King of Eschatology

Chapter 315: The first snow in the last days

The nation of zombies was captured by the Dalin base and the Xichuan base. When all the zombies were wiped out, the two sides became busy.

"It is said that the Central Plains region is the granary of Huaxia. In the civilized period, there were multiple resource reserves here. Where exactly?"

Dong Yang and Liu Feng have been talking about this problem, but they have no clue.

After the end of the last days, the Central Plains was completely occupied, and the human survivors were almost completely destroyed. This place was reduced to a zombie kingdom, and everything was covered up.

Nowadays, zombies have been cleaned up. Are there any materials in the civilized period?

Hundreds of thousands of troops searched in a zombie kingdom. Everyone was a new human, and they acted very quickly. They did not miss any corner.

Eventually, Huang Tian lived up to his care, and the people on both sides found a resource reserve in the central area, which not only stored a large amount of grain, but also many other materials.

All kinds of scarce materials such as military uniforms, quilts, medicines, etc., directly made the two bases a fortune.

It is worth mentioning that the Xichuan Army found a warehouse in an international chain city in the central region of the Zombie Country. It has a wide range of materials and various luxury items such as cosmetics and bags.

Xu Mu carried an expensive lady's incense shoulder bag on his body and twisted it in front of Liu Feng, saying, "Hey, Liu, how about this bag, it's nice to take it back to you."

"Get out of the way!"

Liu Feng kicked Xu Mu's ass, his face turned red, and he rightly responded: "You bastard, I'll tell you again, Erya is my wife, not a good friend."

Xu Mu was kicked and grinned with painful fangs. Even so, he still talked extremely cheaply, refuting: "Not married is not counted, and falling in love without marriage is a hooligan."

Liu Feng was half-dead by Xu Touqi, and wanted to rush to hit him hard.

Dong Yang looked at the two living treasures with beaks full of black lines, and couldn't help crying.

I haven't seen him in such a long time, Xu Tomb is still so owed, his mouth is too damaged.

At the Dalin base, those who dare to confront Liu Feng are probably the only two goods in the tomb.


Dong Yang cleared his throat, interrupted the noisy two, and said, "Speaking, shouldn't we be doing business?"

Hearing Dong Yang's words, Liu Feng nodded solemnly and said to Xu Tomb: "Contact the headquarters immediately and ask the headquarters if they need these supplies. We can arrange a large transport plane to take them over."

After Liu Feng and Dong Yang negotiated, they felt that these things should be returned to the headquarters. After all, Tianyue Base was the top priority.

Although Xu Tomb often quarreled with Liu Feng, he was unambiguous on key issues. He immediately contacted Xu Xiaopeng and passed the news here.

Soon, the Tianyue base replied that the grain at the headquarters was full. The 400,000 tons of grain previously seized had not yet moved, and it could be eaten by the base for at least two years.

However, winter is coming soon. The Tianyue base is located in the north, and there is just a lack of cold-proof clothing, so military uniforms and quilts are needed.

After receiving this reply, Liu Feng and Dong Yang were overjoyed, and they were finally able to help the headquarters. They were very relieved.

As a result, Liu Feng and Dong Yang immediately arranged a large transport aircraft to airlift military uniforms and quilts directly to Tianyue Base, and a large number of medicines were also sent to the past.

Such things as medicine are extremely scarce in the last days. Although the headquarters did not mention it, the good stuff must satisfy the headquarters first, so Liu Feng and Dong Yang decided to send it over.

As for those luxury goods, they were all destroyed on the spot. After the end of the world, these things became the most worthless garbage.

What was once a valuable bag is now no better than half a biscuit.

Of course, they didn't let go of the useful materials, and all the cars were pulled back to their bases.

Soon after, the news that the two bases ransacked the nation of zombies was exposed, and the whole of China was once again in a noisy state.

However, when people learned that the Dalin base and the Xichuan base belonged to the Tianyue base, the whole Huaxia was in a state of excitement again.

The enthusiasm of the Chinese survivors was ignited. From 6 Fans led 6 troops to destroy high-level zombies, to the two bases joining forces to end the zombies, this series of actions was obviously well thought out.

In other words, after careful planning by Tianyue Base, the Zombie Kingdom was completely removed from the world and erased from this world.

Once, 6 Fan led 6 troops to destroy the Heavenly Court and killed the **** king Shi Tian, ​​clearing a big trouble for the survivors of China.

Now, 6 Fan leads 6 troops to destroy the zombies, kills all the zombies, and avenges the **** sea for the tragic human coalition.

From beginning to end, 6 troops have been fighting at the forefront of the last days, and 6 are true leaders.

For a time, the voice of the whole Huaxia soared, almost all survivors elected 6 Fan to be the king, and since then, the entire Huaxia has been 6 army ~ ~ However, 6 Fan has no response from the beginning, Tian Yue There was no news from the base, everything seemed like a mud ox entering the sea, without any ripples.

With the passage of time, this matter gradually subsided, and Tianyue Base's delay in responding made Huaxia survivors have no strength to use, and gradually lost their enthusiasm.

It's late autumn, and the weather is getting colder.

Winter in the last days is coming quickly, and the cold atmosphere is more severe than before. People gradually realize that the natural environment in the last days is getting worse.

Just like this winter, it will become extremely difficult.

Heavy snow came unexpectedly, like a goose down from the sky, covering the whole of China.

The survivors who have been living in the south are extremely excited because they have never seen real snow in their lives. Many people have a desire in their hearts to see a real snow.

No one expected that their wish was not fulfilled in the civilized period, but it was fulfilled after the end of the last days, how could they not be happy.

It is a pity that this happiness just disappeared for a while, because the snow fell with the goose feathers and the endless cold.

Thousands of miles are frozen, thousands of miles of snow are drifting, the wind is raging, and the bones are biting.

The snow fell for three days and three nights. When the snow stopped, the entire Huaxia land was covered, and the thinnest snow was more than half a meter deep, which had already formed a snow disaster.

Among the major bases, a large number of survivors were frozen to death, and many small-scale survivor bases are facing the threat of food shortages.

At this time, people finally realized that if enough food could not be stored, this winter would not survive, either starved to death or frozen to death.

Fear swept Huaxia again, this time the threat was not zombies, but heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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