunately I only agreed to send some soldiers, or else you will be fooled by your idiots!"

Hu Feng cursed, and a group of high-level personnel drew his head silently.

有人 Since a plan to return to the city has been proposed, major bases have sent troops to wipe out the zombies inside the city and live in it again.

The high-level personnel at the Tiantianjing base certainly raised this view, hoping that the Tianjing base sent a large army to recapture the emperor capital.

Xi Emperor Capital, a distant title.

Once, Emperor was the political, economic, and cultural center of the China Federation, and tens of millions of Chinese people lived there ~ ~ The scary housing prices here are overwhelming. Most people cannot buy a house in their lifetime. .

现在 And now, everything has turned into a cloud, like a bubble, broken in front of the world.

Li Tianjing base is located in the northern suburb of Tianjing city, which is more than 200 kilometers away from the capital. If the Tianjing army can recapture the capital, more than one million survivors of the Tianjing base will not have to worry about it again.

However, there is always a gap between ideal and reality, and there is still a long way to go to recapture the imperial capital.

At first, in order to capture the North China Military Region, the Tianjing base killed hundreds of thousands of troops. This has always been the heart of Hu Feng, making him sleepless.

So this time, Hu Feng had an extra heart, and instead of sending the army commander straight in, he sent a hundred-member squad to carefully explore the way.

I did not expect that even if I proceeded carefully, there were still a large number of zombies. There were countless high-level zombies. Thousands of them came.

The most terrifying thing is that, as the roar of the zombies spread, the entire emperor was shaking, as if tens of millions of zombies were shocked and rushed out.

This can scare the captain of the 100-man squad. If this wave of zombies is led to the Tianjing base, I am afraid that the long-established foundation of the Tianjing base will soon be destroyed.

Afterwards, the captain of the unit led the soldiers to flee in the opposite direction and led away the zombies, then quietly returned to the base of Tianjing.

At this point, the 100-strong team was almost completely destroyed, and only a dozen new humans above the third order survived.

Wu Hufeng was distressed when he learned of the incident. The senior staff at the Tianjing base no longer dared to mention the idea of ​​capturing the imperial capital.

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